Hello time to meet me...
Name: Kris or bunnie... Or baby girl... Dumb hoe... Slut.... anything
Age: rather not say
Gender: Nonbinary (They/them)
Sexuality: Pansexual
A little about me: I am single currently, But I'm hanging out with someone and might shoot my shot. My favorite song is 3 musketeers, I'm sorry for all the people who listen to that..... Um I tried to shoot my shot actually I did he said sureeeee and now I'm waiting on a text to set something up also got a new favorite song but uh 3 musketeers is still one of my favs. My new one is also by ppcocaine its called S.l.u.t.
Favorite movie: The notebook or saw... NO BITCHES IT IS 365 days and The notebook kidding about the 365 days part my favorite movie currently word be the nightmare before Christmas and then The notebook
Favorite color: Blue or black... Ummmm PINK, YELLOW, BLUE.......
Little age:3-5
favorite words: Fuck, dammit, ahhhhhhh, Grrr, and fuck me... Please....(ironically though well most of the time lol)
AN UPDATE TO THIS: A lot of stuff I'm either gonna remove or delete because I have become less comfortable sharing it or I'm going to change it due to new growth and activity in my life.