Leader: Diamondstar- Black she-cat with a white diamond in the middle of her forehead, and emerald eyes.
Deputy: Stoneclaw- Brown tom with amber eyes.
Medicine Cat: Spottedpelt- A black she-cat with a fluffy tail, white chest and paws, black ears, and ginger splotches on her face, with greenish eyes.
Fireblaze- An orange tabby tom with green eyes.
Bluepelt- A blue-gray she-cat with yellowish eyes.
Sootail- A gray tom with yellow eyes.
Blackclaw- A black tom with greenish eyes.
Tigerpelt- A striped tabby tom with greenish eyes.
Tigerfur- A splotch pelted she-cat with amberish eyes.
Tigerheart- A striped tabby she-cat with yellow eyes.
Whitepelt- A white tom with blue-greenish eyes.
Leader: Thornstar- Dark tabby tom with dark, blue eyes.
Deputy: Darkheart- Black, fluffed out tom with greenish eyes.
Medicine Cat: Petalcloud- Light, tabby she-cat with blue eyes.
Graystorm- A white tom with gray ears, a gray face, and blue eyes.
Sharpclaw- A black tom with blue eyes.
Apprentice, Wirepaw (gray tom with brown eyes)
Shadowfur- A gray tom with dark, yellow eyes.
Blackfur- A black tom with yellowish eyes.
Silverpetal- A gray-and-white she-cat with some stripes, a fluffy tail, and yellow eyes.
Kits: Featherkit (gray she-cat with blue eyes), Silverpaw (gray she-cat with some stripes, white paws, and green eyes)
Tigerfur- A tabby tom with blue-green eyes.
Frostpelt- A white she-cat with yellow eyes.
Lionpelt- A brown tom with a brown mane and green eyes.
Leader: Hawkstar- A patch pelted tom with yellow-green eyes.
Deputy: Gorseheart- A white tom with brown patches and amber eyes.
Medicine Cat: Rosecloud-Light brown she-cat with blue-green eyes.
Moonwake- A white she-cat with a gray tail and patches. Has blue eyes.
Swiftripple- A black and white tom with green eyes.
Hailcloud- A white and brown she-cat with blue eyes.
Sunflower- A white and black striped she-cat with green eyes.
Kits: Windkit (gray tom with turquoise eyes)
Duskheart- fluffy, black tom with some brown mixed in and blue-green eyes.
Leader: Breezestar- A brown and black pelted she-cat with a dark, black-looking tail and paws, with bluish eyes
Deputy: Mossyfoot- A long-haired brown tom with blue eyes.
Medicine Cat: Willowheart- A beautiful white-pelted she-cat with green eyes; blind in her left eye from an accident when she was an apprentice.
Quietrain- A blue-gray she-cat with green eyes.
HailLeap- A gray, long-pelted she-cat with light green eyes.
Whitefur- A white she-cat with amber eyes.
Cloudstream- A white she-cat with blue eyes.
Apprentice, Smokepaw (a gray long-haired tom with black paws and blue eyes)
Flowerstorm- A striped she-cat with yellow eyes.
Stormfeather- A brown tom with green eyes.
Roseflower- A reddish she-cat with yellowish eyes and a white chest.
Kits: Redkit- a tabby she-kit with green eyes
Duskpelt- A black she-cat with blue eyes.
Kits: Streamkit (silver tabby she-kit with blue eyes), Stormkit (black tom with blue eyes)
Mistwhisker- A striped white and gray she-cat with yellow eyes.
Feathersong- A gray and white she-cat with a few black stripes and a few gray stripes. Has yellow eyes, a little bit of white on her paws, and a dark gray and fluffed tail.
Emberflight- Red and brown pelted, long-haired tom with amber eyes.
Cats Outside Clans
Clawface- A black and brown splotch pelted tom with yellow eyes.
Kits: Coco (light and dark brown tom with blue eyes), Midnight (black, white, and light brown pelted she-kit with blue-green eyes), Patch (gray and light brown pelted blind she-kit with a white chest and paws)
River- blue-gray she-kit with blue eyes.515Please respect copyright.PENANAZIg12ZwUXl
It was a cold, rainy night. A tom with blue eyes and a blue-gray she-cat sat under a tree. A blue-gray ball of fur was curled up by the river. Both grown cats were discussing what they had to do. They were unable to provide for themselves anymore, much less their own kit, River. River had just been born a couple moons ago. Her eyes weren’t open yet.
“What are we going to do?” she asked her mate. “We haven’t been able to find much prey here lately.”
“We’ll do what we must. Those clans live around here. They’ll find her and, if we’re lucky, they’ll take her in as their own. A cat would have to be mouse-brained not to take in an innocent kit. We’ll leave her by the river. Some cat will find her, but we need to find prey. We have to leave clan territory and find someplace else. If we have to, maybe we’ll be able to sneak into kittypet territory and eat some of their food. None of us will survive if we don’t do this.”
“We can’t abandon our kit. We can take her with us,” she told her mate, not wanting to leave River behind. “She needs us.”
“No. What she needs is a better chance at surviving and so do we. It’s best if we just go now.”
She sighed in defeat, knowing he was right. Then they both got to their paws, took one last look at where River was curled up by the river, trying to sleep, and padded away. Their hearts were heavy, not wanting to leave their kit, but they hoped that she would grow up in one of the clans and be welcomed there.
Mossyfoot was leading a border patrol that had Quietrain, Stormfeather, and HailLeap following behind him. On their way back from marking Riverclan territory, Mossyfoot stopped in his tracks. He couldn’t tell what he was seeing because of the heavy rain, but he knew there was something there.
“What is it?” HailLeap asked the deputy.
The deputy gestured towards the river with his tail.
“There’s something by the river,” he informed them all, answering HailLeap. “Come. Let’s check it out.”
Mossyfoot padded towards where the river was, Stormfeather and Quietrain at either of his flanks. When they reached the river, they found a tiny blue-grey furball.
“Let’s take the kit back to camp. This is not the night for any cat to be out here, let alone a kit,” Mossyfoot said.
“I’ll carry the kit,” Quietrain told her clan deputy. Then she padded forward and gently picked the kit up by the scruff. Then the patrol padded back to camp.
Soon, they were back in camp and had spoken to Breezestar. Breezestar didn’t like it, since she wasn’t very nice when it came to cats that weren’t Shadowclan born, but she made an exception for this kit. After that, Quietrain entered the nursery and approached Roseflower, one of the queens. Duskpelt, the other queen, already had two kits to take care of, but Roseflower only had one. Roseflower was a much better choice for this she-kit.
“What’s this?” Roseflower politely asked, when Quietrain gently put the she-kit down by her in the nest, not far from Roseflower and her kit Redkit.
“We found her by the river. We believe she was abandoned by her parents, whoever they are, for whatever reason. I was hoping you would be willing to take care of one more kit.”
“The poor kit. Of course,” she replied to her. Then she turned to the kit and began to lick her, working on getting her dry from the rain.
Quietrain was satisfied and happy about Roseflower’s answer and left the nursery to go for the warmth of her own nest.
Redkit silently watched everything. She was thrilled that she had a sibling now. A sister no less. Despite being a kit though, she wasn’t as rambunctious as the other kits in the nursery. She’d be an apprentice in a few moons, so she knew to behave herself and to not be so rowdy. She wondered what had happened to her, though.
“What are we going to name my new sister?” she asked, finally speaking.
Roseflower looked at her tabby kit whom had grown so much it seemed like, pausing with licking the new kit, thinking for a few moments.
“Well, she was found by the river, so I think we should name her…Riverkit.” Then Roseflower went back to licking her clean and dry.
“That’s a beautiful name,” Redkit said. “And it fits her perfectly. When will her eyes be open?” she asked her mother.
“In about half a moon,” Roseflower answered her. “Now enough questions. Go to bed.”
Redkit did as she was told and fell asleep, snuggled against part of Roseflower.
After she was nice and dry, Riverkit made her way to Roseflower’s belly and began to drink. Then, after she’d had her fill, she curled up against Roseflower and Redkit, going to sleep.515Please respect copyright.PENANAFe7zGSN0j0
It was sunhigh and there was excitement in the nursery. Duskpelt was trying to get her kits Stormkit and Streamkit to stop crowding Roseflower’s nest. Redkit, on the other hand, was at a safe distance in the nest. Roseflower just watched in silence. All of this happened, as Riverkit fully opened her eyes for the first time.
“Hello, little one. Welcome to Riverclan,” Roseflower greeted her.
“Hi, Riverkit. My name is Redkit. I’m your new sister,” Redkit greeted her.
Riverkit knew that Roseflower wasn’t her real mother and Redkit wasn’t her sibling. She’d been born as the only kit in the litter. Plus, she knew she looked nothing like Roseflower or Redkit. Also, she’d overheard all the conversations her parents had had. She knew that prey was scarce for them, so that’s why they’d left her behind. She was sad that they had, but she knew she had a new family and some playmates now. She even had a kinda new name.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she replied. Then she looked to see two kits that were as big as her adopted sister, Redkit.
“Hi, Riverkit. I’m Streamkit and this is my brother Stormkit,” she introduced.
“Do you wanna play something?” Stormkit asked. “We can play mossball if you want.”
Riverkit looked at her adopted mother.
“Can I?”
“Of course,” Roseflower said.
“Don’t play too rough,” Duskpelt told her kits.
“We won’t,” Streamkit told her.
Stormkit got a mossball, as Redkit and Riverkit left their nest. Then Redkit explained to her sister how to play. Then the game started.515Please respect copyright.PENANAAPuFsJQ0Wo
Moons had passed since Riverclan had found her. It seemed just like yesterday. Now it was the day of Riverkit’s apprentice naming ceremony. Redkit, Streamkit, and Stormkit were already apprentices as of a moon ago, since they were a little older than she was. Although she’d made many friends in Riverclan, every cat knew that there were a few cats whom second guessed Riverkit’s loyalty.
Roseflower was outside of the nursery with Riverkit, licking her fur into place, when Breezestar appeared on the high rock.
“Let every cat old enough to catch his prey be seated here beneath the high rock for a clan meeting.”
The clan did as told with Roseflower and Riverkit seated at the back together.
Breezestar continued, saying, “As you know, Riverkit has been with us for six moons. It’s time for her to receive her apprentice name. Step forward, Riverkit.”
Roseflower pushed her forward gently.
“Go on,” she encouraged her.
Riverkit padded through the crowd of cats and then sat at the base of the high rock, not knowing what she should do next.
Breezestar looked upon Riverkit whom looked up at her.
“Riverkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Riverpaw. Your mentor will be HailLeap. I hope HailLeap will pass down all she knows on to you. HailLeap, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from Emberflight, and you have shown yourself to be one to persevere and be courageous. You will be the mentor of Riverpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Riverpaw.”
HailLeap touched Riverpaw’s nose and Riverpaw touched HailLeap’s nose. Then the entire clan chanted Riverpaw’s new name, before Breezestar jumped off the high rock, dismissing the meeting and ceremony.
Roseflower approached Riverpaw and HailLeap.
“Congratulations, Riverpaw,” she praised. “Remember to listen to your mentor now,” she then reminded her.
“I will,” Riverpaw replied.
“I know you will. If not, I’ll send you to do extra work with cleaning out the elder’s fur of ticks,” HailLeap warned her.
Roseflower padded away and Riverpaw looked at HailLeap. Cleaning the elder’s fur of ticks didn’t sound fun to her, but she’d do what she was told. Besides, with the few cats that didn’t trust her to keep her loyalty to Riverclan, she didn’t want to spread any doubt to the whole of the clan. She didn’t want to be cast out. She was lucky that Riverclan had found her. She wanted to prove with all she had that she could be just as loyal as any clan born cat.
“What do we start first?” she asked her.
“First I’ll teach you how to hunt,” HailLeap informed her. Then HailLeap headed for the entrance to the camp, Riverpaw following behind her, into the forest. She remembered only the river and what surrounded it. She’d never been anywhere else before. Although her eyes hadn’t been open yet, she’d been able to hear and smell things around her.
Riverpaw padded at HailLeap’s flank until HailLeap finally stopped in the middle of Riverclan territory.
“Now, before you learn to hunt, you must learn to know when there is prey nearby without it knowing you’re there. And you must learn to kill it before it gets away from you,” she instructed. “Now, what do you smell?”
Riverpaw smell the air, taking her time to distinguish all of the scents. Then she finally caught the scent that she was needing to find.
“A mouse,” she replied.
“Good. Now, show me your hunter’s crouch,” HailLeap instructed of her apprentice.
Riverpaw did her hunter’s crouch, trying to be as steady as she could, since she’d just come from the nursery after six moons.
“Good enough. Now try again. This time try not to wobble. Be firm with your hunter’s crouch.”
Riverpaw tried again and this time got it.
“Very good, Riverpaw. Now, practice hunting,” she told her.
Riverpaw did her hunter’s crouch, spotting the mouse that she’d smelled and, without making a sound, she sprang on it and quickly killed it. Then she picked it up in her jaws and carried it back to her mentor, dropping it at both of their paws.
“Very good, Riverpaw,” she praised. “The more you practice, the better you’ll do. Now, take your prey with us and I’ll teach you how to catch fish.”
After she’d taught her how to catch fish and Riverpaw had gotten quite a few fish caught, HailLeap helped Riverpaw bring prey back to camp, which made the fresh-kill pile bigger.
“You did quite well, Riverpaw. We’ll do some battle training tomorrow. How about you pick something from the fresh-kill pile and head to the apprentice den. We have a big day tomorrow,” she instructed of her apprentice.
Riverpaw did as she was told, picking out a squirrel. She then found a clear spot not far from the warrior’s den and began to eat. As she did, one of the older apprentices, Smokepaw, passed by. He was about ten moons and never was very nice to Riverpaw when she’d been a kit. Luckily, she’d had her adopted sister and Duskpelt’s kits as backup. He was half way through his training. He gave Riverpaw a not so nice face, as he passed by. Then Redpaw whom was being mentored by Flowerstorm, sat down next to her with her own fresh-kill, which was a fish.
“Hey, Riverpaw. How was your first day of training?” she questioned her adopted sister, keeping her company. Another reason was because they were so close, it was almost like they were born to the same mother.
“It was great. I learned how to hunt prey and catch fish today,” she replied happily. “HailLeap says we’ll be learning some battle moves tomorrow,” she added. She couldn’t wait to learn how to fight. Just like any apprentice, she wanted to be the best warrior.
“Don’t worry about Smokepaw and the others. Just be yourself and show them you’re a Riverclan cat as much as they are,” Redpaw encouraged her, knowing what Riverpaw felt deeply, even if she didn’t say it.
“I don’t understand why they don’t trust me. I’ve been loyal ever since we were kits and they brought me in as their own. I would never disobey the rules,” she told Redpaw.
“You weren’t born Riverclan, Riverpaw. Past things have happened to Riverclan that makes them question the loyalty of those not born in the clan. The elders don’t like to tell some of the stories a lot, but Breezestar comes from Bloodclan. Tigerstar has been dead for a few generations or so, but he put Bloodclan together with a group of rogues. Tigerstar was the most vicious cat that ever lived until one of the rogues, Scourge, killed him. Tigerstar is in The Dark Forest now. He had a lot of ambition. After the Bloodclan events, Breezestar was once second guessed too. And she doesn’t trust cats very well unless they’re shown that they are loyal to Riverclan only. There are more stories I could tell you whenever you would like,” she explained to her so the other cats couldn’t hear what she was saying to Riverpaw. “Don’t mention that I said anything. Flowerstorm would claw my pelt and I’d probably be ordered to clean the elder’s pelts more than usual if they knew I spoke of Tigerstar. None of us like to say his name because of the horrible things he did when he was alive.”
“But that doesn’t fully explain why loyalty is such a problem,” Riverpaw replied.
“Well, you’ll learn overtime,” Redpaw replied.
Both of them finished their prey and then headed to the apprentice’s den together. There was a fresh nest right next to Redpaw, which Riverpaw took.515Please respect copyright.PENANAzdZJkMmXbw
After being an apprentice for thirteen moons, Riverpaw was finally ready for her warrior ceremony. She’d done impeccably well, despite not being clan born. She’d done nearly better than some of the apprentices. By now, Smokepaw was already a warrior with the name of Smokepelt. Now it was her turn. She’d shown every cat that she could work just as hard, sometimes harder, than any cat. She was working really hard to show that she was loyal to Riverclan and Riverclan only. She wished her real parents were here to see the cat that she’d become. Redpaw, Streampaw, and Stormpaw were already warriors with the names of Streamstorm, Stormtail, and Redcloud. Even though she was about a moon behind Streamstorm, Stormtail, and Redcloud she was happy to finally be a warrior alongside them. She was excited for this day to come, although she withheld her excitement, reminding herself that she could no longer act like a kit. She knew better now.
When Breezestar jumped onto the high rock, she knew what was coming. It was her warrior ceremony.
Finally! she thought. It seemed like she’d been waiting to become a warrior longer than she actually had been waiting. It felt like she’d been waiting for maybe twenty moons or more, but really it had only been thirteen moons. Although she knew what was coming, she waited for Breezestar to say the traditional calling of the clan, before she moved from her spot by the warriors’ den.
“Let every cat old enough to catch his prey be seated here beneath the high rock for a clan meeting,” Breezestar announced to her clan.
Each cat sat below the high rock. Smokepelt was in the middle and Riverpaw sat in front with Redcloud, Streamstorm, and Stormtail. Then Breezestar spoke, once she saw that the clan was settled.
“Riverpaw, step forward.”
Riverpaw did as Breezestar told her to, sitting in front of the high rock.
“HailLeap, has Riverpaw done well with her assessment?” she asked her.
“She has, Breezestar.”
Breezestar gave a nod as acknowledgement to her. Then she continued.
“I, Breezestar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn.” She looked down at her and she looked up at her leader. “Riverpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?”
“I do,” Riverpaw answered.
“Then by the powers of Starclan, I give you your warrior name. Riverpaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Riverheart. Starclan honors your dedication and determination, and we welcome you as a full warrior of Riverclan.” She touched Riverheart’s head with her nose and Riverheart licked her shoulder. Then, after the clan chanted Riverheart’s name, Breezestar jumped off the high rock, dismissing the clan. Then she went and sat at the entrance that night in vigil. She had to be silent due to tradition, as she’d been told. She couldn’t wait for her life to finally begin the next day as a real warrior. She knew that if her real parents had been in Riverclan, they would’ve been proud. She didn’t know if they were alive or not, though. That night of rain pouring heavily, she’d overheard her parents say why they had to leave her behind. They could barely provide for themselves, much less her too. And her father had been right, because Riverclan had taken her in, hoping for high hopes. She’d brought high hopes to Riverclan throughout everything. Apart from Smokepelt, she’d given every cat the assurance that she would never betray Riverclan, no matter what.