Their steps carried through the hall, the steps of Elise and her new group. Elise, Hope, Ryuu, Zero, Satoshi, and several more with the Captain in the lead.
“So, Elise, tell me, what do you know about space travel?” the Captain asked.
She looked ahead, a slight puzzled look emerged and in bloom, “Uh… well I- hmm. Not much.”
“I thought not. Well ya see, it’s like this. There exists the Celestial River as you know, the source of all energy in the universe, flowing through Space and Time.”
“And ya know about the whole situation with the original portal right?”
“Great. Well ‘sentially we’ve learned how to replicate it. The first portals ferst got ripped open by an em-balance of energies. The River works in pairs that balance one ‘nother, and those opposites have the greatest effect when they clash. During that battle there was so much light and dark bein used that it broke the universe. We’ve since learned how to replicate it with magic.”
“Yep. By your report, ahem, uh- you reported the ruins in the mines. That was a Warp Gate likely. Ya see, Warp Gates are specially crafted relics that allow one to replicate that space-time rip of energy and jump between it and a sister gate. Course not all gates go to the same gate, that’s sort of the key and lock we’ve got. They exist in pairs and the codes never match, kinda like finger prints. Course, since there have to be pairs, finding new worlds is a bit complicated.”
“So how do you find new worlds? And how many are there?”
“There are many,” Ryuu replied, “Earth is far from the only world in the universe to hold life as you’ve gathered by now. By our estimates, there are hundreds that we know of.”
“As for finding new worlds, that’s kind of a toss up at this point,” Zero continued, “There are space-time spells that can project new coordinates but that takes a lot of time to do.”
“Why not just, I don’t know, a ship with light speed or something?”
“Light speed is snail speed,” Zero laughed, “But we do have means to traverse the Universe, also in a time consuming manner.”
“We might not have Light Speed but we do have Warp Drives,” Hope continued, “Name suggests it I ‘spose but just in case, we use magic ta move ships with another relic and newer technology. Space Travel ain’t too bad with that to get us places. Bit slower than gates though.”
“How so?”
“You’ll see soon Elise, when we depart that is” Hope finished.
“So… does that make you my new Captain?”
“Captain? What gives ya that idea?”
“I mean, Holly picks you to show me around and you’re talking like you’ll be helping me for awhile so, just assuming.”
“Told you she’s sharp,” Zero called out, “Though she’s right, was sort of obvious.”
“You never were the subtle type either,” Ryuu added.
“Heh heh,” Satoshi chuckled.
“Heh… yeah, yeah,” Hope sighed, “Yeah, I’m going to be your new Squad Captain. It’ll be a special unit by Lady Bell’s personal request. You’ll be working with me and other Stingray’s.”
“The Tribe has attempted to make a unit of individuals like you for some time Elise,” Ryuu began, “An experimental unit that breaks tradition and normality.”
“How many more like me are there?”
“A few,” Hope replied, “You and a fellow named Axel Bjorn will be under my wing first, with you taking the lead as Squad Lieutenant.”
“I see...” she murmured ceasing to a halt.
The group stopped shortly thereafter, some turning round to look back at her as she looked on ahead, “So… who is this Axel then?”
“Heh,” Hope chuckled, “I’d be much obliged to introduce you to him. Follow on, we’ll head to the practice range.”511Please respect copyright.PENANANI8OmMygtG
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Loud grunting ran amok with a following of loud claps, the sizzle of fire. A large gymnasium, well above three football fields in length, stood full of combatants. Many clashed with swords, many hand to hand, three with fire. One male shot round two girls standing close to one another, fire flying from the male at the two.
Fireballs slammed into the ground and blew, rock sent tumbling away from the pressure and heat. The two dodged round, one to the left, another to the right. Both flew up on the male, both yelling a battle cry as they launched in. High above on a massive balcony stood a plethora of other individuals in observation of all activity going on below. Tony stood above with Anna and another, older, gent.
Below on the field, the male shot around one of the ladies, swinging his right leg square into her side. She gave out a yell and flopped to the side, a slight bit of scorching around the impacted site.
“CHLOE! You BASTARD!” the other yelled.
The male turned just as the second woman came up on him, her left leg flying through the air with visible air flowing way. A loud crackle rang out and the male flopped as well, yelling out in the process.
From the sides, guards armed with batons and cuffs raced out and were quickly followed by medical staff. Guards slammed into the aggressive woman, holding her back as literal steam vented from her nostrils and mouth.
Back up top the old man growled, “None of them are worth a damn.”
“We have two spots to replace,” Anna muttered, “We should just pick already, that’s the twentieth match of the day.”
“You brats don’t get to just pick and crap alright?! Domino Squadron has standards because if one of us falls, we all fall!” the man yelled.
“Either way it goes, I don’t want my brother to be involved with our squad,” Tony grumbled looking down at the male, now thrashing around on the ground in a roll, still screaming.
“GOD DAMN WHORES!” the male screamed.
“Why don’t you SHUT UP!” a guard screamed back.
“Heh. Sorry Tony but your brother is definitely an idiot,” Anna laughed.
“Nhhh… Marco has strength but could definitely use some more discipline.”
“I’ll be back, I need another bottle,” the old man grumbled, walking away.
As his steps trailed away, a group of steps drew closer, Elise’s group. Both Tony and Anna turned their heads, taking in as the group came close. Several had been shedded on the way to present- leaving Elise, Ryuu, Zero, Hope, and Satoshi.
“Seems that we have a habit of bumping into each other on the regular, Bakuuva,” Tony called out.
“Heh- uh, yeah. Hi Tony, Anna,” she replied as her group came to a halt.
“Hello to the both of ya,” Hope spoke, “We’re here for-”
“TONY!” came the call of the male from down below.
The young man launched up on the ledge, landing on both feet. His damaged arm dangled, a bit of flame still racing around his torso. Orange hair, only a few inches long and ragged, then yellow-green eyes. A simple black tank top, blue jeans, fingerless black gloves, and combat boots.
“Marco,” Tony muttered.
“The hell bro, not even going to- eh?” he mumbled back while glancing over towards Hope’s group, “Well- hello gorgeous.”
He looked upon Elise, a sparkle in his eyes, a sparkle swiftly sprinting around her as the air turned a brighter pink- for him. Elise raised an eye and returned a glance. Tony swiftly face palmed himself, saying nothing while both Anna and Zero chuckled.
“Um… hi?”
“Haven’t seen you ‘round here before. Say, do you happen to have a training partner yet? If not, I’m uh, I’m a bit of a pro at this ring so I’d be happy to-”
“Good lord you are an embarrassment when you try to flirt. Cut the crap Marco, she’s a Lieutenant, not some rookie,” Tony growled.
“Smooth,” Elise replied.
“Bro you need to just shut up and let me work, sheesh. I wasn’t going to- eh… whatever. Lieutenant then? Since when, I’ve never seen her before. Are you trying to bullshit me?!”
“Ahem,” Hope resumed.
“Oh uh, sorry Captain,” Marco replied.
“This is Lieutenant Elise Bakuuva of Vulfax.”
“Thee Bakuuva? Jesus, why didn’t you tell me?! I never would’ve been so direct if I had known that god dammit,” Marco said with a sigh.
“You know of me?”
“Hell, good few of us do. You’re a legend for having been part of that Azala Incident as the higher ups say. You exposed a lot of nonsense that’s got the Tribe all sorts of fired up.”
“I-I see… and you are?”
“I’m Twenty-Second division Ace Pyro of the Battle Magic Corps, Marco Santo Gex, brother of the emotionless rock over here.”
“Mmm...” Tony grumbled.
“Are ya done?” Hope asked.
“A pleasure uh, Marco. If I may, why is your arm hanging like that?”
“Oh, just, just ignore me then, that’s fine,” Hope exhaled.
“Oh, this? Heh- some crazy bitch flew into a fit because I kicked her sister during practice. Should probably fix that quick.”
A golden glow roared up around his broken arm, a sparkle of flame present just above carrying the same color. His arm twitched and bent, his fingers danced and ran, all ceasing with the glow as his hand balled back up into a fist with the crackle of bone.
“There, much better.”
“Wait- did you just mend your bones? How did you do that?!”
“Heh, well ya see Elise, my brother and I are, what is known as Pyrovastmites, of the Pyrovastmas Race. We’re a select race that can freely command and even become fire. Pretty metal, eh?”
“That’s actually pretty cool,” she replied.
“Cool? No, it’s hot, flaming hot.”
“Ugh,” Tony groaned.
“Honestly, I find it strange how so many races are just humans in appearance. It’s so hard to tell if someone is something different.”
“Well that’s because humans are the superior form, heh heh.”
“Ugh, enough Marco. Evolution can go in many different directions. There are many races that aren’t humanoid in the slightest.”
“Must you ruin everything?”
“AHEM!” Hope choked, “If I may-”
“Sorry Captain,” Elise replied.
“That took you long enough,” Zero mumbled.
“So Marco, have ya seen Axel?”
“Yee, Axel Bjorn. We were-”
“Been here the whole time,” a voice called out from the shadows of the balcony.
Elise turned her attention, moving from Marco to a set of green eyes staring from utter darkness. Forth from the shadows a lone figure moved, a single footstep followed by an echo, then another. Another, and another. First his clothes became visible, a typical black trench coat with same colored shirt and jeans, black boots.
Then his hair, lengthy with mild strands, also black in color. Step. Step. Step.
Then his face in full as he emerged with both hands in his pockets. A scar protruded beneath his left eye, almost crescent shaped in some regard. A void face with only glaring, glowing eyes, scrunched with disdain. Elise turned in full, facing him head on, a serious gaze of her own cast back.