Well, sadly I'm still living nothing fucking happened so far. It's sunny but there's still a chance that something might happen. My bf let's call him Cutie is off to Florida now I'll facetime him in about 3 or four hours cause he just left a bit ago. I might do a face realize hereeeee if this gets to 1.1k views and yeah I know we'll get there. I mean if y'all want to see my ugly ass face then I want the views I want 20 followers that shouldn't be too hard to do right I mean I'm not asking a lot right. I wanna go to a skate shop and get everything I need to tighten my trucks and maybe get a new deck cuz mine fucking sucks I need new grit tape and all that shit so I don't die and I'll actually be able to stand there without having to push off every five seconds. Plus cutie and Garrett who is my aunt's bf if you didn't know are trying to teach me tricks and help me get my balance and shit like that which balance I'm pretty good at but I haven't learned any tricks yet. I've tried doing an ollie though Gawd Dayum as my bf says I fucking fell I thought I heard my leg break but it was my imagination and that is why you don't do ollies on the concrete right away while learning to do it on carpet or grass until you're sure that you can do it. Anyways if it's still sunny and shit I'm gonna try to do it again. I'm getting sent some really awesome pictures of the beach he's gonna be at so I'll probably post them here if you want me to. Oh, funnnny story His mom likes me and wants me to hang out at her house he told her I do witchcraft, and guess what she does too. So yeah cleanse the bad energy in that house and clean his room cuz Ocd ya know. But anyway I'll update if we got a tornado or some shit. Or if the power goes out spooky right????