1. Most used words, fuck, goddamn, and bitchhhhh.
2. It takes me about 15 minutes to get ready if I'm not putting on makeup and if I am for like cosplay or something like that 16 hours like bitch I'm in this bathroom fucking up my face. Let's get ready for a goddamn breakout.
3. I mean I kind of have an ego. But like I don't go around hey I'm better than you or I'm better than anyone.
4.I suck on lollipops until they get down to like the last little bit and it won't hurt my jaw to bite down on it. (NO NO NO AND NO)
5. Yes I do talk to myself all the fucking time and it worries me, folks, like I'll be setting there and have a full-on conversation with myself do you think I should get therapy to see what the fuck is going on in my head.
6. I do sing to myself not gonna lie to you showtunes between a male and a woman I will sing both and just trade places with myself in the mirror.
7. I would like to think I am but uhhhh I'm probably not. I mean I did do choir for two years... And then went to marching band which is better join it motherfuckersssssss......
8. My biggest fear shit..... Ummm Probably dying alone or not doing anything that will leave a mark and just being another statistic.
9. No I'm not I mean I don't think I am. I'll have to ask around.
10. I don't really like dramas and can't really name one that was the best.
11. I like short hair and if I wasn't trying to please my parents by acting like the straight girl they want then I would have a pixie cut or have the bottom of my head shaved all the way around. so when I put up my hair I can look like a boy but when I take it down it covers and I look more like a girl....
12. Yes I can, Actually I was gonna learn how to say them in order and with their capital.
13. Ummmmmm IDK English..... Maybe Um art shit that's extracurricular.
14. I'm more of an introvert than an extrovert.
15. No never been scuba diving. Fuck I can barely swim. The reason I can't swim well will be in the next issue so yeah..... Also, you'll learn a bit about how I don't like my father or his perverted friends
16. Ummm What makes me nervous. Someone constantly looking around or overall acting shady. like what are you looking at why do you keep darting your eyes over my left shoulder. Or them lying about where they were when we had plans and not having anything to back it up.
17. No because at a young age my mother sat me down and told me "What will get you in the dark can get you in the day. And um like for a while there I was terrified because The window in my bedroom was busted out and all we had up was a blanket. These were hard times lovies, my mom was working two jobs and was taking care of my aunt's kid as well. This is where I learned to cook.
18. If it's my Dead name then yes, but other than that no not really unless they majorly fuck up on a word.
19. Yes, I am like very fucking ticklish. I mean I had a friend of mine run his hand around my shoulder blade and I tensed the fuck up and just started giggling. While at attention, had to stand there for another 5 minutes.
20. Um Yes and no My friend April wanted to piss off our exes that were dating. so We told everyone we were dating, um I don't know if that counts.
21. A position of authority um No not really unless choosing at the age of 9 if I wanted to live with my father or my mother.... no That's not authority is it, No it's not but ummmmmmm no but I've been in the hands of authority. A story for another time.
22. Yes I have and my favorite alcohol is either blueberry 1800 or apple pie moonshine, mmmm Yesssss. My mother was a bit of an alchie and let me drink with her. Fun but for an 8-year-old not appropriate.
23. Do prescription drugs count. Well I mean if they weren't mine then yes I did drugs. I took a Xanax of my brothers then went to church with my best friend Aj
24. Um my first crush like the oh my god Unholy thoughts crush then and this is going to sound really bad but one of my aunt's roommates named Dakota. and this is really fucked up But when we first met I was 13 and he made advances towards me cause he thought I WAS 17 I'M 4'9 and a fucking half. what about me screams 17 and he's like oh its because your constantly walking around with that baby. BITCH NO I'M STILL A GODDAMN VIRGIN. but yeah he was my first crush.
25. I have my ears pierced but that's about it. Planning on getting my sternum and nose pierced but that'll be when I'm disowned.
26. I cannot roll my Rs unless I'm trying to be mock sexy with my legs up and say some shit like RAWR....... XDDDDDDDD
27. Um I can probably type about 100 words in a minute probably a little less I don't know.
28. Pretty fast I mean you learn when You have to go from stretching on one side of the field to the other for block........ Also, we only have about a minute to get to point B from A