Okay so today, this is going to be an educational thing. I'm going to teach you some tips and tricks that may or may not work in my everyday life but you'll never know because you haven't met me. Okay, number one look into someone's eyes when they give you a dissatisfactory answer. looking into their eyes will cause them an uneasy feeling and will feel under pressure and force them to further elaborate their thoughts. Try to stay calm when someone raises their voice to you, when someone raises their voice to you it's usually out of anger, keeping calm will cause the anger to subside and will usually have them be the first to ask for forgiveness. another one that is good in an argument or fight is to sit close to the aggressor, sitting close to them in a meeting that might turn into a heated discussion will avoid you getting attacked. The close proximity makes the person feel uncomfortable which will lessen the level of aggression they had planned to exercise. Try to remember everyone's names. remembering people's names seems to impress them especially if you haven't seen them in a while, if you call a person by their first name when conversating it makes them feel instantaneously special. write down your thoughts when you are stressed or anxious. This will help you focus on your work more easily. when you can't decide give yourself fewer options to make it easier sometimes more options aren't always better because it might be more information to take into your brain. you should give yourself fewer options so it's easy for your brain to process it all. The right posture can boost your confidence, meaning if you stand start and tall your more than likely going to feel more confident. Okay right quick you wanna win rock paper scissors every time, here's what you do, ask a random question before you play you will throw them off guard, and more often than not they will not choose scissors. make people feel needed when you ask for their help. say 'I need your help' this makes people feel needed and they hate feeling guilty. This one just helps but uh WARM YOUR HANDS BEFORE shaking someone else's. when you shake hands and your hands are warm then the person your shaking hands with will trust you more whereas people with cold hands are linked with distrust.
Well um, that's all I have for right now I'll do more when I get some.