It didn’t take long for Makenna to reach the boat. She popped up behind its engine in the warm, calm water and shook water off her hair. The moon’s rays showered over her and acted like a flashlight. As she floated, Makenna lifted her hand out of the water and studied her wound again. She then lifted her other hand and checked out her find next.
Her hand gripped the necklace’s loop, and Makenna held it in front of her face. “What is this?” she asked herself. She knew it was a necklace, but what kind of necklace was it? Was it a magic necklace or just a regular necklace? How did it wind up in Coutarine Island’s sand? Weren’t costate shells from the Caribbean and not Charleston? Just seeing the necklace, Makenna felt like she knew it from somewhere. She didn’t know what it was, but something about it seemed very familiar. She wrapped her fingers around the necklace and kept it close to her. Everybody aboard the boat were inside, including Alice, so she was the only one outside it right now…or was she?
She wasn’t.
Makenna suddenly heard, “How ya doing down there, kid?” and gasping, she looked up. Ash had suddenly appeared over her! Ash!
“Ash!” Makenna whispered, and he nodded. No, seriously, he just appeared from out of nowhere!
The Wizard Fairy crossed his arms and asked, “Are ya comfortable down there?”
“What are you doing here?” Makenna growled, “How did you get here? For Pete’s sake, Ash! Why can’t you leave me alone?”
“It’s just so much fun watching ya attempt my trial,” he admitted, “I’m not here to intrude, Makenna. I’m only here to guide ya.”
“Well it’s not working!” Makenna angrily whispered, “Now get out of here before somebody sees you!”
Suddenly, she heard Alice’s voice from below deck, “Hello?” and gasped, glaring at Ash,
“Great! Now look what you did! Some Wizard Fairy you are, Ash!” She quickly hid behind the engine, but Ash remained on the boat. “What are you doing?” Makenna whispered, “You’re going to get seen!”
He smiled and asked, “Am I?” Stepping off to the side, he approached the boat’s edge and sat down on it.
“You’re crazy!” angrily whispered Makenna. She shut up and hid herself even more behind the engine when the door to the lower deck opened, and Alice stepped out with her mother and father.
“I’m not crazy,” she told them, “I know I saw a boy floating in the water earlier.” Makenna took this in. A boy? The teenager mentioned a boy. Was she talking about Tracey?
“Alice, honestly,” her mother spoke, “you must have been imagining it.” Makenna glanced from her to Ash and then back to Alice’s mother. She turned her shoulder and faced the edge of the boat so she could examine Coutarine Island. She was looking straight at Ash, but she didn’t see him! To her, he was invisible!
Makenna noticed this and asked, “What on Earth? She can’t see him? How?” Ash started to have a little fun. While Alice’s mother looked through him, he lifted his hands and made goofy faces. This was just part of his big-hearted personality. Makenna wasn’t as big-hearted as him though. She glared and clenched her fist at him, but Ash continued to play, and neither Alice, her mother, or father noticed him. Were humans really that blind? Alice’s father soon passed his daughter, and he started to approach the area where Ash sat. He quickly and quietly slid down the railing and moved out of the way.
Alice’s father made it to the railing, and he clutched it. “We motor in tomorrow morning,” he spoke after a bit, “That island is a perfect place for us to spend tomorrow.” Makenna’s eyes widened when she heard this.
“But, Father.” Alice protested, “Don’t you find it a little odd that a random island, as beautiful as Samoa, is just resting in the middle of the ocean when obviously the Charleston area isn’t tropical? There could be terrible creatures on it.”
Her father laughed, “You worry too much, Alice. There are no terrible creatures. Tomorrow morning will mark the discovery of a brand new island Charleston citizens and tourists can vacation at.”
Fear exploded throughout Makenna’s entire body. “Tomorrow morning?” she frightfully whispered.
“But, Father,” Alice spoke, “it could be surrounded by sharks. Or worse. Evil merpeople or fairies.”
“Oh for the love of,” her mother frustratingly spoke, and she reached for her head, “Alice, as you should know, there are no such things as merpeople or fairies!”
Makenna noticed that her sentence actually really offended Ash. He reached behind him and drew his slingshot as well as a bag of nuts. Ash put one nut in his slingshot, which apparently was also invisible, and pointed it at Alice’s mother. He let it go, and Makenna watched as it hit her on the neck.
Feeling it, she peered down on the invisible nut and glared at Alice, “Ouch! That hurt, Alice!”
“What?” Alice asked, and she glanced at her.
“I told you there are no such things as merpeople or fairies!” Alice’s mother snapped.
“I know,” sternly answered Alice, “I heard you, Mom! I have ears you know?”
“So then why did you think it was a good idea to hit me?”
“What are you talking about?” Ash put his hand to his lips and muffled a laugh under it. Makenna glanced at him. Lowering his hand, the Wizard Fairy put another nut in his slingshot and launched it again, this time towards Alice.
It hit her in the neck as well, and she said, “Ow!” She angrily glanced at her mother, “What was that for, Mom?”
They started to argue with each other. This gave Makenna and Ash time to escape. They heard what they wanted to hear, so now all Makenna had to do was deliver the news to Merlin. She slipped back into the ocean and swam away from the boat. Coming to surface, she freestyled in the direction of the point.
Ash followed her by outlining himself in his magic, and he flew next to her. “Oh man, what a trip!” he announced while they headed for the island, “I’ll tell ya, Makenna! It’s only eight in the evening, and check out everything that’s happened to us! Something tells me tomorrow’s going to be another great day!”
Makenna peered up to him and asked, “How did you do that? I mean, why couldn’t the family see you?”
Ash chuckled and placed his hands on his hips, “Special Spells work on both the strong and weak-minded.”
“Special Spells?”
“You will learn about them very soon.”
The two fairies soon made it back to Coutarine Island, and they together landed on Merlin’s beach. Makenna had ridden another wave in after picking up her things while Ash flew. When both of them were on the beach again, Makenna showed the Wizard Fairy what she found in the ocean.
She handed him the mysterious necklace, and he took it. “Wow, remarkable,” he spoke as he looked it up and down. Makenna looked down on her cut and bit it again. Now it was starting to sting. Ash held the necklace up to the moon’s rays, “This is such a beautiful find, Makenn. It has to be about a hundred years old.”
“Great, I’m glad you like it. I don’t think my finger did, though.” Makenna sarcastically spoke. She lowered her finger and turned her head, staring out to the reef.
“Maybe this will help ya understand your origin a bit more,” guessed Ash while he dropped the necklace and held it up to his face again, “This definitely looks to be from around the time your long lost family member lived.”
Makenna didn’t hear him. She seemed to have spaced out. She continued to stare at the reef.
Ash tilted his head and asked, “What do you think?” He glanced at Makenna. He finally noticed something was off with her and asked in his Scottish accent, “Is everything all right, Makenn?”
“Oh, I’m terrific.” Makenna answered, “But,” She came to her senses and worriedly examined her friend’s face, “are you all right? You look really tired. When was the last time you slept?”
Ash shrugged, “Oh, I don’t know. Eight days.”
“What?!” Makenna’s eyes widened, “You’re supposed to sleep for eight hours every night!”
Ash scoffed and admitted, “Yeah, like that’s ever going to happen.”
“Ash.” Makenna sounded really worried, “Why haven’t you slept in so long?”
Ash didn’t answer. He refused to. He didn’t want to give away who he really was and tried to lighten up the mood, “Well, let’s not stay here all night when there is a nice corn on the cob waiting for us at camp!” He handed Makenna her find back and turned on his heel, marching in the direction of Merlin’s camp, “We’ve got to deliver the news about the wannabee humans!” Some of his hair wafted in his face, but he carefully pulled it out of the way.
“Sure.” Makenna said while she watched him. Sighing, she slipped the mysterious necklace into her bag and followed eighteen-year-old Ash. He really did look exhausted. “How have you managed to stay awake for eight days straight?” she asked as they headed for camp.
Ash shrugged and answered, “I have my Cappuccino Wing Slushy and plenty of spells and tricks to work on.”
“What do you do at night then if you don’t sleep?”
“I usually train with Harmony.”
“Ash,” Makenna worriedly admitted, “I’m worried about your health. When you’re tired, you’re more prone to hurting yourself, and I do not want you to get hurt.”
Ash glanced at her and rolled his eyes, “I thought it was Tracey ya liked, Makenna Delling. Not me. Don’t worry. I’m fine. All right?!” For the first time, he actually sounded pretty stern, “No more questions now. We have some important information to give to Merlin, and we also need to fill our tummies.”
Ash and Makenna together headed into camp and found Merlin and Tracey. They sat by a fire with warm drinks in their hands, and dinner plates next to their ankles. Merlin had wrapped a clean bandage around Tracey’s injured arm and put it in a sling. It wasn’t broken. He just didn’t want him to move it a lot.
Makenna soon lifted her hand and waved at them, “Hey! I’m back!” Merlin and Tracey heard her and looked up from their dinners.
“Miss Delling!” Merlin announced, and he set down his plate, leaping to his feet, “And Ash too!”
Makenna waved again, “Hello.” She heard an excited bark and looked down. Silvey had appeared next to her ankle, and she rubbed up against her. “Silvey!” Makenna announced. She leaned down and scratched her behind the ears. Silvey’s tall ears flopped back in a relaxed state, and she smiled. Another voice soon exclaimed, “Makenna!”
She recognized it, “Raeven!” and looked up from petting Silvey. Raeven it was.
“Makenna! Makenna! Makenna!” he shouted. He zoomed over to his friend and flew into her chest, knocking her down.
“Raeven!” Makenna repeated, “It’s you!” She hugged him, “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you since we first got to Coutarine Island! Why did you disappear like that?”
“I had to help Merlin.” Raeven explained, “You know how lazy he is.” Ash watched the Metamorphic Fairy and her animal friends reunite with a look of disappointment on his face.
Merlin noticed this and said, “Don’t worry, Ash. I haven’t forgotten about you.” Ash confusingly glanced at him. From where he sat, Tracey stood up after setting down his own plate and reached for his arm. Merlin placed two fingers in his mouth and whistled. He and Ash kept their distance, but everybody glanced in the direction Merlin whistled. Horse hooves were heard, and Harmony appeared.
Makenna’s jaw fell open, and Ash froze when he saw his horse. “Harmony!” he yelled after a bit. The Palomino, who was now tacked with an English saddle, whinnied and jogged to her master. “Harmony!” he yelled again, and he reached for her, “How ya doing, girl? I’ve missed you.” Harmony rubbed her nose on him, and he chuckled.
“Harmony.” Makenna said to herself, “She’s a horse! Harmony’s a horse!” Harmony glanced at her and blinked.
“That’s Makenna Delling.” Ash explained, “She’s a Metamorphic Fairy. She’s new here at Coutarine Island.” Makenna nodded and waved hello to Harmony. Raeven wrapped his wings around her neck, and Silvey rubbed up against her leg.
Later, the magical beings and their animal friends sat by the fire on the beach and finished their dinner. Since Makenna and Ash were late, they took longer to eat while Merlin, Tracey, Harmony, Raeven, and Silvey had already finished.
Tracey was totally fretting over the humans, and he frightfully told Merlin, “We can’t just let those humans invade Coutarine Island, Sensei. Humans have their own tropical islands to vacation at. This island belongs to the sprites.”
Merlin sipped his coffee and said, “I understand, my young apprentice, but we can’t do anything about those humans tonight. You’re tired, Miss Delling is tired, and Ash is exhausted. You need to settle down for the night.” Makenna yawned and flopped down on the sand on her back after finishing her dinner. Silvey flopped down next to her and also yawned. Harmony touched Ash’s cheek, and smiling, he patted her.
“But what about the humans?” Tracey frightfully asked Merlin, while images of people stampeding onto Coutarine Island’s beaches, and the fairy sprites being caught in jars invaded his mind, “We can’t just let them waltz onto this sand without an invitation. We have to keep the sprites’ reputation intact.” He tightly gripped his injured arm and stood from the fire.
“Tracey, please.” Merlin begged, “You need to calm down. We’ll deal with humans tomorrow, okay? Please.”
“But-But.” Tracey stammered. After a bit, he sighed, “All right. Sorry about my immaturity, Master.” He bowed to Merlin, “If you’ll excuse me. I will retire.”
Merlin nodded, “Good idea. Good night, Tracey.”
“Good night.” Tracey and Gina left the light of the fire and headed over to their sleeping area where a sleeping bag and pillow were set up. Half asleep, Tracey kicked off his boots and opened his sleeping bag with his free hand, the one that wasn’t in the sling. He crawled inside and pulled it up close, sniffing. Tracey squirmed a bit until he got comfortable, and then just like that, he fell asleep. Immediately, he started to breathe silently, and Gina curled up under his arm, falling asleep as well. It was amazing how fast they fell asleep.
Merlin chuckled when he saw this, and then he glanced at Makenna Delling who was almost asleep on the sand, “Makenna, I think it’s time you retired too. Tomorrow is another busy day.”
“You have a good point, Merlin,” she yawned. Makenna sat up and stretched her arms over her head. She too had her own sleeping bag and pillow. Honestly, she kind of liked that she was going to sleep on the beach of a tropical island where she could hear the gentle slap of the waves and calm whistle of the wind. Makenna picked up Raeven who was already asleep and slumped over to her sleeping bag. Just like Tracey and Gina, she and Silvey instantly fell asleep the second they got comfortable. Makenna rested on her front with the mysterious necklace in her hand, and the rays of the moon scanned it which this caused it to give off a small shine. The cut on Makenna’s finger also shone a bit. Hm, that was interesting. It got quiet on Merlin’s Beach very fast.
Ash of course was the only one who didn’t sleep, even though Merlin tried his best to convince him that he needed the rest. Ash didn’t think he did. He felt wide-awake after drinking his Cappuccino Wing Slushy. When the fire extinguished, billions of stars became visible in the somewhat cloudy but warm sky. Merlin snored from his sleeping bag while Makenna, Tracey, and their animal friends just silently breathed. Ash rested on his back on his sleeping bag, with his hands behind his head, and stared up to the billions of stars. He almost fell asleep a couple of times but kept himself awake with another sip from his Cappuccino. When midnight came, Harmony appeared over him, and she nudged Ash’s head with her nose.
He looked her in the eyes, “What’s up, Harmony?” He always let Harmony sleep a bit before he started his training. “Are you ready?” continued the Wizard Fairy. Harmony nodded and excitedly bounced up and down in the sand. Ash chuckled, “All right. All right. Shh,” and sat up. He grabbed hold of his shield and sword case and equipped both of them to his back. Once ready, he stood up and brushed himself down. Ash pushed Harmony away from his sleeping bag and patted her cheek, “Good girl. Good girl, Harmony. Come on. Let’s go.” He sipped his Cappuccino cup again and set it down next to his sleeping bag. Ash pulled Harmony’s reins over her head and gave them a slight tug. Together, they started to leave the campsite. Momentarily though, they stopped, and Ash peered back to everybody sleeping. Merlin’s “extremely important parcel” rested next to the extinguished fire, and seeing it, he cracked a small smile. Harmony nudged him again, and Ash patted her. Tugging her reins, he pulled her away from camp and down the beach.
Back at it, Makenna woke up from a nightmare. She gasped and shot to a sitting position. Raeven fell when she did this. Sweat fountained down Makenna’s face, and she took deep breaths.
“It’s okay, Makenna.” Raeven spoke, “It was just a bad dream.”
Makenna ran her fingertips through her hair and said, “Yeah, I know. Ugh, I hate these things!” She reached for her head and shook it while Raeven crawled up on her sleeping bag, “I know it sounds dumb, Raeven, but it felt so real.” Her eyes rolled over to Ash’s sleeping bag, and she gasped when she saw it was empty. “Oh no!” Makenna spoke in a low voice, “Ash!” Her voice woke up Silvey. The fairy dog lifted her head and glanced at her. Raeven popped up to Makenna’s shoulder, and he went with her and Silvey over to where Tracey slept. “Tracey.” Makenna whispered. Kneeling, she took his shoulder and gently shook it, “Tracey. Wake up.”
“Hm?” sleepily asked Merlin’s apprentice, “Sure. Whatever you say, Makenn.” Rolling over, he instantly fell asleep again. Makenna huffed. Boys. Sometimes she couldn’t take them.
“Fine,” she whispered, “I guess I’ll go find Ash myself.” As she said this, the full moon poked out from behind a cloud, and its rays scanned the beach. They slowly moved up to the camp. The rays landed on Makenna and caused her find, the mysterious necklace, to shimmer as well as the cut on her finger. When she saw the rays, immediately, she was put under a trance. Makenna looked up to the moon and stared at it like a zombie.
“Makenna?” Raeven asked, “Hello? Miss Delling?” He waved his wing in front of her face, but the fairy did not wake up. She continued to stare at the moon, and it wasn’t long until she stepped towards it and the ocean. Her cut and find kept on shimmering. “Makenna!” Raeven yelled, and he pulled on her hair, but Makenna still headed towards the ocean. When Silvey realized that she and Raeven weren’t able to drag Makenna away from the ocean alone, she hurried to Tracey and started to bark. Silvey hopped all around him and barked in his face.
Finally, Tracey woke and sat up, asking, “What, Silvey? What?” His eye then rolled over to Makenna’s sleeping bag, and he gasped when he saw it was empty, “Oh no.” Still barking, Silvey ran after Makenna who drew closer and closer to the water and called for Tracey to follow. However, it was too late. Raeven leaped off her shoulder, and Makenna dove into the reef from a sandbar since it was low tide. Tracey quickly kicked his sleeping bag off and leaped to his feet. Clutching his arm in the sling, he sprinted down the beach towards where Makenna dove, in just his bare feet.
Further down the beach, Ash and Harmony had just gone around the point.
Ash heard Silvey’s barking over the wind and asked, “What the?” He and Harmony turned, “Harmony, that’s Silvey. Something’s going on at camp.” Harmony gulped.
She and Ash next heard Tracey’s voice over the wind, “Makenna!” and both of them gasped.
“Makenna!” Ash soon said, “Oh no. Harmony, let’s go!” Harmony nodded and turned on a serious face. Ash slipped her reins back over her neck and head and approached her left side. The Scottish Wizard Fairy mounted her and urged her to a gallop. Harmony sprinted down the beach in the direction of camp. While she ran, Ash’s long sideburns flowed out behind him. Harmony headed towards a driftwood log, and sand blew up under her hooves. Seeing the log, Ash quickly leaned forward and got in two-point position. Harmony pulled her front legs up under her chest and jumped beautifully over the log. She and Ash had obviously practiced jumping. The Palomino landed on the other side of the log and continued galloping.
At Merlin’s camp, Tracey, Silvey, and Raeven hurried down the sandbar and stopped where Makenna dove, the deeper water. They glanced out to the reef and waited for some kind of movement. The Metamorphic Fairy had not returned to surface, so they were obviously worried. Did the Octopus Man get her? Horse hooves were soon heard, and all three of them glanced over their shoulders. Harmony and Ash had made it to the sandbar, and they trotted up to Tracey, Silvey, and Raeven.
“Ash.” Tracey calmly said.
Ash nodded, “Yes. What’s going on?”
Tracey approached Harmony’s side and peered up to him, “It’s Makenna. Raeven explained that she went all zombie-like when she saw the moon and dove into the bay. She hasn’t returned to surface yet.”
“Zombie-like?” asked Ash. He dismounted Harmony and patted her cheek, pulling her over to the edge of the water. Tracey followed.
The two teenagers met eyes, and Tracey nodded, “Yes. Something’s going on with her, Ash. Makenna’s been acting kind of strange ever since she returned from checking out the boat.” Suddenly, from out of nowhere next to him, a hand flew out from the reef and grabbed his ankle! Tracey yelped and quickly ripped it free.
“What?” Ash asked. He, Tracey, Silvey, and Raeven together looked at the area the hand came from.
There was Makenna.
She floated in the deep water in her trance-like state and told the two boys, “You guys have to come in. The water’s so warm. Coutarine Island is wonderful at night.” Ash’s eyes widened, as did Harmony’s. “Especially you, Tracey.” Makenna added with, “I just found a perfect underwater paradise where we can live forever. You love the ocean. It’s perfect.” Tracey didn’t fall for that. He knew this was the work of the Octopus Man.
Closing his eyes, he calmly told Makenna, “I know what you mean, but the last place I want to be is in another trance.”
“Come on.” Makenna begged, “You know you want to come swimming with me, Tracey. Why don’t we swim to the Bermuda Triangle together?” Tracey shook his head no and glanced at Ash, “Ash, you have to pull her out.”
Ash pointed at himself, “Me? Why?”
“Well, obviously I can’t go in the ocean,” explained Tracey, “Please?”
Ash sighed and glanced at Makenna. The moon’s rays continued to scan her, and she stared desperately at Tracey. Finally, Ash gave in. He stepped in front of Tracey and kneeled to the Metamorphic Fairy, “Don’t worry, Makenna. We won’t disappoint you.” He offered Makenna his hand, “Take my hand, and you can lead us to the underwater paradise.” Tracey nervously bit his lip while he watched. Would Makenna give in? At first, it looked like she would. She took Ash’s gloved hand and smiled at him. “Okay?” he friendlily asked. Makenna nodded. “All right.” Ash added with. He began to pull. Tracey bit his lip even harder.
As Ash pulled, he finally saw the cut on Makenna’s finger and asked, “Makenna, what happened to your finger?” but Makenna didn’t answer. She tricked him. She smacked Ash in the head with her magic and jerked his hand, throwing him over her head! Ash yelled and flew through the air. He crashed into the water, CRASH, and droplets spewed up from where he landed. Tracey’s jaw dropped to the ground, as did Harmony’s, and he took a step back. Makenna chuckled and focused her attention back on him.
Tracey frightfully reached for his pointy ears and asked, “Sensei?” in a worried tone. He turned on his heel and hurried in the direction of camp and where Merlin slept. Raeven and Silvey stayed with Makenna while Harmony hurried to the very edge of the sandbar and looked in the direction where Ash landed. She leaped into the ocean and landed with a splash.
“Harmony!” Raeven yelled. Harmony kicked her legs and quickly swam towards her master. Fun Fact: Horses are very powerful swimmers. She made it to where Ash landed and quickly ducked her head underwater. Raeven and Silvey nervously watched from the sandbar. Harmony vanished for about a minute or two, but then she burst her head out of the water. Between her teeth, she held the back of Ash’s tunic. Harmony had fetched him. Soaking wet, Ash coughed and tried to recover from that throw, but it was kind of difficult when he was floating in the ocean. He couldn’t believe Makenna did that to him! Harmony quickly escorted him back in to the sandbar. When she dragged herself out of the water where Silvey and Raeven waited, she dropped him, and he landed on his front. Harmony pulled his sword and shield off and patted his back with her nose. She let Ash have his cough. He reached for his chest and closed his eyes. When he managed to cough most of the seawater out, he flopped down on his back in the sand and held his arms out to his sides, taking deep breaths. Harmony continued to comfort him.
Raeven, who rested on Silvey’s back, turned and glared at spell struck Makenna, yelling, “Makenna, what is wrong with you?! You hurt him!”
Makenna was in too much of a trance to realize what she just did. “Come to the Bermuda Triangle with me,” she begged.