Heath took a deep breath in the dark, cool corridor of his adopted father's mansion. He let the still silence permeate his very being, calming his thrumming heart rate from a rapid tempo to a steady beat. Demetri had given him no choice in this meeting and sworn him with his life to secrecy that he was meeting with the Grand Maestu. This was out of character for the Grand Maestru as every other meeting had some new member of the Council that Heath had to become acquainted with. The young man was still in culture shock and the meetings were not helping that fact. He had preconceived prejudices that Heath did not realize he even held on how society, as a whole, should function. When he was introduced to Vatalas Council members, he could not accept their authority but balked that they could be any more than glorified servants. Heath had been both ashamed and shocked, especially considering his long-held position that he was an individual and not property when he was a Dhampir.
His still trembling hand reached up and shakingly turned the brass handle of one of the doors to admit him into the soft fluorescent lights of his father's study. That was another thing that was hard to become accustomed to seeing. In Marumures, there were no modern amenities. Things were very much like they had been hundreds of years ago. Bucharest had voted to start adopting some of the advancements made in the modern world. It was not the sight of such advancements, it was seeing them in the Shtriga world. Heath's time on the surface had accustomed him to the sights of human technology but his brain said that such alien advancements belonged with their creators.
His father's eyes never looked away from a stunning female Vatalas with whom he was in deep conversation. Worry lined his face, as they huddled close in quiet conference as he walked up to stand in front of the immense desk and wait to be recognized. Heath held a mixture of respect and disdain for this man. Demetri valued his Dhampir and their experience in the field. He leaned onto their knowledge and for that, Heath respected him but this was also the man that had taken Jane from him, the first person Heath had come to care for, and spirited her away somewheres. Demetri also tortured him and Karen until they broke. Both aspects were wounds that were deep and would be slow to heal. Heath cleared his throat politely to make sure he did not enter the study too quietly.
"Don't do that son, it is rude. Wait to be recognized next time. The Shtriga are patient by nature. After all, what is a few minutes, or even hours to a species that has the next several centuries." his father chided him looking up from his Vatalas companion.
"I am sorry, Grand Maestru." Heath apologized with a slight bow. Learning manners had been the hardest subject out of all of his formal education. Dhampir did not need to know much of the Shtriga's formal customs as they were to be subservient in Marumures. Here, the Dhampir were to work in concert with their Shtriga creators to better protect them, and to do that, all needed to be aware of the same customs and culture.
"Please, Heath, while in a more informal setting, call me either "father" or Demetri. Either choice is more fitting for the occasion. This is Emily," he gestured towards his right at the stunning red-headed Vatalas, "and she is already privy to all of what we will be discussing before we go to another meeting tonight."
"Heath of House Morar," He introduced himself politely but the surname still sounded alien to his ears. He had always been just Heath.
"Emily and also of House Morar," She dazzled him with a smile and he felt more at ease for some reason. Her soft hand felt tiny in his but gave him assurance that everything would be OK in the dark chaotic world that had formed around him in months that had gone by.
"Very good Heath, your manners have improved immeasurably over the past week," Demetri praised him with a measure of admiration and pride, "And now onto the reason you were summoned here. There is a group that is unknown to almost all citizens in the cities of the Shtriga. We were formed in antiquity, after the second culling, to watch and when necessary, act, to prevent the atrocities that happened that necessitated the second culling. We work in the shadows to try to keep the balance and we must keep to the shadows, so our existence must be only known to members of our order."
Heath's heartbeat started to elevate again to a rapid tempo as his fear began to seep in. He could already sense where this was going. He nervously licked his lips and shakily took in a breath, " So either I leave this room a member or I leave this room dead and the secret is kept."
Demetri eyes were stone as he slowly nodded his agreement, "But we do this for a higher purpose, leaving family, city, and even Blood, behind to serve Moarteas Eterna. We are the Mana de Mortalitate. We meet tonight to be His hands again as we seek to end the atrocities that are happening in Marumures and take the city under our wing. We need you, Heath. You are heir to both Bacui and Morar. Only you can go there and claim the title of Grand Maestru without a civil war."
"But will it be enough?" Heath asked doubtfully.
"We don't know, but that is why we will meet. To pool our resources and knowledge and go forth to execute Moarteas' will."
"Ok, I am in," Heath said with a slight shake of his head. It was insanity but he was in this deep, what else could he do?
"Just so you know, it is for life. However long that tenure is, is up to you." Demetri said without a hint of humor.