Bright blue skies with dots of silvery wisp here and there, high high above the ground with an abyss of white and blue down below. A deafening roar, higher pitch, blaring from the outside but not for those within. Through the skies a business jet flew forth like a ship sailing the open ocean, small but not insignificant. Three engines echoed on the outside, wings tipped and blinking, many a window giving access to the waving seas of sky, providing view inside just as well.
Within the cabin stood many seats, all cushioned and well furnished. Large reclining chairs, couches of soft pillowy fluff, glimmering smooth tables. Laptops and monitors rested upon the tables and against the walls, data pads flashing with various text and images. Food and drink sat left and right before several of those present, some continuing to eat as flight attendants moved around the cabin.
Elise sat to the left beside a window, elbow rested upon the ledge with the back of her hand beneath her chin. Her eyes glanced outward, a pulled expression with no smile or joy even in her cold eyes. To the direct rear faced in the opposite direction sat Holly with three data pads in hand. A laptop sat upon a table just before her, eyes scanning rigorously from screen to screen.
Members of Domino Squadron swallowed much of the rest of the cabin, some laying about on the couches, some hung back in the chairs. Tony himself sat with a laptop to his lap, typing away. Near him laid Anna, head laying upon Chelsea’s lap. Dryden also lounged, laying down with a mild snore, one leg up and the other to the floor. Beyond those working with information, all remained lax and casual.
Caldori moved from the rear of the cabin with a roll of white bandage cloth in hand, passing a few of her own squadmates before stopping beside Elise. Casually she leaned over, unwinding some of the cloth, “This is the point where you let me-”
“Huh? Oh, right,” Elise replied moving herself up.
Caldori sat to the chair beside Elise, while the latter rolled her right sleeve and right pants leg up. Along both arm and leg, bandage was already present with a tinge of red to it. Without wasting a beat, Caldori set to work, unwrapping the old while preparing the new.
“So about Frostosis then,” Elise called out.
Holly’s head perked up a touch behind, a slight grin forming on her face as she looked back, “Mmm? Well, where to begin. Frostosis is the home world of the Frost Clan, one of our longest standing allies since the end of the war. We actually chose them to harbor one of the Shards, thinking it would be safe with them as guardians. Of course we added our own security measures, just to be safe.”
“You did mention temples, and if they’re like that one then they’re fully equipped. But you guys still seem concerned.”
“I’m not too familiar with everything myself Lady Bell,” Chelsea spoke, now looking to the hub of the conversation, “You’ve kept the war hush hush since it doesn’t concern us directly, and now you’re freaked by the developments.”
Holly’s eyes dipped down, as did her expression for a brief instance, “The Frostosis Civil War… is a war that has been ongoing for four and a half years by this point. It really all began with the death of the last king. His son had died years prior, so his young daughter was named Queen. Of course some others would help govern until she was of age; but some individuals decided it was time for a change.”
“What sort of change?”
“Different regions had already begun to separate their cultures within the last few centuries, and about seven years ago, they broke off for independence. Might’ve been more than a hundred governments at first but twenty-three were dominant. And, well in time, some of those dominant ones wanted to expand their power and beliefs. It realistically started with the North and the Maltans. Right now, there are only three powers left in the conflict. The North, the South, and the Maltans, who are currently in trouble themselves.”
“And it was the North that allied with the Hive right?” Caldori questioned.
“Mhmm, exactly. The Northern Leader wanted more and more power, to expand the Frost Clan as a whole across the Universe to make themselves into a solid empire. The Hive has always been known for promising power. We’ve always been close with the Royal Family and the South, so it’s no surprise that the Hive wanted in. Even when divided, the Frost Clan is immensely powerful.”
“So why hasn’t the Tribe stepped in if you’re such good allies?” Elise growled, glancing back with a bit of fire in her eyes.
Holly returned a glance with a slight turn of her head, emotionless though in doing so, “It is a civil matter, or at least it was. So long as the Frost Clan did not turn on us, who was in power did not matter. Now with the North joined to the Hive, who are also controlling the island that our temple is on, we have to act.”
“You guys don’t even care then.”
“Hey,” Tony barked, “Don’t get ahead of yourself Elise. There’s a lot you’ll need to learn.”
“And learn she shall,” Holly replied, “The top brass want to evaluate Project Stingray. That includes observing Elise and the rest. Once we arrive, I’ll be attending a meeting. The Project and the war will be some of our main talking points.”
“What about Project-”
“No, Sora, don’t go there.”
“At any rate, we should be near London shortly. In time you will learn all you need to Elise. How to go to other worlds, what Magic is, the history of our conflicts and allies, and so on. But for now, just relax until we land.”
“Alright, I guess,” Elise mumbled back, glancing back out the window beside her.
“All will be good Elise, have faith.”
“I lost my faith back in the Yukon,” she once more mumbled, “I guess time will tell.”407Please respect copyright.PENANAwUrRTcu7pS
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Down the jet had begun to descend through the open blue and white marshmallow dots of the sky. The sun, now higher by a margin of nearly two hours difference, was high into the sky aglow behind the descending jet. Swiftly it dropped in altitude, gliding in with engines on the downlow with so little a hum. Like a swooping eagle, it went in elegantly towards a flowing river.
Seconds to minutes passed as it went lower and lower until finally hovering above the water heading forward, speeds dropped to minimal. Down with a splash, water blowing out as the jet skipped back up like a rock. Down again with another, then another, and another before finally floating forward with a wave flowing outward. Floating along the river, now moving ahead, the jet cruised towards a turn with a large rocky side.
Steam blew forth from the middle of the rocks, a small slit opening. Water rushed in, the two sides split now spreading apart. Hydraulics and gears became visible soon after as the wall opened like hangar doors to the left and right. Inside sat a large hangar, stone docks all around and metal walls everywhere.
As the jet entered, the walls behind had begun to close immediately until at last the flow of water was cut after a minute. The jet floated inside, stopping to the center of the hangar. With the doors behind shut, the next stage had begun, drains and pumps kicking in sending the water level down. Before long, the floor was barren, the wheels of the jet touched down.
Armed guards moved out, rifles to their shoulders. Stairs dropped from the jet as the side door opened up.
“FORM UP!” one shouted, all taking positions shifting their rifles from their arms to across their torsos.
Holly moved out first, right hand on the rail as she moved down with a slight smile. Behind moved Tony and Caldori, then others of Domino Squadron. Near the back and last out was Elise, slow to follow.
“Welcome back Lady Bell,” one soldier stated.
“Thank you Sergeant. I trust that all is as I left it?”
“Yes Ma’am!”
“And the meeting?”
“The chamber is prepared Ma’am.”
“Good. Alright well, if you would Sergeant, please have someone show Domino Squadron to Lab H and summon Agent Lowry. And then if you could personally do so, escort Lieutenant Bakuuva to Conference Room J’s waiting hall. I’ll send someone to meet up with her later.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Alright then,” Holly murmured turning round, “So I take it you all heard that rather easily. Domino Squadron has something else to tend to. Meanwhile I need to be on my way to that meeting. Elise darling, I have chosen someone to help you explore the facility and be a sort of mentor figure. Sorry I can’t do this myself but duty calls.”
“Alright, that’s fine,” Elise replied looking to Holly.
“You’ll get a full overview about the facility. This is our number one in the world and easily our best defended. There’s much to see and much to learn about. And trust me, I selected your guide specially. You’ll get along just fine.”
“Right then, I’m off. Toodles,” Holly concluded, heading towards the left in the direction of a stone staircase.
“I suppose then,” Tony mumbled watching her go, “Time to say our goodbyes.”
“Is it really alright to let Elise just go?” Caldori questioned with a turn.
“Orders are orders,” Jimmy replied.
“It’s fine, I’ll be fine,” Elise stated with a bit of strength to her voice, “We’ll still be in the same facility, I’m sure we’ll still see each other.”
“You’re sure? Oh- alright.”
A slight giggle, to which Elise then turned to face Tony. Tony himself turned as well, looking to Elise. Immediately, a nod was given by Elise forward to Tony, who then returned with a slight smirk for response. A nod of his own was then given before the two returned to normal gaze.
“Thank you, for everything. You and your squad have made the last six months… tolerable, I suppose.”
“Heh, only tolerable eh? Well maybe next time Sora won’t breathe so heavily when we’re all napping.”
“Ha, right right,” she said with a sigh, “Well, I hope we get to team up again. It’s easier when you know people.”
“Alright,” the captain called, “Lieutenant Gex, follow Becker. Lieutenant Bakuuva, with me.”
“Goodbye for now then, Elise Bakuuva. We will meet again,” Tony called.
“Definitely. Goodbye for now, Domino Squadron.”407Please respect copyright.PENANAy9o2HrZG4b
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“This is an outrage!” a voice yelled out, echoing around the room.
“The Hive has got us, they fucking have us!”
“Nonsense, we still have the edge, they have nothing-”
“How can you say that when they have half of Frostosis under their thumb?! Frostosis, ney, the entirety of the Frost Clan is one of our strongest allies, and they have half!”
“And here is Bell, wasting HER time and OUR RESOURCES on a bunch of backwards nonsense!”
A room, rather a small auditorium, stood wall to wall with people gathered around a large holo-table. Chairs everywhere, many hologrammed in, many present in person. Among those present were Holly Bell, Wesley Ezdorth, and Jarrajod Jorgenouf. Many different individuals of many ranks hovered around: Lords, Advisors, Generals, Royals, Scientists, Commanders, and more.
“What good is your Project Stingray? What good is your focus on this Bakuuva when you could be focusing on the Frostosis situation? Where is the focus on your father who is distraught?! There are so few candidates, so little results!”
“Elise is one of many, and she has paid off for us already,” Holly replied.
“HA! She’s inefficient as all hell. Who was the dumb ass who made her a Lieutenant?”
“AHEM,” Wesley growled, glaring towards the individual, “I am the dumb ass who suggested her promotion, because she’s actually impressed me.”
“What’s that? You General Ezdorth?” one laughed.
Wesley glared to his right, staring straight at an individual. Dirty blonde hair, crimson eyes with a slight red tent, stood in a Tribe uniform with shoulder guards. A scar rested just below his left eye, a crescent scar with black outer edges.
“Do not piss me off, Abagor,” Wesley growled.
“Pardon me but really? REALLY!? YOU?! I’m surprised you’d waste your time on outside FILTH such as that Drachen wench.”
“Silence Abagor!” Wesley spat, “I may not like her for who or what she is; but I like her for the results. It is thanks to her we have the Yukon and much of North America under control. She is the one who blew the whistle on Azala.”
“Oh, right. And remind me, WHO was stationed in the same damn area and noticed nothing?” Abagor growled, looking from Wesley to Holly, “You may be Lord Bell’s daughter but damn if that means shit to me when you’re blind sided by a brat. She’s just a slave, and we can get those at our leisure.”
“Elise, no, none of ours… none of our projects are slaves. None of our people are slaves, tools, weapons, or anything less than human. They are champions, our champions.”
“The girl has some talent,” Wesley continued, “She earned her promotion.”
“I do find her impressive,” another spoke, an older woman by the name of Lady Sandra Novele, a Royal.
“May be so but where do her loyalties lie? What can she offer?”
“Her loyalties lie with justice,” Holly replied, “Remember. She blew the whistle on Vulfax which led us to much more. The scheme to build a supernatural army, the revelation of the traitor Tazaki, the spies Shadow and Cylux. She also beat a credible foe in Azala Bakuuva, and unmasked Arkaza.”
“Except the Phantoms and other specialty fighters are beyond such limited capacities as Azala, and she had help for that,” Vega replied.
“General Abagor is right, the brat and the project are worthless,” another spoke, “As is your collective judgments Ezdorth and Bell.”
“You want to say that to my face Vexika?! I’ll rip your head off!”
“Try me mud boy, I’ll blast your ass into the moon!”
“Why you-”
“ENOUGH!” a loud voice boomed.
All eyes turned towards the entrance of the room to view an older man, hair graying and eyes yellow, approach. Dressed in fur and fancier looking Tribe gear, he slowly approached with a cane in hand, “Speaking ill of my daughter and of one of our best Generals… pathetic! What has come over you buffoons? THIS is why the Hive keeps beating us, all this infighting! If we are to win, for the sake of all worlds, we have to get along!”
Silence befell the room for a moment as all heads turned, looking away. Maxwell moved in slowly, eyes firing daggers all across the room as he looked around. He carried himself to the edge of the table, both hands soon placed upon it with a slight lean, “Now then, lets get down to business.”