On Monday morning, the news shocked all of Dowagiac. Walter Olsen had been murdered. His body was discovered in his house, Sunday morning, by a man who had come to collect a gambling debt. Seeing that the door had been left wide open, he cautiously went inside, only to find Olsen lying dead in a blood splattered kitchen. It was concluded that a severed jugular vein had been the cause of his death, but because it was an open investigation, grisly details were withheld from the public. Olsen had been stabbed forty-seven times as he bled to death. The murder weapon, a kitchen knife, had been purposely left behind. The killer had driven the knife through Olsen’s left eye up to the handle, embedding the blade into his brain. Furthermore, ‘RAPIST’ had been carved into Olsen’s forehead with a paring knife. Both Harris and Daniels concluded that only someone driven by extreme rage, could kill a man in such a manner. The time of death was estimated to be between 2 and 4AM Saturday morning. A statewide APB had been issued on Olsen’s 1977 Ford Thunderbird, and a search was underway for both Susan Olsen and Becky Valentine.
No one is sure who heard it first on campus, but the story spread like wildfire. Melody first heard it in English class and had to excuse herself. She ran to the closest girls’ restroom and vomited into the toilet. By third period, it was all the students and teachers could talk about. Every theory was discussed at length. Some said Becky did it and also killed her mother, making her the Dowagiac Lizzie Borden. One theory claimed that Susan had done it and then tried to kill Becky, but she had gotten away. Still others said both mother and daughter were in on it together.
Melody was in a glassy-eyed daze for the rest of the day and could not pay attention in any of her classes. She could not stop thinking about Saturday morning, standing at the front door of Becky’s house as Walter Olsen lay dead inside. She shuddered at the possibility that there really had been someone watching her from the upstairs window. Looking back, she was thankful she did not attempt to go inside the house. She would have discovered the body first, or even worse, come face to face with the killer. Melody now understood why the police called for her. The cops probably snooped through Becky’s room, saw her uniforms, and had gone to the McDonald’s. Somebody there, most likely Henry, must have given them her name. Melody wondered if she would be called back again, even though she already told the authorities everything she knew.
Melody was worried that crowds would seek her out and ask about Becky, but surprisingly, very few people did. Students did not seem interested in their friendship, especially since they had not been seen together for quite some time. Instead, people gathered around those who claimed to have dated Becky. These boys, mostly outright liars, were taking advantage of the situation and milking it to gain popularity or notoriety, whichever they were seeking. Melody was too distraught and miserable to care what anyone said. She just wanted to go home.
For the rest of the week, Melody stayed in front of the television every evening watching the news. She sat silently, waiting for any update at all concerning Becky’s whereabouts. Barbara also poked her head into the room periodically to check on further developments. By Friday, Barbara’s nerves were all but shot. The thought of Becky attempting to get in touch with Melody, for any reason, frightened her. If Barbara could have had it her way, the name Becky Valentine would never be mentioned in her house again. As the town became more obsessed with the murder, Barbara prayed extra hard for her daughter. Every night before bed, Barbara would be on her knees, beseeching Jesus to bring Melody comfort, to keep her safe, and give her guidance. In her heart she believed it was the best thing anyone could do for her.
On Monday morning, Barbara handed Melody her black lunch box and wished her daughter a good day. After Melody departed, Barbara went about her daily Monday morning routine but was startled every time she heard a sound that seemed out of place. Barbara could not help but be terrified as she imagined a knife wielding Becky lying in wait to ambush her. By early afternoon, both the kitchen and living room were clean enough to meet her standards. She then put on her jacket, intending to walk down to the curb to collect the mail. When Barbara opened the door, however, the mail had been placed on the front porch. Three envelopes, containing bills, lay on top of a large cardboard box. The mailman had been thoughtful enough to place a stone on the envelopes to keep them from blowing away. Barbara collected the items and returned to her warm kitchen.
Putting the envelopes aside, Barbara turned her attention to the box. It was made out to Melody, but in the place where the return address should have been, only ‘Blue Jay Ocean’ was written. She inspected the postage markings and discovered the package had been mailed from Detroit on Thursday. Barbara knew immediately it was from Becky but was unsure how to proceed. Her first thought was to call the police and hand it over to them, but she did not want Melody involved any more than she already had been. Barbara considered hiding it until Douglas came home on Friday but reconsidered. She would not feel comfortable with the unknown parcel sitting in her closet all week. The image of Susan Olsen’s severed head suddenly crossed her mind, and she immediately clasped her hands together in prayer to dispel it. For almost ten minutes, Barbara stood in silence, praying over the box as she waited for Jesus to give her a divine answer. Finally, after considering her family’s safety, Barbara got a knife from the cupboard and cut the packing tape. She opened it slowly, half expecting something to leap out at her.
The box was tightly packed and contained a vast assortment of items. Sitting on top of everything was a plain white envelope with Melody’s name written across it. Barbara placed it to the side and began digging. She opened a large black case and saw that Becky had mailed Melody her expensive looking camera. Next, she pulled out a stack of black T-shirts. Barbara had no need to look through them, already knowing they depicted demonic rock bands. With great curiosity, she reached for a thick bank envelope. The bills inside amounted to $1,200. Barbara then removed a black velvet jewelry box and her heart jumped upon seeing the contents. Inside, she recognized the matching half of Melody’s silver heart charm. Then, one by one, she removed seven drug store envelopes containing photographs. Lastly, she pulled out a red photo album tied with a blue ribbon. Written across the cover in black marker were the words “Volume One”.
Barbara placed everything back in the box exactly how it had been packed. She then sat down and picked up the thick envelope made out to Melody. “Do I really need to know what’s in this envelope? Should I wait for Melody to get home? Have I already gone too far by opening Melody’s mail? What if it’s important? What if Melody’s life is in danger? What if Becky is trying to warn her?” Unable to calm herself, Barbara’s shaking hands tore open the envelope and pulled out the blue stationery. She unfolded the many pages and read as her eyes darted back and forth, her mouth silently pronouncing each word.
My Dearest Melody,
Please forgive me. You have no idea how much it hurt me to treat you so badly. My feelings for you never changed, I’ll always love you! I was trying to protect you. I didn’t want you to have anything to do with this. I will do my best to explain from the beginning. I hope this letter reaches you because my heart could never rest if you spent your life not knowing what really happened.
It all started soon after you left for Virginia. Walt had been with a prostitute and got herpes. My mother flew into a rage when she found out and that is what the big fight was about. Melody, I was so scared that night. I cried in my closet during the commotion wishing you were beside me. When I told you my mother left without saying goodbye, that was the only truth I told you Friday night. Here is what really happened…
Walt raped me. He raped me the whole time you were gone and even after school started up again. The first time he did it I tried to fight him and that’s when he punched out my teeth. My life was hell. He said I owed him for all the money he spent on me and my mother. He did so many disgusting things, I can’t even say. Whenever I tried to fight him off, he beat me up and made it worse, so I learned to just lay there until he finished.
Honey, I didn’t cheat on you and I did not betray you. It’s Walt’s baby! I can feel the little bastard growing inside me and I hate it. As soon as I found out, I wanted to get rid of it but that’s not the worst part. Walt gave me his disgusting herpes. The week I was gone from school was when I had my first outbreak. Oh Melody, it was awful. My face broke out in sores all over my mouth and chin. They were on my lips and inside my cheeks. After they broke, they leaked pus and crusted over. Then my face was full of scabs. It’s even worse down there. The sores were all over my ass and between my legs. Melody, I could feel them up inside me! My own body disgusts me and I can’t live my life like this.
So, can you understand why I never let you touch me? I did not want to take any chances of you catching this. I’d never forgive myself. You are so beautiful Melody and I love you so much, I could never let this happen to you.
I killed him for that. I killed him because the son of a bitch took away the only thing that made my life worth living, you. We can never make love again because I have a prostitute disease. I would never give you something that came from a whore. It’s not fair Melody, he ruined everything! We were so happy together. We had such big plans. We were going to have the perfect life together. All I wanted was to graduate and go to Florida with you. Down there, we could be open, and not hide the truth like we did in this stupid town.
Melody, how do I put into words what you mean to me? What we went through together was so beautiful. Apart, we were lonely, because we’re different. Together, we became one. Together, we discovered our feelings and gave each other the strength to accept what we are. I can never express how I felt when you told me you loved me. No one ever cared about me the way you do. That night, Melody, it was magic. I never forgot how beautiful you looked that day and I appreciate all the effort you put into making me feel special. If only your mother had been gone for the whole week! Ever since that night, I imagined what our life was going to be like once we had our own place. Thank you for showing me how wonderful my life could have been. Which only makes what I’m about to say even harder.
Melody, by the time you get this I’ll be dead. There’s nothing for me in this life if I can’t touch you. The police are going to find me soon. I am not going to rot in prison because of Walt, and I’m not having this baby. Don’t worry, I am going out peacefully, on my terms. I’m ready. I’m ready for all the hurt and pain to be over. Oh Melody, why does life have to be so cruel? Why can’t it be the way we wanted it? Why did everything get ruined? I blame myself, I should have gone to child services years ago, but I was afraid to be separated from you. Now I see that we could have been together after we turned eighteen. It’s too late. I’m so sorry. I know you’ll find another girl someday. I’ve accepted that, but the thought is just unbearable. I’d rather be dead than see you with someone else. I’m letting you go, Melody. Not because I want to, but because I love you. I want you to have all the happiness we could have shared, even if it’s with someone else. Melody, please understand, and please forgive me. I never wanted to hurt you. I wanted to call, but it’s better this way. I could have never gotten the words out.
Go to Florida and make all your dreams come true. You have all our pictures. They were supposed to be your birthday present. Look at them now and then and remember the love we shared. My only real fear is that you’ll forget me. You have my half of the silver heart. You know what to do with it. I emptied my account, use the money to get to Florida. I know you will make it there. My last promise to you is that you will be my final thought.
Sapphire Jeans,
Forever Your Becky
Barbara dropped the papers to the floor as the shock set in. She stared straight ahead, with her mouth hanging open, not believing the words she had just read. “My Melody and Becky had sex? They turned my house into a den of perversion? Melody associated herself with that filthy, disease-ridden murderer? My God, how long did it take for that Becky to turn my daughter into a homosexual?”
For the first time in her life, Barbara was furious with her daughter. She slammed her open palm onto the tabletop.
“What a fool I was! I knew it! I knew they were too close! My own daughter tricked me with her deceitful ways! She had secret homosexual relations! Satan used Becky to turn my daughter into a godless deviant!”
As her reddened face burned in anger, Barbara picked up the papers from the floor and put them back into the envelope. Douglas had to know. She could not tell him herself, for her mouth could never say such words. He would have to read the letter himself. Barbara put the envelope back in the box and looked at the clock. Melody would be home soon.