Heath sat calmly on the cell floor pondering the decision he had made after more than a week of both mental and physical torture. Worse still, after they would cut him, damage him, almost to the point of death, they had forced him to feed. It was the first time he had ever done it and something his kind was not supposed to have the capability to do. After the intoxicating experience, his wounds healed even faster than they normally did but left him craving the revolting and depraving act again. Heath had shivered, but yet sweated, throughout the night, and for all his attempts, he could not hide the trembling hands when they came for him in the morning.
Red-beard, or Jackle, as he was called, looked at him with a knowing smile. Jackle knew something that Heath did not. Heath had never been like any of the other Dhampir in Marumures. He had always been faster, exceptionally strong, and quick healing. For this, he had never been allowed to train with anyone except Karen and Joshua. His half-brother despised him for reasons unknown to him but his father took a keen interest in his training, going far above what a typical Dhampir would be pushed to.
The door handle on the cell turned, hinges creaked and Heath came onto his feet, the single chain rattling noisily. If one did not stand in the presence of a Shtriga, it could mean punishment of different severity, normally at the discretion of the offended Shtriga. Karen was admitted into the room. She was free from her chains, washed and clothed in fresh clothes. Her outfit bore a new emblem. An insignia that he did not recognize and he cocked a questionable eyebrow at her. His old Mentor gestured towards the ground for him to take a seat and then followed suit with a heavy sigh from her dry and cracked lips.
There was a long silence between them before Heath broke it.
"You gonna tell me about that fancy new outfit?", he gestured towards the leather outfit that bore an eagle resting on a moon on a field of purple.
"Among other things that should have been explained a long time ago," Karen replied with a weary voice. Heath looked at her with concern. He could never remember her sounding so tired.
"The things I am about to say..." she began choking on a sob, placing her head in her hands, "Will mean we will never again see Marumures nor House Bucai. We will be outcasts. Maestru Demetri has offered us Writs of Port Sigur, Safe Haven, on conditions. But give me a second because much of what I have to say is hard..."
Heath saw for the first time in his life, tears, not just in her eyes but glistening down her cheeks. Karen sobbed openly as she wept with such deep grief Heath wanted to hold the old woman, his old rival, out of pity for her deep-held sorrow.
She caught her breath and continued, "Quite some time ago, 150 years, I was born into the service of Maestru Gerald and for the first forty years after attaining Guardianhood, I served with honor and distinction. But soon feelings grew between Gerald and I. Mating is forbidden between Servants of Moarteas Eterna and their Guardians, strongly discouraged elsewhere too. Though we are sterile, there is a small chance for a genetic defect, an anomaly from the ever-present Tata de Haos, Father of Chaos, who is the third force of the universe and seeks to undo everything that the Father and Mother have done.
We Dhampir, stay young and vital up until our 100th year and then we start to age at a progressive rate. Typically, before this point is reached, a new Dhampir is bred and trained. The reward for reaching your 100th year is an honorable death by being able to feed your Maestru and thereby furthering the cause of the Moarteas Eterna. Gerald and I were in love and I, for one reason or another, did not age at that time. The aging set in around my 110th year and then in my 115th year, I was found with child. Gerald hid me away..."
She let the words drift off in thought. Heath was staring at her, his thoughts racing and his heart beating. Karen never delved into the theology of it and she never talked of the past and now he knew why. She took a shuddering breath and continued. Her words were hollow and echoed inside the dank, dark, stone cell.
"I carried for 2 years, which could only mean one thing, the baby I carried was Shtriga. Gerald, according to the Law of Marumures, was to kill me and the baby before birth but would not. Joshua was already clearly not a fit heir apparent and he needed a new heir. He had hoped that you would come out looking more Shtriga than human and you did the best you could...."
Heath interrupted vehemently, " There is no fucking way I am your child. You always beat the piss out of me. These scars," he lifted his shirt and pointed to scars painted near his heart, " were a gift for my 15th year!"
She looked with regret at the white marks that were on display before her, " He wanted to see if you had the same weaknesses that Shtriga had. That would have killed a Shtriga. It did Joshua."
"That is some fucking sadistic as shit!"
"I am bound to my Maestru and there is a reason you have never been. I am half human and you are not. I was born to servitude and you were not. The humans are the Children of Moarteas and when you mix them with Shtriga, it binds them to that Shtriga with an unbreakable bond."
Heath stared at her in disbelief as he tried to process what he had just been told and Karen gave him some time to gather his thoughts as she drew idly on the ground with her index finger. She could not bring herself to meet his eyes. For most of his life, she had willfully lied to him, abused him, and tried to break his will for Gerald. Heath took a deep breath and asked the first question, "Then why can't we go back to Marumures, even if I wanted to."
"For two main reasons, for you, your life is forfeit after killing Joshua. And for me, with this little secret being out here, it will follow me back from Bucharest. Even though there is no official contact between the two cities, there are back channels between the more powerful houses. I will bring the downfall of Bucai. Right now, the official story is I have been excommunicated due to my failure to protect Joshua. I sought revenge and got caught."
Heath thought for a second and then asked slowly, " Then what are their plans for me? Now that they know the truth about me"
"You are to be trained by me in combat and history but also you must take classes in literature, classic history, mathematics, and the like..."
"DAMN!!" Heath exclaimed in shock, "They have some strict ass requirements for their Dhampir!"
She shook her head slowly, "I don't think you get it, son. You are not to be a Dhampir, you can't ever be one. The Maestru needs a Heir and a daywalker, one who is a child of Natura and a Servant of Moarteras Eterna. You will make him a power to behold. With you, he sees not just a city-state but a union of cities under his banner. You are his conquerer."