What the fuck is up folks, shit where the fuck are my party people at? I don't know what's wrong with me buttttttt Ummm I cried yesterday and I don't really cry a whole hell of a lot. Under certain circumstances, I do cry, like when I have panic attacks when someone I love passes away, and ya know if some bitch decides to use me (JK didn't cry when that shit happened) I'm used to people using me but yesterday I bawled like the five yr old I am. aNyways this is what happened we went to Walmart right and as y'all know I'm married I gots a husband now sooooo I was looking for rings and I found the cutest set of rings and I started crying. I found mine and his wedding rings. So after crying in the jewelry department I bought myself a Hershey's almond chocolate bar. That shit was good, not gonna lie. But yk after a while I decide hey lets try these on. And I do and I start crying again cuz I can't wait to give them to cutie. I love him so much, GOD y'all a motherfucker is simping so damn badly. Shit where is my tough demenor that I usually have. Shit oh yeah If anyone messes with my family or my online friends and Irl friends then send me that addy I'll show up with an ar Ight . aNyways enough of that.
I love you so much lovies