Gerald of the House Baciu and Kathline of the House Dascalu sat silently before a chest board staring at the pieces before them. It was an unusual event as of late, for the Grand Maestru to host one of the lesser houses over to his estate instead of discussing the business while they were in council at the Chambers of the Elder's. As the head of one of the greater houses, Gerald could trace his lineage all the way back to the first culling, the very birth of the world. They were an extremely old and prestigious house with an impeccable pedigree. As a greater house, they could hold any position in leadership in Marumures, including the one his family had held for the past three thousand years. Now the position of Grand Maestru was being threatened, his very House and Bloodline could go extinct, if he did not find an heir. But Shtriga were not humans, your loyalty was to your House and Bloodline only. If a child was needed, you entered into negotiations with another House, whose leader was the appropriate rank and gender, to conceive a child for you. Normally, so as not to give up too many concessions to an opposing Bloodline, negotiations could drag on for years if not decades, and then the gestational period was another three years.
Kathline had been brought here in secrecy. Typically, entering into these negotiations with the Grand Maestru was considered both a great honor and an opportunity. But the other Great Houses saw the end of the rule of the longest Bloodline in this hemisphere and their fangs were out in anticipation of the opportunity. Gerald had approached multiple greater houses, Shtriga he had considered close allies, only to find new enemies now lurked in the dark shadows and corners of the Elder's Chambers. As a lesser house breeding with a greater house, Kathline stood to gain a great deal from this encounter, if Gerald let her live past the birth. If other Shtriga of greater houses found out he had reached below his rank to conceive a new heir, they could move to bar the role of Grand Maestru from him. She might have to die to prevent disclosure, Kathline and her heir.
He moved his next piece, "So, I think you can understand my position. I need an heir and I need someone of discretion. Barring action from both houses, my rule is absolute, so I am in a position to grant much in exchange for the rights to any child that is born."
The woman, her violet-colored hair arranged in gems, sat stiffly across from him, examining the table before them, "Gerald, my good Grand Maestru, just because I am from a lesser house, does not mean I do not pay attention in council."
"And what does that imply?" he asked flatly watching her counter mover.
"Come now my dear man, you have already approached six greater bloodlines, and all refused. Six allies, should I say. House Bacui and Hose Dascula have barely said a word to each other over the past millennia, so it is not what I would exactly coin as an ally."
"My good Madam, you should know by now how the politics of the Councils work. Greater and Lesser houses do not occupy the same rank or the same space, and so fraternization does not formally take place. We are a species built on tradition..."
The younger Shtriga Lady held up her finger for him to pause as she moved a piece on the board set out before them. She did not hurry in her movements, giving away anything in her body language that would lend opportunity of gain to her opponent. In more than one way, they were engaged in multiple games of strategy where the other was constantly probing the defenses of the other for chinks in the armor in which to slip the death blow.
"But then sire, that gets us to the heart of the issue in its entirety," Kathline surmised with some smug satisfaction. She knew she was in a position to gain much in this negotiation with House Baciu, "Why would you dare break from our absolutely precious traditions and stoop so low as to associate with me, possibly endangering your precious and at the moment, precariously perched crown?"
Gerald smiled inwardly, keeping his face a blank slate. He might have to revise his view on the Houses that were of the Second Culling. This Lady before him was intelligent, wise, ambitious, and a ruthless negotiator. Without the loss of Joshua, the arrogant ass of a child that once occupied the spot of the heir apparent, he would not be afforded this opportunity to mate with such a fine specimen who would go on and produce an heir that was worthy to succeed him.
"You do me injustice my Lady," He quipped back, "I am bound by just that crown but you and I are both part of that body responsible for such nonsense traditions. It is those traditions that keep the ruler and such shaky foundations made of clay."
Her face darkened, "Yes my lord, I am part of that body but as a member of a lesser house, I have no more power than that of a Vatalas as my voice is never allowed to be heard on the Elder's floor."
It was obvious to her that this negotiation was going nowhere and the other opportunity was better. It was time for the change in leadership that Maramures craved and needed though it would hurt many. She put her fingers to her delicate lips and gave three shrill, short whistles. The doors leading into the room where they sat burst open, the stone jams shattering at the force of the blows. As the limestone dust settled, Robin, with several of the House Encahe flowed in through the openings. Gerald refused to give them the satisfaction of seeing him startled, to give into fear. Robin smiled widely towards Kathline and walked quickly to her side with his hand extended.
"I knew you would make the better decision!" He exclaimed with exuberant enthusiasm.
Kathline looked hard at him and cautiously took his outstretched hand with some distrust. It was well deserved as Robin had a reputation among his enemies to be ruthless and cruel, but among allies, they said you could find no better friend.
"Just remember the promise, Maramures first. No more prej..."
She never got to finish her statement as Robin efficiently pulled her in with the hand she was currently greeting him with and he smoothly brought out a long knife, using the force of her oncoming body to decapitate her. He let the body carry forward as he caught the head delicately before it could hit the floor, holding it by the violet hair, looking amused at the features.
"I absolutely love when the features keep the last emotions locked on them. This one is definitely a keeper!" Robin turned the dripping head to show the Grand Maestru, "Wouldn't you say Lord?"
"You are a sick and demented Shtriga Robin. Am I to meet the same fate?" Gerald asked, trying not to show his nervousness.
"Well, that completely depends on you, but you will not die by my hands," Robin said the smile leaving his alabaster face.
"How does it depend on me when it is you who hold the knife."
"Your people hold the knife, My Lord Grand Maestru. Even now, a rebellion is fermenting down in the slums and there are more than enough Vatalas to do just what I just did to poor Katline a hundred times over to you." Robin carefully set the head down on the chessboard.
"Then what is the alternative?" Gerald asked hesitantly.
"Why, I thought you would never ask Father," Robin said with a giggle punctuating the final word.