Demetri waited patiently in an opulent study behind a stone desk. His newly adopted son would be attending tonight's meeting of a select group of members of the Elder and Commons house. Heath had a harder time adjusting to the different views of Bucharest and its different culture. The Grand Maestru had not realized the depth of depravity that the sister city had slid to nor her wandering off the path of purpose for which the Shtriga existed. It made what was to come easier and what had already happened. There had been some worrisome reports that had been attained from orfan that had been apprehended during illegal crossing. The sister city had started a depraved practice of select capture and breeding of human thralls instead of culling the human population to be their check and balance for the Shtriga's Master. This was their intended purpose and Marumures was practicing an abomination opposite of that intended purpose.
The reports of the orfan had been verified by Vatalas spies, members of an elite society known only to a select group. The Mana de Mortalitate, Hand of Mortality, were there as watchers, observers, waiting in the wind for the day that they would be needed to operate in the dark edges, the shadows. They specialized in shadow games, playing multiple threads to the same end, and having no loose ends. Joshua was an example. Garlic could rapidly deteriorate a Shtriga's sanity when administered in small doses. One of their own, a Dhampir of some talent, had been slipping into Marumures on a regular basis to administer measured injections of garlic. Joshua's mental state over the past few years slowly slid into a psychotic state and Heath had been the receiver of the ire of Joshua's madness.
The group's intention was for Joshua to kill the Dhampirs and possibly Gerald. A novice and a Dhampir of an extremely advanced year should be of no challenge to a Shtriga who had the restriction of his sanity removed, with no remorse. Then, while the city was in turmoil, they could easily take the city, absorbing it under Bucharest's jurisdiction. They had achieved one of those goals. The Dhampir's had been removed from Gerald's care and Joshua was dead. This left the old Shtriga very vulnerable. The members who would be attending tonight's meeting were all part of the Mana de Mortalitate. The exception was Heath. His life would depend on his decision on whether or not his place was with the group.
"Lost in thought love?"
A soft voice sounded in his ear. Demetri involuntarily flinched and his silvery blue hair which was kept neatly trimmed at shoulder length flicked with the movement. He batted irritably behind him at the voice that had startled him out of his thoughts, eliciting a chuckle as his hand caught nothing but air. A Vatalas of stunning beauty, with hair the color of fire and dancing green eyes swung in from the opposite side and gave him a quick peck on the cheek affectionately before taking a seat beside him at the desk.
"I missed you, my love," She said with some familiarity.
"As did I," His alabaster hand reached up and stroked her face, caressing it as if to memorize its every curve and feature. The lady before him was dressed in all black, dull colors, and she was covered in dirt and dust from the journey that had taken her from his side. Her willingness to serve only added to his attraction to her. It was an unusual but not unheard of trait in a Shtriga to have a permanent mate. It was a human custom and one Vatalas often practiced also. Shtriga had no family units, only the Blood Bond. He was eternally grateful she convinced him to open up and try the ritual out, to expand his mind. Demetri felt like it helped him to better understand those he ruled and those he was charged to oversee, the Children of Moarteas.
"We have had a complication, Emily." He said flatly.
"As have I. There is grim news from Marumures. You go first." Her face sobered up.
Demetri continued to be amazed by this woman. To her, there was a time and a place for everything and nothing should be done without the time being right. Business always came before personal and she had never given him a reason to regret opening the ranks of the Hand up to allow Vatalas in. The Dhampir were a necessity but the Vatalas were a risk as many tounges wag. The Mana de Mortalitates was the best kept secret in all their species. More than one had died to preserve the knowledge of them, allowing them to continue in the shadows.
He drew a deep breath in and decided that there was only one way to continue, be open, honest, and clear. Emily had a way to see things that he would often overlook.
"I have a son now, adopted through a Writ of Port Sigur..."
She tapped a finger to her lips thoughtfully, "If I would have to gander a guess I would say his name is Heath of House Bacui. The real question is why is a Dhampir an heir to a greater Shtriga house?"
"You are toying with me again. I know you and you knew all this before you came in here." his eyes narrowed suspiciously.
She laughed heartily, green eyes dancing, "Maybe? And maybe I know that he is the product of chance. And just possibly, I know that the greatest of all Dhampir now serves you. Did I get everything?"
His face turned sorrowful, "Not quite. Karen is an honorable Dhampir and has fulfilled her duty so far with distinction. I knew from the moment we first interviewed her she had something malignant growing in her blood. The humans call it cancer."
"Oh no! The poor dear," Emily put both her hands over her mouth, "How is Heath holding up, and how long before she rejoins the Night Father?"
"Weeks now unfortunately and it is also unfortunate that it is forbidden to drink of corrupted blood. She will have an honorable burial among our fallen but that is the best we can do for her. There is a price to be paid for everything and I am guessing this is her price to pay for outliving the allocated time for a Dhampir."
"I don't know," Emily said subdued.
"Now, what is the issue in Marumures?"
"The rebellion is almost ready. It is estimated roughly sixty percent of the city's population stands with us, including two lesser houses. One recently lost their matriarch in a senseless slaughter at the hands of a greater house's patriarch."
"I fail to see the grim news..."
She smiled a whimsical smile, "Why, that was the good news."
"Then I dread the not so great news."
"Not so great, ha!" She said with little humor, "I wish it was not so great. Robin of the Greater House Enache is now by decree of both Grand Maestru Gerald and the council, the adopted son of Gerald and heir apparent. We are being outmaneuvered at the moment love."
Demetri's face turned dark, "Well this will change our plans. I hope that Heath agrees to join us tonight. His loss would be most unfortunate."
"Why is the boy so important? We can do this without him."
"We could, but then we are occupiers. If he joins, I need you back in Marumures as soon as it is possible." Gerald's face was lined with weariness as the weight of everything was pressing down on him.
"And what will I do there?"
"Prepare the way for Heath. Gerald has a son and Heath has the claim to that seat. Align the houses so when we march, the gates will open." As he spoke, they could hear footsteps coming up from the first floor as they echoed in the mansion.
"Do you think it will work?:
Demetri sighed, "It's that or blood. So it damn well better work."