Ummm telling you guys what I got for Christmas....
1. 2 11 by 8 canvases
2. 12 5 by 5 canvases
3. bath salts great for spells (but they don't know I do spells hahaha)
4. clothes (nothing I wanted that I pointed out)
5. Air pods and a Bluetooth speaker
6. tie dye stuff
7. rock painting set
8. a shower set
9. a cast iron pan with a cookie.....(YASS)
10. A trip to see family this Sunday (Tbh I'm not related to these people so its mainly for the sibs and the people only put p with me cause of my sister and if they get her something they have to get me something so my parents don't flip the fuck out)
11. two anxiety attacks.
Yeah, I just wanted to share that with you. Like why I don't fucking know but I felt like sharing all the shit I got.... Oh, I have a story.....
Okay for those of you who care I am pansexual so that means I like everyone and have a sexual attraction to all genders because of personality. so I'm in a zoom and it's for health class or sex ed. and my teacher goes bi and pan people don't exist you either like males or females not everyone or both... I unmute and look at my camera with the straightest face I can manage and in the gayest voice, I say " why because we have more of a chance of getting laid than you... You hypocritical fuck....." I had to talk to the principal for my little outburst he thought it was funny.... My big tall cis white male of a teacher didn't though. But the African American cis male did.... Hmmm, another cis white male is offended by self-expression.
So ummm fuck oppression black lives matter.... Trans right are human rights... Female rights are human rights..... Fuck homophobic people and more importantly.... FUCK THE POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the memories.