"Our universe was born with two powers and it was born to purpose. I will not delve into that theology now but to achieve that purpose, two powers were created. The power of life, of Lume, as it is called would have the capability to create all things. Through those things, all things, the purpose would be fulfilled and it would be the second power's job, Moarteas Eterna, to bring rest to the universe after the purpose had been fulfilled."
"I have heard all this religious poison before," Candice spat irritably, interrupting the Dhampir, "I cannot believe that some higher power is out there, not with what I have seen."
Starla chuckled lightly, "Dear, these powers do not answer prayers or listen to the whims of those that belong to them. They are there for two purposes. One is there to create life and the other is there to give rest to that life. That is it and nothing more. It was during the early years of creation, when the planet started to face a population crisis, that Lume came to Moarteas, telling it that the purpose both were created for was threatened.
An agreement was struck and life spans drawn, and Moarteas became the father to all the mortals or otherwise known as "Children of Moarteas". Lume changed that day also. No longer known as Lume, for she became the mother to all things mortal, her name changed that day to Natura. Moarteas needed servants to maintain populations and guide the intelligent species known as man, so as never to endanger the balance, thereby allowing the universe to fulfill its purpose."
"What is this purpose?" Candice asked skeptically.
The Dhampir shrugged uncaringly, "It is not my place to teach you that. The Striga society is based on stringent rules and societal caste. I know my place and with my place, certain knowledge to pass to you. It does not bother me to follow those directives but I concentrate on what I need to do to fulfill my House."
"And I am guessing these servants were the first Striga?" Candice asked tentatively.
"A host was chosen but they were not called Striga then. They had no names by which they collectively called themselves but they would work closely with the fledgling race to develop them into a servant species to help them maintain the balance of the world. The Striga were changed as a people, cursed for all purposes but a necessity for them to fulfill their given purpose. Their features, light, bright colored hair and pupils, and grey complexion would tell the outside world they were the harbingers of Moarteas Eterna. Their speed, strength, vision, and thirst for the blood of mortals would guarantee that they always strive to give the eternal rest that would be denied them for centuries.
But a balance had to be struck, for that longer life, a Striga falls comatose in the noon sun. It is a creature of the night, a Servant of Moartea, as such, the sun is its ultimate bane. The sun is Natura's child and its harbinger of life, contrary to your existence. Garlic, chosen for its hardiness by Natura, weakens you. Silver, pure of heart, is your poison, and wood, part of the very fiber of Natura, will most certainly kill you with but a mere splinter grazing your heart. All of this would balance the bringer of slumber and the guiding hand of Moartea."
"That's why that door hurt so bad." Candice said a little shaken, "I could have died."
Starla shook her head sadly, "We have lost one or two strays but it is their choice to run but that is off subject. The world spun on and as the human race's cultures developed and split, distrust soon began to spread. Violence against the Striga became commonplace. This was before the Dhampirs would come to be. The massacre grew to such a fury that Moartea had to intervene and take a second culling to replenish the numbers of his Servants. Then he told his servants of a new race that would be allowed between Moartea and Natura to protect the Servants. They would be the Dhampir and of a new ability called compulsion, that would allow the Servants to help subdue the unruly human race.
The Dhampir would be a sterile half-breed of a human and a Striga. That would be the Guardian race. With that, the Striga moved underground, having contact with only the rulers of the countries, quietly working in the background. As the human population grew, the Striga, who rarely had more than two children in a lifetime, found it hard to control the human population. Moarteas would intervene a final time, and this is not so long ago, in Striga's perspective."
"How long is that?" Candice asked curiously.
"Around the turn of the millennia. You can talk to some older Striga whose grandfathers remember the day when they gained the ability to make Vatalas. On that day, the Servants were given the ability to create helpers to subdue the human race back to sustainable numbers."
The Dhampir shook her head sadly, "It is unfortunate we are failing in that aspect but we are only so many."
Candice looked worriedly, "How many are left?"
The Dhampir looked at her with a little sly grin, "Why, only one city."