'Captain Trafalgar Law of the Heart Pirate Crew,
Recents events have prompted Marine Officials to consider you for the vacant position of Shichibukai. This position has many requirements and rules attached, which must be followed at all times...'
"Blah, blah, blah...we get it. Captain has to listen to the government. Where do we go to receive the title?" Penguin asked, scanning the letter for any information. Shachi, who looked over his shoulder, snatched it out of his hand.
"Give me that. I'll find it." His eyes sped through the words. Penguin narrowed his eyes.
"We all know I'm the faster reader."
"Says who?" Shachi glanced up at his friend. Before anything more than their childish bickering happened, Casper quietly took the paper away while they weren't looking.
"Alright, lads. Let's calm it down a bit, yeah?" They looked to the cook, who had a stern expression on his face, and crossed their arms, refusing to look at one another.
"I'm still the faster reader…" Penguin muttered. Casper shot Shachi a look before he could retort.
Taking the letter from the mechanics, he left the mess deck in search of the captain. Law himself hadn't seen the letter yet, and Casper was keen to inform him of the expected news.
His steps quietly took him to the Captain's quarters, where he rapped gently against the door. A muffled 'Come in' reached his ears and he entered the room. Inside, Law was poring over another medical book. Four daggers lined up along the table didn't escape the cook's notice, and he sighed inaudibly.
"Thought you'd like to see this." Casper said, handing over the letter at Law's quizzical glance. Taking the letter, Law set down the mug of coffee he was drinking and looked it over.
Captain Trafalgar Law of the Heart Pirate Crew,
Recent events have prompted Marine Officials to consider you for the vacant position of Shichibukai. This position has any requirements and rules attached, which must be followed at all times.
When informed, Shichibukai must meet at a designated gathering place, as per the Fleet Admiral's direction. Attendance is mandatory.
Tasks may be given freely and as the Fleet Admiral sees fit to distribute them. If you are assigned a task, completion is expected in a timely manner unless otherwise specified.
Shichibukai must abide by all laws of Safe Passage, as the duties of a Shichibukai may include transport of high-standing individuals within the Marine organization.
Under no circumstance are these rules to be broken. Failure to obey regulations will result in loss of title and immediate detainment with the possibility of being put to death.
After the position is accepted, any acquired bounty will be frozen and suspended. Any status holding you as a fugitive of law will also be suspended or terminated.
If you choose to accept this offered position, you must sign an agreement contract at the Plaza Marine Base before midnight of June 31st. If the contract has not been signed after the specified date and time, the offer will be retracted and no longer available.
Marine Headquarters'
Law looked over the letter once more, memorizing each detail to the dot. Unbeknownst to him, a small smirk slowly took on his face, which the cook noticed. Finally, after he was satisfied that he knew all information from the letter, he put it down on his desk and stood.
"Good news, Captain?" Casper asked, knowing the answer.
"Fortunately, yes." He answered, and the two men left his room. "I should think we'll be heading to this Marine base immediately, seeing how June 31st is only 2 days away."
Casper nodded, expecting nothing less from the young man. "Shall I get started on dinner, then?" Law nodded, heading off in the direction of the navigation room while Casper retreated back into his kitchen.
"Bart-ya, set us on a course for the Plaza Marine Base." Law ordered upon reaching the navigation bay. Bepo spread the map of the New World over the table, pinning the edges so it wouldn't curl back up. Law searched and quickly found the Base on the map, pointing to it with a finger.
"There." He said, and Jean Bart nodded slowly before turning to the many dials in front of him and changing course. Law felt the submarine respond instantly, turning due east of their previous course to take them directly to the base without losing much time.
Law smirked again, feeling for the first time in a while that they were getting closer to their missing nakama.
Something was happening. She could feel it.
The ship moved strangely, loud thumps and bumps echoing along the sides with men shouting overhead. There were running feet, and something heavy hit against the side of the boat. It jerked her awake, and she was instantly alert.
Summer listened intently, the vibrations of all the noises echoing around her cell. She could distinguish Viper's heavy steps from the rest of the trodding on the wood above. She sighed, wondering what was going on.
Several men cheered, which Summer thought confusing. As far as she knew, there wasn't anything special happening that day. If they were arriving at the island, Viper would've said something...right?
It didn't take long at all for a very feminine laugh to rise above the abundantly masculine voices. Summer felt like it was familiar, but couldn't quite place it. Viper's laugh was heard as well.
Curious, Summer peeked her head over to look at the guard to her cell. He was sitting in a chair, facing the door. Outwardly dozing, Summer knew he was on constant alert for any funny business from her.
Deciding that sitting there completely in the dark was probably worse than asking, she did, despite the slim chance of her learning anything. "Hey, what's going on up there?" She asked, slightly surprised that her vocal cords weren't as damaged as she thought they would be after so long without use. She had refused to talk to Viper at all since her determination to live had returned.
The guard glanced in her direction and, surprisingly, chuckled.
"A friend of yours showed up."
She scrunched her eyebrows together, retreating back into the depths of her cell as she worried about which one of her nakama they had captured. Why would one of them be taken and not the entire crew? Maybe they killed the rest? She swallowed in fear, her darker imagination kicking in with visions of death…
"I recognize this presence." Nemesis commented, slowly emerging from her long slumber within Summer. She could feel how tired the spirit was as she was able to sense the grogginess from waking up. It was an odd feeling.
'Is it...one of my nakama?' She asked hesitantly, hoping that the woman would be able to identify it.
"It feels female. I don't feel any of the men from aboard the underwater vessel nearby." At that, Summer gave an audible sigh of relief. At least her nakama were safe.
There was a commotion close by. While conversing with Nemesis, Summer hadn't realized that the noise had moved from above her to directly in front of the door to her cell room. There was a lot of talking, men speaking over one another and Viper's laughter, so Summer only caught bits and pieces of the conversation going on.
"happy to...She's...and...say hello."
The door was opened and Viper was the first to walk inside. He had a wide, yellowed smile on his face. She narrowed her eyes in suspicion.
"Well, love, it seems an old friend is here to see you. We've been expecting her for awhile now." He chuckled deeply before moving aside, letting Summer see who it was.
Her eyes widened, lips pulled back in a snarl, at the sight of the girl standing there. The perfect skin, the wide blue eyes, the rose necklace, the flaming red hair...She hated the sight of it all.
Kat closed her eyes, smiling brightly and gave Summer a little wave. "Long time no see!"
Summer sat speechless, conflicted between shouting abuse or simply glaring at her. In the end, Viper cut off any opportunity for either.
"Miss Kat here will be staying with us for the rest of the journey. She's free to wander the ship in her free time, so please," He said, drawing the vowels with a crooked smile, "make sure she feels comfortable."
He turned and left with the rest of the men, laughing as Kat simply smiled at Summer. She had to be dreaming, there was no way...How could she…
'I knew there was something wrong with her...' She thought, looking back on the bad feelings she always got around the girl. In front of her, Kat walked closer to the edge of the cage, placing her hands around two bars. The guard glanced at her actions.
"Careful, don't get too close." He muttered, eyeing Summer from between the bars. She snarled back, almost growling.
'He acts like I'm some wild animal...' She hated him. She hated her. She hated them all.
Kat sat down on the floor, crosslegged in front of the bars. "So, how have you been?"
A strong part of Summer told her to stay silent, but the angry part reared its ugly head. "How've I been?" She leaned forward menacingly. "How've I been!? Do you see the fucking metal cage I'm in? Do I look happy? Do you really think I wanna be here!? I've been starved, beaten, abused, kidnapped, taken from my nakama, and I'm now heading towards the place where I was tortured, with no idea of where my crew is or any idea if they're safe or not! And you ask how I've been?!"
By the end of her rant, she was standing and shoving her face almost through the metal bars. The guard had stood and pulled Kat away from her, just out of reach if she were to reach through. Teeth bared, Summer seethed, but finally pushed away and walked the opposite direction. It was almost a relief to yell and scream at the girl.
The guard stepped away and the girl cocked her head. "So, I'm guessing not so good, huh? Well, now that I'm here you'll have a friend to help you when you're sad!" She smiled.
"This girl is quite...bothersome."
Summer found herself agreeing with the spirit. All she knew was that the last part of getting to the Doctor was going to be hell...
Arriving In: 2 Days