“Lets wrap this up,” Vikram muttered, hands clasped together in an instant with his cane suddenly flipping high up into the air, “Wall of Flame!”
An explosion of fire flew high directly in front of the elder vampire as his cane flew back down with a spin. Right as he caught said cane in hand, the explosion of fire flew forward at Elise’s group, spreading to become a wall as it moved. Both Rusty and Britt stepped back, arms risen to brace for impact. Elise stood firm, sword out, ready to charge ahead- stopping only as Caldori flew on by.
She flew ahead with arms trailing behind her at first, bringing them forward, “Water Wall!”
Vibrations shook the ground, tile and rock slowly cracking apart. Just as the fire was right before her, the ground bulged- blasting apart immediately with a torrent of crystal blue flying high into the path of the fire. The two walls collided, both bursting apart instantaneously, unleashing a thick white steamy mist. Quickly it flew backwards, heading straight into Vikram while Caldori was already engulfed.
“Calie! Plan thirty-three!” Sora yelled out, doing so while shifting stances.
“Got it!” she shouted clasping her hands together in a different hold.
As she did this, Sora broke from the group in a dead charge forward, sands and dust flying up from the ground below as he traveled towards the steam. Britt stepped ahead, his head turned right with eyes locked onto Rusty, who returned the same with a glance to Britt. Both gave a nod and followed suit, charging from their positions after Sora. This left Elise, sword held ready, eyes sharpened and loading out the scenario before her.
“Hmph. You brats are up to something? Don’t look down on me just because I’m old- heh heh!”
Sora jumped right ahead through the mist, stomping down with both arms flying out and around forward. With them flew two jets of sand and dust straight at Vikram. As said jets of debris flew ahead, both Rusty and Britt leaped as well right into the air, moving passed Sora. Vikram stood at the ready, both arms raised, the cane actually held like a melee weapon outwards. Forth came the sands jetting from the mist right at him.
His form launched into the air, evading as the sands crashed into the ground where he once stood, “You guppies are far too young to- hmm?”
The sands halted beneath Vikram as he came back down, then came the two brother running atop the sand. Vikram’s eye widened as both jumped right up at him, claws out and hands bulking up.
“Tch- don’t mock me!” Vikram spat.
With a flicker of an outline of where he hovered, he vanished and appeared directly behind the two brothers as a barrage of connects were heard. Both tumbled off and onto the sands below while Vikram again dropped, this time onto the ground.
“Lime Light!” Caldori yelled out.
Vikram shifted up again, stomping his cane down with his right hand as he looked around. Right then, he blinked again as a green color skirted around him. With Caldori’s call the mist itself had turned green around Vikram, beginning to swirl and wrap around. Then came the surge, a violent surge as the mist crashed into him with the crackle of electricity.
His hair puffed, his arms shaking and holding out, his head thrown ever so slightly back. Again, he blinked, this time in response as another figure flew at him with a shinging light pooling off of her blade. Elise shot up high and dove right down, both hands on the hilt of Sephiroth. Vikram hovered there, bound by the force of the electricity, grunting with teeth gritted and arms bound tight trying to pull free.
She swung and as she did, a blinding white light flew forward straight into Vikram. Yet another blast went, followed by a loud grunting yowl straight out of Vikram. The mist blew way, the sands fell with the brothers. Elise landed firmly as Vikram flew back out of the blast, two smaller figures plus his cane flopping out.
It crackled as it landed as the other two clunked and thumped with slight rolls, followed by Vikram himself crashing onto the ground now armless, “GYAHHH!!! AHHH!!! My arms!”
“Heh, that got his sorry ass,” Rusty chuckled.
“Glad that we saw that opening and jumped in,” Britt followed, “Gave the hellist of openings.”
Vikram flopped around on the ground, rolling until finally he managed to hobble onto a knee, one foot back on the ground with a hefty grunt of pain. Caldori jumped into the air, her fist flying, “Woohoo!”
“Won’t be doing anything now, he’s been disarmed,” Sora laughed.
“Beh, I’ll let you have that one since that all worked out,” Rusty growled back.
Elise’s gaze moved from the disabled Vikram up across the room, setting on Leon. Gradually, Sephiroth followed her gaze as her arm held out, tip aimed right at the dark warrior, “Alright Leon. You’re next.”
“Am I now? Well, I’d say there’s no need for my direct involvement yet,” the dark one replied.
“How is that? We just took out this old ass Vampire,” Rusty laughed, “You think your two guards are all high and mighty? Come fight us you jack ass or you ain’t jack shit!”
“Irrelevant!” Vikram spat out.
Elise’s attention moved from Leon back to Vikram, the latter of whom now had stood up fully on two feet with a few remaining huffs. In short time the rest looked at him as well, Caldori remaining at the back.
“Soon enough, it won’t matter. You’ll all be dead, just as will be the way of your allies outside this place!”
“Hardly,” Sora laughed, “We took you down. All that’s left is a fight with Leon, and we’ll be sure to not lose that one either.”
“Heh- heh heh,” Vikram chuckled with a quickly spreading grin.
“Hmm? Hey- something’s not right,” Britt muttered.
“Hey, his arms are gone!” Rusty spat out.
“What?” Elise choked throwing herself around, eyes scanning the floor immediately.
“Heh heh-” Vikram again chuckled, his eye shifting to the far right.
Caldori’s eyes reached his, then turned about, following, “There!” she called out.
Their attentions turned towards the figure she saw. A small thin shape moved across the ground, the shape being none other than Vikram’s left hand moving via its fingers, held up by said fingers actually. It scooted across the floor, heading towards a terminal. There atop the station, at the keys, hovered in midair his other hand slowly clacking away at the keyboard. Elise’s eyes pulsed, watching as the second arm hopped into the air, slowly floating towards the panel as well.
“Heh heh, hahaha! You brats, you narrow minded insignificant brats, the lot of you, you all lose!” Vikram spat out, his pupil shrunk with the white of his eye overtaking the entire works.
“Bastard!” Elise spat out, quickly charging straight ahead at Vikram with Sephiroth raised.
As she moved in, it began. A loud, blaring buzzer went off, followed next by an alarm as both of Vikram’s arms slammed straight through the panel with fists. As she swung, unleashing another blast of white light, Vikram again was gone.
“There!” Britt shouted pointing back at the panel.
There, Vikram reappeared with both hovering arms flipping around, lowering to where they had been blown off of. Steam vented off as they reattached, the lines from the cuts quickly fading as the steam drifted around and around. As the last bit of the steam vented off, both of his hands flew together and clasped, “Roaring Earth Technique- Pit Fall!”
Cracks spread along the ground from his very feet, launching left and right around the room, bending around and around encircling the group of five in no time.
“Shit!” Sora spat as he looked around, the two cracks meeting.
All at once the entire ground shattered, large chunks and small, some pure sand. All of it collapsed and fell downwards, the floor as a whole dropping deep into a suddenly formed pit. Caldori flew down along with Rusty, both yelling. Sora’s hands flew out, pulsing a bit. Rock beneath the two, as well as beneath him, Britt, and Elise, immediately ceased to fall. The cavein collapsed the entirety of the room they had been fighting in short of the archway and where Leon stood.
“That bastard!” Sora spat.399Please respect copyright.PENANAM4tutIaQzg
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Outside of the compound, an alarm blared: loud, echoing, and repeating. Inside attentions were gathered, from the two squad inside with their heads raising, from the Ghouls and others sorting the weapons and zombies who looked around, then to the outside where Wesley’s hands slammed into his hair taking grip.
“God dammit!” Wesley spat out.
“That’s their security alarm, they know that we’re here!” one soldier called out.
“Dammit to hell, they blew it!”
“Jarrajod to Tony and Zoey, come in. What happened? Were you guys detected?” Jarrajod asked into his ear piece, stepping away from Wesley for a moment.
“Krrz- no, it wasn’t us,” Zoey’s voice replied.
“Negative. Did something happen to Elise’s unit?” Tony replied.
“We’re not sure, we haven’t been able to-”
“All soldiers, move in!” Wesley ordered into his com device, “Jarrajod, have those two get the hell out of the warehouse and blow the bastard. We’re moving in now!”
“You idiot, if you collapse the place that could seal in Elise!” Vulper spat out from his position.
“I don’t care! We need to contain this now!”
“Fuck that, if you blow it then I’m going in!” Vulper spat, charging quickly away from the group towards the ledge overlooking the compound.
“That stupid mother- gah! Open fire!” Wesley yelled.
Rockets immediately flew from the ledges and trees, flying right down into the compound. A collective of rockets crashed into the gates, blowing them clear off with multiple blasts, roasting multiple Zaherian and Zombies in the process. Others flew forth straight into the trucks, blowing the cabs and even some trailers clear apart. The trailers hit explosively went off, all of the ammo within detonating bit by bit, leading to a mother hole of a blast, ripping a section of the warehouse clear apart.
Others flew straight into the towers, blowing them to pieces. Soldiers yelled out, beginning to charge straight down the side, guns ablazing with dozens and dozens and dozens moving in on the compound.399Please respect copyright.PENANA4WOsXtxtms
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Five sections of rock remained afloat over the newly opened chasm as dust flew high from the collapse. From the sides, the doorways rather, figures began to move in. Well armed Ghouls and Zombies stormed right in, a few Dires in armor making their appearance as they moved in. Elise’s head moved back and forth, her eyes bolting round and round.
“We’ve been compromised severely, that damn Vikram no doubt stirred something up up top as well with that alarm,” Britt muttered.
“We need to get out of here and report what we know. We can’t afford to-” Caldori began.
“You really think they’re just going to let us out of here? Once those Undead fucks have clear aim, they’ll open fire on us!” Rusty spat.
“Not if they have something else to target,” Elise mumbled looking back towards Vikram, scowling practically.
“What do you mean?” Sora asked.
“As Squad Leader, I’m only going to tell you this once. Get out of here, now!”
“What? And let you deal with-”
“I have considerably more available fire power. Sora is the only one who can burrow out from down here. Callie, as the healer, will need to keep his power reserves fueled by healing him to insure he gets out. Meanwhile you two are going to back them up in case Sora digs into anything troubling.”
“Elise-” Britt began.
“Enough! Most of us getting out of here is better than none of us getting out alive! I’ll be fine, I’ve got this.”
“She’s right,” Rusty growled.
“Are you serious?” Caldori questioned, “You want to just leave her?!”
“I don’t like this,” Britt muttered, “But when her mind is made up, its made up… alright. Sora, move us to the ceiling. We’re getting out of here.”
“But Britt!”
“Enough Callie,” Rusty growled, “The brainiac made her idea known. It’s the best move we have.”
“But- grr, fine! But once we’re up top, we’re coming back down here with backup, got that?!”
“Copy that,” Elise murmured, “Now go!”
The ground beneath her blew apart as her form rocketed across the chasm, heading straight for Vikram. The group watched on while Sora lifted his arms, the floating piles of debris slowly hovering up after.
“Good luck,” Britt mumbled as they came closer to the ceiling, which now had slowly begun to open up.
Meanwhile from the far back of the room, Leon stared on. Beside him the two tone mask, Xander, crossed his arms while looking up, “My my, we’ve got some escapees. Chrom, lets ax them!”
“Heh, of course,” Chrom replied.
“No- let them go,” Leon mumbled.
“This is Vikram’s mess to clean up, not ours. For now, how about we let him and Bell’s experiment treat us to some more fun. Lets see how this goes.”
As Elise flew forth at Vikram, the latter continued to laugh, “HAHAHA! Your friends will NEVER make it out of this alive!”
“We’ll see about that, you bastard!” Elise yelled out, a jet of Light Energy then erupting around Sephiroth, swelling outwards, “HYAHHH!”
Forth it flew, another massive slash wave of Light Energy, this one enough to cut a building in half judging by the size and ferocity as it flew. And still, Vikram stood there, scowling back with both hands together, “Wall of Stone!”
The light crashed with a rising wall, another blast following immediately that engulfed a third of the room. The shock wave itself swept around the room, blowing many of the Ghouls and Undead off their feet. For the rest like Leon, it simply moved their cloaks and nothing more. Leon himself continued to watch, staring as Elise plunged clear through the smoke and blast headed straight for Vikram.