Julian's pov.
4 years ago…
I lie next to Annalise watching the stars13Please respect copyright.PENANAR82wwpR3vA
above us
“Julian” she whispers sitting up
“yes, love”
“kiss me” she13Please respect copyright.PENANApMQiiNbRLk
rushes out and I practically choke on the air
“you heard me”
“okay” I say13Please respect copyright.PENANAjghAn9UFcQ
sitting up, I move my hand to the back of her neck
“are you sure love” she doesn't answer she13Please respect copyright.PENANAVUKxdwe4Wh
just kiss me her lips got mine, but a moment later she pulls away quickly
“I will make you13Please respect copyright.PENANAd9OwgQqGKU
my wife one day” I whisper pulling her in to my lap
“oh will you now” she taunts while I run my13Please respect copyright.PENANA2qyDdGh5CP
hands threw her hair
“yes, I am going to marry you, and then we13Please respect copyright.PENANARWmCvajSvR
will destroy the world, then we will leave far away”.
I almost killed her I put her in danger just because I was injured13Please respect copyright.PENANAn6bIfVgpjl
don’t know how I feel about her whether I love her or hate her but I know I13Please respect copyright.PENANALlZQIEH4ke
don’t want her in danger, I would die than see her in danger I lean my head13Please respect copyright.PENANAYcxJrPRMOP
back realizing how dangerous that was
“what are you doing”
Theo spits
“figuring out if I'm13Please respect copyright.PENANAYDXAYht0oc
going to my father's meeting”
I sigh he scoffs
“lucky bastard” he says
“what are you jealous13Please respect copyright.PENANAQCJeI2dZ7B
my father actually loved me”
“yeah my father beat me”
“you a shitty childhood my father never beat me and my father13Please respect copyright.PENANAhkJZUtRzI1
is the one that started the fucking war”
I say but my jaw drops13Please respect copyright.PENANAFYHJgxwwe2
when Theo replies
“and my mother is13Please respect copyright.PENANA5uuMhhgu58
still alive unlike yours”
I hear Annalise choke13Please respect copyright.PENANARTyRo4ZE8U
on her drink behind him
“yeah, well I still have a father and a loving one for that13Please respect copyright.PENANA1banOOmyvM
matter” I snarl
“I killed my mother13Please respect copyright.PENANArSknaZqNni
and father”
Annalise barks Theo whips his head around
“you killed your13Please respect copyright.PENANAM2OY3Wl2t3
She nods
“why are we all so fucked up” Theo barks
“Annalise was beaten13Please respect copyright.PENANA0tCBDp1BVa
and put into the military at twelve I was beaten and abandoned and you watched13Please respect copyright.PENANASaxjpr3Wzc
your mother die”
a slight pain blooms in my chest when he brings up my mother
“Theo, you take Annalise to our training room and teach her a13Please respect copyright.PENANA5lnOZp7EfM
hip throw and a shoulder throw”
“okay I am leaving now13Please respect copyright.PENANALqevKgYQRM
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