“No! That’s impossible!” Wesley yelled out.
“Is it though?” Leon questioned, his right hand slamming flat to the ground, “Eight Phantom Dragons.”
Earth ruptured all around Leon, massive holes opening up from which multiple Dark Energy Dragons raced out of, roaring as they launched for Wesley. Another blast went as they all connected, one that engulfed Wesley right away. The dark vortex created by them, rather the blast, remained for several seconds before dissipating. From it dropped Wesley in a roll, flying off to the side of the crater.
Dust was kicked up once he hit, rocks scattering. A grunt left him as his body skipped, flopping over and rolling once the bounce was complete. Both hands down, knees down, Wesley picked himself up with a push quickly, “How?!”
Below Leon remained, arms spread out with his robe torn apart, “Hmph… that wasn’t half bad.”
Darkness congregated quickly around the lower wound, moving around like sand, weaving around and around. The black seals and symbols from prior had begun to spread once more across Leon’s face and body in the next instance. As they did his lower wound had begun to twitch and squirm. The darkness shifted as at Leon’s gut something began to pool out underneath all of the energy. Two lumps appeared, splitting way from the pooling, lumps that then stretched out.
Holly looked down from her position, eyes shaken as she watched. Slowly the lumps stretched further and further, soon taking on a more leg-like shape as they went, “I can’t tell what he’s up to… one can’t just reform their limbs with energy alone. Organic components are too complex to just be printed like that. So is this regeneration?”
No sooner had her words completed themselves had the restoration completed. Leon now had been left pants-less; however with a lower half and legs made entirely of Dark Energy. Legs totally black, feet that appeared as a cross of animal and human. From that point he sat up, legs bending round. Both Holly and Wesley watched on as Leon stood back up now on his new legs.
His shirt drifted way in shreds, revealing a torso covered in seals and markings. Holly’s eyes locked to the form, scanning each symbol, each little marking as Leon took a pace forward. Her attention then returned to his face, studying his expression. The dark warrior looked from just ahead of him to straight up, returning a gaze to Holly.
“Well? It’s your move, isn’t it?” Leon called out.
“A rather pointless gesture isn’t it? I’ve figured you out at this point!” Holly shouted back.
A simple flicker of light and in one swift motion she appeared before him, several meters away, looking to him dead center, “You’re not Leon, not at all. Your M-O isn’t like his at all. Leon never was that playful, nor that arrogant. And he definitely wouldn’t turn to regeneration like you have. That said, your personality and methods match another of the Phantoms perfectly.”
“Heh,” he chuckled, “So you’ve figured it out.”
“It wasn’t that hard, Revan.”
The form before Holly was no more, a completely new individual now standing right before her. Another male dressed in a much more simplistic Hive robe without the fur. His hair, long and black. His eyes, the whites totally black with sky blue pupils to the center surrounded completely by yellow.
“Revan, Revan Carolus,” Holly murmured.
“Well, I’ve got to hand it to you, you are as smart now as you were back then, heh heh,” he chuckled, the pitch of his voice a little higher now than it was prior, the tone entirely different, “What gave it away I wonder?”
“It’s as I said, Leon was never that playful, and he’d never turn to cheap tricks like illusions or regeneration of body parts, if he even has that ability. The manipulation of bodily form to match circumstances for improved ability, the aim to try and recruit someone like Vulper. Only a snake like you would even give that a shot. And lets be real, your power is nothing compared to his.”
“HA! Well shit, and here I thought my act was Oscar worthy,” Revan chuckled, “I’ll have to tell Nocturn that I need more material next time they want me to copy someone. More memories, more practice. But I suppose from the very start I should’ve known better. Even that brat of yours saw through some of my actions.”
“Heh, did she now?”
“Well at any rate, I’m a bit out of my league here. I can fight Wesley no problem, you however are a different matter.”
“You may be able to copy the form and natural abilities of someone or something; but not their knowledge or other abilities. So, how about you just come quietly then if you think you can’t beat me in battle? I’ll make it painless.”
“Tempting but I believe the need to surrender is neither here nor there because in a few short seconds, my two escorts who are far from here by now are going to use a summoning scroll to teleport me to them. We got more than enough of what we came here for.”
An explosion of silver smoke blew from Revan’s form into the air. Holly’s guard dropped immediately, glancing to the empty smoke with a sigh.450Please respect copyright.PENANAqtWFvlMesF
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Soldiers marched all around, many trees lying down on the ground. Chainsaws could be heard followed by the crackle of more trees. Engines vroomed and shouting had begun. Stretchers moved in and out of the area, up and down the rock carved stairs from the edge of the crater to high up in the forest.
Major remodeling had begun, stairs and otherwise being primarily made in seconds with aid from those such as Wesley and his Earth Magic. Plenty of cots lay around the open terrain, some empty and most full of soldiers now saddled up. Many in medical attire flew in and out of the area from patient to patient, some heading down into the crater with other soldiers.
“Hey, hey! There’s another one over here!”
“I need a medic and a stretcher pronto!”
Chaos still reigned even as dawn drew closer on the horizon. Many in Tribe attire shot around, tents being strung up and some others being collapsed. Equipment moved around on carts, heading in and out of the various tents. Holly herself walked with several aides surrounding her, some with tablets and others without.
“-and all things considered Lady Bell, casualties were kept to a minimum,” one of them spoke.
“Loss is still loss though, and we still haven’t found everyone who fell into the crater have we?”
“Uh, no ma’am, we haven’t.”
“Then we’re not done. Our Earth Magic Users can only do so much. None of them want to risk another collapse by slinging rock all over. We need people to dig with precision.”
“Yes ma’am!”
Holly turned her attention, watching Wesley storm off through the trees yelling at two individuals who were moving away, “Move that transmitter and get it into position! I want the jet there in no more than three hours. And prepare the meeting, I want everyone to know!”
Her attention turned back to in front of her as she moved among a variety of tents strung about, “Has anyone been able to get ahold of my father yet?”
“No milady.”
“Neh, of all the- just because he lost his connection to The River doesn’t mean he can’t still lead us. His total shut down is not something we need right now. Monte, run your report to Jarrajod, then tell him to contact someone back in London who can contact Minister Ivan. I want Ivan to contact me as soon as he can, and to start getting in touch with all the other alliance members and our Generals.”
“Uh, yes ma’am.”
“The situation has evolved to a stage I am not happy with. With or without my father’s permission, this needs to happen. The Hive has become a danger to every world tied to us at this point, and above all they’re now a threat to the Shards.”
“What are we talking here milady?”
“They’re already moving on Frostosis according to the report from members of Domino Squadron. They’re messing with the civil war, meaning that the North might pull ahead. I want any world that has one of the Shards to go into lock down until further notice, tell the representatives of whatever governments on those worlds to begin martial law to contain any potential situations before they begin.”
“Yes ma’am!”
“And while you’re at it, get ahold of Lieutenants Bakuuva and Gex. I want Elise to leave with Tony’s squad for London. They have work to do to prepare for what I need of them. Where are they?”450Please respect copyright.PENANAkb1K2HU5sF
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“I assure you Miss Caldori, I am fine,” Vulper mumbled.
A large medical tent stood firm with dozens and dozens of stretchers wheeling in and out with people placed down on them. To one corner, Vulper sat upon one in human form. Caldori stood near him with hands placed on him, a reddish rose aura drifting from her hands over his left arm. Sora stood among them, as did Elise and others from Vulfax.
Caldori lifted her head, glaring into Vulper’s eyes, “I am the medic here so shut it!”
“Wha-er-yea-um, yes ma’am,” Vulper choked back.
“Ha! Vulper you push over,” Elise laughed.
“Ha, ha, ha, yeah you try getting yelled at by your doctor and tell me what you think,” he muttered back, looking to Elise.
“I don’t care IF you can regenerate,” Caldori growled again, “It still cost some of your life force to do that. This is a special healing art that’s supposed to rectify that. I swear you warrior types are all a bunch of hard heads!”
“I’ve told them that for years Callie, it never helped,” Elise replied with a shrug, hands up in the air.
“Seriously Elise? Jeez!” he then croaked.
“It’s just good to see you alive yet Vulper,” Zoey replied.
“Big time boss,” Scott laughed.
“Since when could you turn into a dragon man?” Drake questioned.
“I… have a lot to explain I suppose.”
“All in due time I’m afraid,” Tony’s voice called out.
The warrior approached the group casually, a data pad in hand that was absolutely rolling with data. He looked from Vulper to Caldori, who in turn looked to him along with the others.
“What is it Tony?”
“We’ve been recalled to go back to London.”
“Jarrajod’s assistant just gave me this data pad with all of the info. Domino Squadron is to return to London on the next flight. Elise is supposed to accompany us.”
“Great. So when do we leave?” David asked.
“You don’t.”
“This uh, Vulfax Squadron, has been dissolved until further notice. The higher ups want all of Vulfax to stay put for now, short of Elise. Seems they have other uses for her right now.”
“Hey you guys can’t split us up. We’re a team!” Zoey spat.
“It’s not my decision, I’m just as annoyed as you are. Without you to keep her company, Elise is going to leech off of my team until she gets assigned to a team of her own. That’s going to mess up our mojo.”
“Oh Tony, don’t pretend like you won’t love it,” Elise answered back before looking to Zoey, “It’ll be fine. It won’t be for long I’m sure.”
“Are… are you sure you’re willing to just, ya know, go?”
“I am. Vulfax still needs you guys, Vulper still needs you guys. Don’t forget, part of my conditions with the Tribe were to put Vulfax in charge so they could finally rebuild. You’re all needed here.”
“She’s right,” Vulper replied, “Let Elise go for now. She’s already wanting to devote herself to stopping the Hive before they make a repeat of what happened to us. Who knows, when things become more stable-”
“It’ll all be good,” Elise concluded with a nod, her gaze turning towards Tony, “So, when do we leave?”
“Five minutes ago, probably. They want us to leave so we can catch the jet the minute it lands. Lady Bell will be coming back with us to get you set up. And I’m sure she’ll want to present you to the council for testimony about what you all saw down there. So, if you’re ready to go-”
“Yeeeah, right,” Elise murmured standing up.
Her eyes glanced over each of them. David, Milly, Mark, Scott, Drake, Samantha, Zoey, and Vulper. A slight smile perked up with a nod. Vulper smirked while the others returned their nods.
“This isn’t a goodbye, this is just a till next time.”
“Well Bakuuva,” Vulper began, “Get a move on. That’s an order.”
“Heh,” she replied with a growing smile.
Tony turned way and had begun to walk, Elise following just behind, followed then by Caldori and Sora. The rest turned to watch as they strolled by the other cots and stretchers. Just as she passed five away, her right arm flew up, a simple thumbs up given on her way out. With that, the rest of Vulfax was left there among only themselves, looking to one another.
“Think she’ll be alright?” Samantha asked.
“Hell, she’s the toughest brat I’ve met,” David replied, “She’ll be just fine.”
Vulper gave the slightest of nods, smiling as well, “She’s one of Vulfax. Vulfax isn’t weak. We are strong and free. That is the legacy Elise has left us for now, and we’d be fools to think she’ll falter from that now.”