Ch.23: The Next Generation: The Return
Leader: Bramblestar- dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes
Deputy: Squirrelflight- dark ginger she-cat with green eyes
Medicine Cat: Jayfeather- gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes
Leafpool- light brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Graystripe- long-haired gray tom
Dustpelt- dark brown tabby tom
Brackenfur- golden brown tabby tom
Cloudtail- long-haired white tom with blue eyes
Brightheart- white she-cat with ginger patches
Millie- striped gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Thornclaw- golden-brown tabby tom
Spiderleg- long-limbed black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes
Apprentice: Amberpaw (pale ginger she-cat)
Birchfall- light brown tabby tom
Whitewing- white she-cat with green eyes
Apprentice: Dewpaw (gray-and-white tom)
Berrynose- cream-colored tom
Mousewhisker- gray-and-white tom
Cinderheart- gray tabby she-cat
Lionblaze- golden tabby tom with amber eyes
Dovewing- pale gray she-cat with blue eyes
Rosepetal- dark cream she-cat
Poppyfrost- tortoiseshell she-cat
Apprentice: Lilypaw (tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat)
Blossomfall- tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Bumblestripe- very pale gray tom with black stripes
Apprentice: Seedpaw (golden-brown she-cat)
Cherryfall- ginger she-cat
Molewhisker- brown-and-cream tom
Daisy- cream, long-furred cat from the horseplace
Ivypool- silver-and-white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes
Purdy- plump tabby, former loner with a gray muzzle
Sandstorm- pale ginger she-cat with green eyes
Leader: Rowanstar- ginger tom
Deputy: Tawnypelt- tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Medicine Cat: Littlecloud- very small tabby tom
Crowfrost- black-and-white tom
Grassfur- pale brown tabby she-cat
Owlclaw- light brown tabby tom
Scorchfur- dark gray tom
Tigerheart- dark brown tabby tom
Ferretclaw- black-and-gray tom
Apprentice: Spikepaw (dark brown tom)
Pinenose- black she-cat
Stoatfur- tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Pouncetail- brown tabby tom
Snowbird- pure-white she-cat
Dawnpelt- cream-furred she-cat
Snaketail- dark brown tom with tabby-stripped tail
Whitewater- white she-cat with long fur, blind in one eye
Ratscar- brown tom with long scar across his back
Oakfur- small brown tom
Smokefoot- black tom
Kinkfur- tabby she-cat, with long fur that sticks out at all angles
Ivytail- black, white, and tortoiseshell she-cat
Leader: Onestar- brown tabby tom
Deputy: Harespring- brown-and-white tom
Apprentice: Slightpaw (black tom with flash of white on his chest)
Medicine Cat: Kestrelflight- mottled gray tom
Crowfeather- dark gray tom
Apprentice: Featherpaw (gray tabby she-cat)
Nightcloud- black she-cat
Apprentice: Hootpaw (dark gray tom)
Gorsetail- very pale gray-and-white tom with blue eyes
Weaselfur- ginger tom with white paws
Leaftail- dark tabby tom, amber eyes
Apprentice: Oatpaw (pale brown tabby tom)
Emberfoot- gray tom with two dark paws
Heathertail- light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Breezepelt- black tom with amber eyes
Furzepelt- gray-and-white she-cat
Crouchfoot- ginger tom
Larkwing- pale brown tabby she-cat
Sedgewhisker- light brown tabby she-cat
Whiskernose- light brown tom
Whitetail- small white she-cat
Leader: Mistystar- gray she-cat with blue eyes
Deputy: Reedwhisker- black tom
Apprentice: Lizardpaw (light brown tom)
Medicine Cat: Mothwing- dappled golden she-cat
Willowshine- gray tabby she-cat
Mintfur- light gray tabby tom
Minnowtail- dark gray she-cat
Mallownose- light brown tabby tom
Apprentice: Havenpaw (black-and-white she-cat)
Grasspelt- light brown tom
Duskfur- brown tabby she-cat
Mosspelt- tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
Apprentice: Perchpaw (gray-and-white she-cat)
Shimmerpelt- silver she-cat
Lakeheart- gray tabby she-cat
Heronwing- dark gray-and-black tom
Icewing- white she-cat with blue eyes
Petalfur- gray-and-white she-cat
Pouncefoot- ginger-and-white tom
Pebblefoot- mottled gray tom
Rushtail- light brown tabby tom
Leader: Leafstar- brown-and-cream tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Deputy: Sharpclaw- dark ginger tom
Medicine Cat: Echosong- silver tabby she-cat with green eyes
Patchfoot- black-and-white tom
Petalnose- pale gray she-cat
Apprentice: Sagepaw (pale gray tom; Petalnose and Rainfur’s son)
Sparrowpelt- dark brown tabby tom
Cherrytail- tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Waspwhisker- gray-and-white tom
Apprentice: Mintpaw (gray tabby she-cat; Petalnose and Rainfur’s daughter)
Shrewtooth- skinny black tom
Ebonyclaw- striking black she-cat
Apprentice: Frecklepaw (mottled light brown tabby she-cat with spotted legs)
Billystorm- ginger-and-white tom
Apprentice: Snookpaw (black-and-white tom)
Harveymoon- white tom
Macgyver- black-and-white tom
Rockshade- black tom (Clovertail’s son)
Bouncefire- ginger tom (Clovertail’s son)
Tinycloud- small white she-cat (Clovertail’s daughter)
Fallowfern- pale brown she-cat (mother to Hunchfoot’s kits Rabbitkit, Creekkit, Nettlekit, and Plumkit)
Clovertail- light brown she-cat with white belly and legs (expecting Patchfoot’s kits)
Lichenfur- gray mottled she-cat
Tangle- ragged tabby tom, loner
Cats Outside Clans
Frostfur- beautiful white she-cat with blue eyes
Princess- light brown tabby with a distinctive white chest and paws- a kittypet
Ravenpaw- sleek black tom with a white-tipped tail who lives on the farm with Barley
Leafpool dreamed that she was in a forest looking for herbs, when she saw an old speckled gray tom with pale blue eyes, sitting by the river on Thunderclan territory. Seeing him, she padded up to him, though she had never seen him before.
When she reached him, he turned his gaze to her. He had been gazing at the river.
“Greetings. You must be Leafpool. I am Goosefeather. I was Thunderclan Medicine Cat before Bluestar was leader.”
He dipped his head in respect to her.
“Greetings, Goosefeather.”
She dipped her head in respect to the almost ancient Medicine Cat.
“I have come with a message for you,” he informed her.
“What is it?” she asked.
“The star of the bramble
And the flight of the squirrel
Will rein through the forest
What was lost
Will be found
The clan of sky will return
Blood will run through the forest
Five will become again
And at last
Peace will come,” Goosefeather recited.
She watched, as he slowly faded away. Then, the next thing she knew, she was back in her nest in the Medicine den.
When she had licked her fur into place, she left her nest and padded outside where the sun warmed her pelt. She then padded towards the fresh-kill pile.
Once there, she picked out a plump mouse and ate it outside the Medicine den, as she thought about what Goosefeather’s prophecy meant.
When she finished the mouse, the ferns to the Medicine den parted and Jayfeather padded outside.
“Greetings, Leafpool. I slept well. You?”
He sat beside her, as they spoke.
“Any dreams from Starclan?” she asked him.
“Yes. Firestar came to me with a prophecy.”
“Goosefeather, a Medicine Cat from Bluestar’s time, came to me with a prophecy of his own,” she meowed, before reciting it.
“The star of the bramble
And the flight of the squirrel
Will rein through the forest
What was lost
Will be found
The clan of sky will return
Blood will run through the forest
Five will become again
And at last
Peace will come.”
“Firestar gave me the same prophecy,” he told her.
“What do you think it means? The star of the bramble and the flight of the squirrel has to be Bramblestar and Squirrelflight. The clan of sky has to be Skyclan and we know there used to be five clans in the forest; not four. That’s all I have deciphered. The rest I need to think about,” she meowed to her son.
“Well, obviously, at the end, we’ll finally have peace between the clans. I don’t know what Starclan means by ‘what was lost, will be found,’ though. Thunderclan and the others clans have lost too much,” he meowed back.
She nodded in agreement with him, thankful that they could talk these days. When the truth had been found out, it had taken him and her other kits, as well as the clans, time to forgive her and move on with their lives. She had a lot to be thankful for.
It was a beautiful day at sunhigh, as Ivypool padded out of the Warriors’ den, heading towards where her mate, Bumblestripe, was laying down and enjoying a squirrel.
When she reached him, he looked at her.
“Care to join me?”
She layed down beside him and shared it with him.
“I have to tell you something,” she meowed to him, when the squirrel was finished.
He looked at her.
“What is it, Ivypool?”
“I’m having your kits,” she meowed, thrilled.
“That’s great!” he meowed to her.
They rubbed heads together, happy that they would be having kits together.
“I better tell Dovewing,” she meowed, as she got to her paws. Dovewing was her sister and a warrior like herself, but unlike herself, Dovewing had been in a prophecy just like Lionblaze and Jayfeather.
Bumblestripe watched, as his mate padded over to tell Dovewing the good news.
Dovewing was talking to Lionblaze by the fresh-kill pile, when her sister approached.
“I have some good news!” Ivypool meowed excitedly.
“What’s the good news?” she asked her.
“I’m having Bumblestripe’s kits!” she meowed, overjoyed.
“That wonderful!” Dovewing meowed, the news brightening her spirit. Ever since they had fulfilled the prophecy, she had lost her power of “sight.” She couldn’t “see” anymore. Lionblaze and Jayfeather had also lost their powers. Lionblaze couldn’t do anything without getting injured anymore, while Jayfeather couldn’t read or see other cats’ memories or thoughts. He could still see in Starclan dreams, though. They wee all normal cats now, which they had to remind themselves of.
It was a beautiful day at sunhigh, as three cats trekked through familiar and unfamiliar land. Their paws ached, but they kept onward. They had to reach the clans, but all they knew was to follow the sign of a dying warrior. Two of them were in Thunderclan once, while the other one was the sister of Firestar, who so happened to be a kittypet. She never once complained though, despite the long journey.
Ravenpaw stopped where there were trees clustered together, which would make a great shelter.
“We can stop here for a while and rest,” he meowed to his companions.
“Good. My old bones are aching. Why did they have to move so far away from the old territory?” Frostfur complained.
“It was the only place they could go,” Princess meowed to the old, white she-cat.
“I’ll make you a comfy, warm moss nest if it helps,” Ravenpaw suggested.
“I’d be grateful if you did. Thank you, Ravenpaw.”
“I might have left the clan life for several moons, but I never abandoned Starclan or forgot how to care for my clan mates,” he meowed to her.
Later that night, when they all had warm moss nests mads by Ravenpaw, the three travelers settled down into their warm nests and fell asleep.
The next morning, after they had all had their fill of fresh-kill, they continued their journey in search of the clans; mostly Thunderclan. It was their time to join the clan. Barley was gone, Princess’ twolegs had abandoned her, and Frostfur had nowhere else to go. They had to find Thunderclan.
Goosefeather, Firestar, Bluestar, Sunstar, Yellowfang, Spottedleaf, Cinderpelt, Wiseheart, Goldenflower, Mosskit, Snowfur, Longtail, Swiftpaw, Whitestorm, Brightspirit, Briarlight, Owlstar, Redtail, Tawnyspots, Ferncloud, Lionheart, Hollyleaf, Moonflower, Thunderstar, Featherwhisker, Stonepelt, Smallear, Thrushpelt, Poppydawn, Dappletail, Stormtail, Adderfang, Willowpelt, Sootfur, Speckletail, Sorreltail, Rainwhisker, Mousefur, and Honeyfern former Thunderclan cats who resigned in Starclan, spoke about the prophecy Goosefeather had given Leafpool and Firestar had given Jayfeather.
“Did you get it to them?” Cinderpelt asked.
“We did,” Goosefeather meowed.
“Bramblestar has also gotten the message,” Bluestar informed them.
“And what of Shadowclan?” Spottedleaf asked.
“Mothwing has been informed,” Yellowfang answered her.
“I will guide Princess to the clans and through what else she will need, since I know her best,” Firestar meowed.
“I will do the same for Ravenpaw. He was my apprentice, after all,” Lionheart interjected.
“I will do the same for Frostfur. She’ll need my encouragement to get through this long journey,” Wiseheart meowed.
The other Starclan cats from Thunderclan nodded in agreement.
“You know what you must do,” Sunstar meowed. “We will be with you and we will help you if you need it. Now go.”
Several moons later, when Ivypool’s kits were three moons old, the travelling cats found the clans at last and waited for a Thunderclan patrol.
That dawn, the dawn patrol consisting of Bumblestripe, Graystripe, Cloudtail, Birchfall, Seedpaw, Poppyfrost, and Lilypaw met them where they sat on the other side of the Thunderclan border, obviously soar and weary from their journey, Bumblestripe leading the patrol.
“Rogues and kittypets!” Birchfall growled.
“Who are you calling a kittypet?” Frostfur replied.
“Let’s get them!” Seedpaw said excitedly.
“Hold it,” Graystripe meowed. “I may be old, but I’d recognize these three anywhere.”
Graystripe padded up to them from where he had been at the back of the patrol, tail held high.
“It’s been too long Ravenpaw and Princess,” he greeted, before turning his gaze to the elder he had known since he had been a kit in the nursery. “I’m glad you’re okay.” He dipped his head in respect to her. “Greetings, Frostfur. It’s great to see you.” He looked at them all. “It’s been such a long journey for you. Come. We’ll take you to the Thunderclan camp.”
Bramblestar was seated on a rock in the camp by his den, when he saw the dawn patrol enter with three cats.
When they entered the camp, Graystripe led them to where Bramblestar now stood in the middle of the camp.
Graystripe dipped his head to the leader.
“Greetings, Bramblestar. Some old friends have come from the old territory.” He gestured with his tail, as he introduced them. “This is Ravenpaw, Princess, and Frostfur.”
Bramblestar dipped his head to them.
“Greetings. I’m Bramblestar. You may sleep in the Warriors’ den and we will talk later,” he offered.
“Thank you, Bramblestar,” Frostfur replied.
So he dismissed them and they slept in the Warriors’ den, while Graystripe filled him in on who they were and how he knew them.
After they had slept, been fed, and had been tended to by Jayfeather, Bramblestar had a talk with them and then held a clan meeting, making Ravenpaw a warrior named Ravenclaw, Princess an apprentice named Whitepaw, and reappointed Frostfur as an elder, putting her in the elders’ den.
“Ravenclaw! Whitepaw! Frostfur!” the clan said in unison, accepting them as their clan mates.
Moons later, Skyclan was back in the territory with the other clans and everything was peaceful amongst them all.
Just as the prophecy had said, Bramblestar and Squirrelflight had come to be highly regarded as wise but fierce, depending on which was needed. They were even respected just as Bluestar had been in her time.
In the moons of peace between them all, Ivypool and Bumblestripe’s kits grew. It seemed as if they had just been born yesterday, but soon they were apprentices at six moons old.
“Diamondpaw! Bluepaw! Firepaw!” the clan meowed happily, once they had received their apprentice names and had been appointment mentors. Millie was now the mentor for Bluepaw, while Cinderheart was Firepaw’s and Rosepetal was Diamondpaw’s. As the clan said their new names in unison, the mentors and apprentices touched noses.