It was a nice and quiet evening now with so very minimal stirring. A lone lounge sat with so very few bodies at present. Multiple tables decorated in white cloth, ablaze in color via the candles lit atop in their small jars. Chandlers hung over with a large dome-like glass ceiling, reflecting the floor below.
The chairs all appeared fluffy, sofa-esc or as fancified bar stools. To one end of the room down a few stairs, there were actual couches and chairs around a large wooden barrel, with barrel seats included in the mix. Pillows garnished each sofa, elegant in their variety and form. To the other side of the room, a well stocked bar stood with vibrant lamps of different shades and color.
Few tables were occupied at the present moment, and around one towards the heart, a table of eight seats sat with two present. Both Hope and Axel sat across from one another, Hope sitting at ease while Axel held his head up with his hand beneath his chin. One of Axel’s eyes was nearly closed, and a scowl was quite visible. A groan left him, while Hope then sat back with arms at his sides.
Silence… silence… and even more silence… the clatter of silverware, scraping on plates, mild chattering around them both.
“Uuuuuugh, that’s it!” Axel spat throwing his head back, his arms and hands outward.
“Axel please,” Hope said looking over.
“This is a JOKE mister captain man. No way in hell are those ass hat sisters showing up and I doubt the famous star will show up either!”
“HEY, SHUT THE HELL UP!” a yell came clearing the whole room.
Both of them looked across the room to see a steaming mad Talia being followed by a very embarrassed looking Chloe. Little was actually said as the sisters moved across the lounge with many sets of eyes focusing on them. Finally the two came up to the table and took their seats, Talia growling and glaring at a very annoyed Axel.
“Well, that’s four. Now then uh, Elise isn’t here yet right?” Hope asked looking around.
“Nope. Figures. Fame probably got to her head or some shit,” Axel muttered while opening up a newspaper.
“Do you have to be such a dick?” Talia growled.
“Do you have to be such a bitch?” he asked back.
“DO you want me to kick your ass?!” Talia spat slamming both of her hands down on the table.
“Good lord you people are so loud,” Elise’s voice called out.
Attentions turned and all at once, there she was, walking up to the table with a chair already in hand, taking a seat. Elise pulled up, both arms at rest on the sides of the chair, looking around.
“Alright, everyone is here. Good. Now then, lets all have a good evening. I ordered some apps and drinks that’ll be brought out in-”
“Cut the crap old man,” Talia growled.
“For once I agree with her,” Axel muttered.
“Please, sis, can’t we just-” Chloe began.
“No, I’m not going to just sit here and look all nice and cozy with these idiots and waste my damn time.”
“Ugh,” Elise groaned.
“Alright, everyone just be quiet. Alright? Try to get along guys, we’re all going to be working together from now on,” Hope sighed, “So uh, Elise, how have you been getting along?”
“The hell does her opinion matter?” Axel growled.
Elise turned her head, looking to him next, “What now?”
“Your opinion shouldn’t matter. Who cares if you’re getting along alright. We have a job to do. Screw your personal feelings.”
“Excuse you? All Hope did was ask me a damn question.”
Silence drifted for a few seconds until Elise looked back to Hope, “Doing… fine I guess. It’s been mildly boring I guess, a bit… lonely I guess?”
“Plefh,” Axel growled again.
“What now?” Elise muttered.
“Lonely? Screw that. You should be relying on your own strength and pushing forward, screw others.”
“Dude, are you just determined to be a dick smack? Or do you just not want friends?”
“Seriously, Axel, chill,” Hope spoke, “There’s nothing wrong with feeling lonely from time to time.”
“I never get lonely and I do just fine,” he growled.
“Pftyaaaa clearly,” Talia giggled.
“What was that?!”
“Having comrades is only natural, and those who don’t care about their comrades are piss poor at best,” Elise replied.
Both Elise and Axel slammed their hands down on top of the table, both standing and immediately glaring at each other. Only a few feet separated their faces from one another; though their glares were clear and powerful nonetheless. Chloe sat back with both hands cupped around her mouth, while Talia just started to grin as she sat back. Hope let out another growl.
“Look, enough you two!” he spat.
Both looked to one another for a few more moments before sitting back down as Hope went on.
“We’re all stuck together now, this is what the top brass wanted, and here in four days they’ll be sending us out to Frostosis to survey the situation as an experimental unit.”
“Why the rush?” Talia asked with a hint of sarcasm and a wave of her arm & hand.
“The South needs our help. They made that very clear, and the higher ups want a survey to be done before doing anything.”
“That’s such a load of crap,” Elise growled.
“When something needs life support it’s better off dead you brat,” Axel muttered, to which Elise resumed her glare with intensifying rage, “Screw ‘em, the brass wants to see if they are beyond salvation or not.”
“Axel, just- ugh anyways-”
“But Captain, we’re a group of five counting you. We’re short,” Chloe added.
“We’ll be working with a squad from the South when the time comes.”
“Four days is shit for time to prepare,” Talia grumbled.
“Leave it to the weak peasants to complain about time,” Axel growled.
“Why you!”
The sheathed extension of Sephiroth immediately flew between them as they now stood, inches from each others faces. Elise sat back, right arm extended with her weapon in hand, glaring at the both of them. Their fires died back momentarily, looking from the sheathe to Elise, then back to each other. Backing off, both sat back down.
“Look, if it’s all the same to you guys, I think I’ll just leave this to you guys to sort out,” Elise replied.
“Oh, and why is this so beneath you Princess?” Axel chuckled.
“Because I’ve already talked to the Frost Clan’s top adviser and the princess.”
“What?” Hope murmured.
“Yeah,” she said looking over to Hope, “They sought me out and personally asked me to serve as an advisor.”
“What?!” Axel spat.
“You bitch!” Talia yowled.
“Elise- that isn’t team spir-”
“Sorry Captain but I don’t care,” she said looking around the table, “I was personally asked to help them out because they believe I’ll be more effective helping them directly, than I would be following orders.”
“And did you explain that you and a team have been assigned to help?” Hope asked.
“Yes. And they didn’t fully care.”
“Pft- arrogant as hell,” Axel growled, looking at her with cold eyes, “Being some sort of Super Star isn’t going to make up for your failure to protect Vulfax and those dear to you.”
At that moment she stood, looking down at Axel with another scowl, breathing out as she did so, “Only a pathetic loser who has nothing would dare to antagonize those he believes to be lesser, just to make themselves feel better. Well sorry Axel, you’re still a sorry loser who SHOULD feel sorry for himself. Grow up.”
“Elise!” Hope called.
“Pft- come on Chloe, lets get out of here,” Talia muttered standing up, now walking away.
“But sis I- w-wait!”
As they both walked away, Axel did the same, standing and heading out in yet another direction. Hope was left, pouting mildly. Elise sighed sitting back, placing her weapon against the table, letting it lean. Her left hand was placed out as a waiter walked by, who then deposited a pinkish orange and red looking drink into her hand.
“Damn kids,” Hope growled, “You lot don’t know what they’re getting into.”
“Honestly Captain, this is for the best. It’s clear that there is no chemistry between at least three of us, with Chloe being a wild card,” Elise began, taking a sip from her beverage, “Lack of chemistry leads to mistakes. Mistakes on the battle field lead to death.”
Hope looked over to her as she took a bigger swig of her drink, “But Elise- we were assigned to do this together. The goal is to make a squad that can be borderline unstoppable, very elite.”
She finished drinking and placed her glass on the table, half full yet, “Then they’d have given us time to try and cooperate, or sent us on less dangerous missions. This push to get us to either fall in line and be something, or to not and die, it’s like something Azala would’ve done.”
His eyes flashed wide, while she cast an ever so casual- if not annoyed glance.
“I’m done playing games Captain. I grew up with it, and for the last six months I have still seen it. Some like you and Holly are nice, really nice. But then there are people… how can this group truly claim to be better when they allow a bunch of jackasses to run around with positions of power?”
“I- I wish I had an answer for ya Miss Bakuuva.”
“I escaped one special hell Hope, I’m not trading one for another,” Elise finished, now standing, giving Hope a slight bow as she took hold of Sephiroth, “If you’ll excuse me.”
She turned and walked off all while focusing forward, not even bothering to look back, Sephiroth swaying at her side now reattached. She exited the lounge, now mostly empty, Hope being one of three final occupants who simply slumped back with a low groan. A few tables away, however, there sat two more individuals, each with news papers held up.
Said papers dropped to the table, both looking outward. One, eyes so very crimson, a bit of a bright red tinge over the darkness. Below the left eye, a crescent scar, black around the edges. He stared as Elise exited the lounge while his partner looked to him.
“She’s as troublesome as I had imagined,” the scar man chuckled, “I’ll give her points, what she suggested is exactly what I wanted.”
“Doubtful that what she said is what the other leaders were thinking at the time. So General?”
“Let her have her fun. If she wants to piss off and go play with the Frostosans, that’s her choice. That’s one less pain in the ass to deal with now that we can deal with later. Keep an eye on her though would you Agent?”
“Yes, General Abagor.”