The alarm clock woke Melody at 8AM. Rolling over, she smiled to see a ray of Florida sunlight come through her window and settle on her rocking chair. The hard work was mostly over. After the long drive and unpacking, Melody needed a break and knew just what she wanted to do. She got up and walked over to her dresser. The photo of her and Becky was in the same position as it had been in Michigan. Next to it was Becky’s camera. Melody could not wait to develop the photo of her standing underneath the ‘Welcome to Florida’ sign. Next to the camera was a stack of brochures and travel magazines she had taken from the welcome center after receiving her free cup of orange juice. On the edge of her dresser, held in place by wooden blocks was her volleyball. Melody quickly changed into her bathing suit and put Becky’s Megadeth T-shirt on over it. She then kissed her fingertips and placed them on the framed image of Becky. “I made it, Sweetheart. I’m really here. I miss you. I love you.”
Melody turned to leave her room, taking her skateboard, towel, and backpack with her. After walking quietly into the kitchen, she opened the refrigerator. Melody then retrieved four containers of yogurt and three bottles of Original New York Seltzer. She put them all into her backpack along with a spoon. Before leaving, she wrote “Beach” on a Post-It note and put it on the coffee maker. Finally, Melody left the house, ensuring the door was locked behind her.
It was a beautiful morning as the sun continued to climb into the sky. Melody carried her skateboard as the mood to walk struck her. She went along as if in a dream and could not help but smile as she gazed at the palm trees lining each side of the street. A perfect path, leading to the greatest destination of all. All her life she had dreamed of the Florida beaches, and now finally, she was here. Melody could not imagine anything that could possibly make her leave paradise now that she had finally arrived.
Melody felt the ocean breeze blowing as she walked through the parking lot. It was still early, and she wanted some time to herself before the crowd arrived. As she walked onto the sand, Melody saw an old gentleman with a metal detector, a group of boys with boogie boards, and an elderly couple walking along the shore, stopping occasionally to pick things up that captured their interest. Except for them, she had the beach to herself.
Melody selected her spot and removed the towel from her backpack. It would do for now; she would go shopping for a beach blanket soon. After laying it out, she placed her skateboard on one edge of the towel and her backpack on the other. Then, after stripping off her T-shirt, Melody walked to the water’s edge. A small wave came up to the shore, covered her feet, then retreated back into the gulf. The water was a little cooler than she would have liked, but Melody knew it would warm up soon. She walked in deeper, up to her waist, and playfully jumped each time a wave greeted her. Invigorated by the saltwater, Melody dove straight into the next wave, submerging herself. Holding her breath as long as she could, Melody swam against the current. Then, like a dolphin, she sprang to the surface.
Melody wanted to shout for joy. She wanted to sing. She wanted to laugh. Melody leapt backwards into a wave with outstretched arms and felt the power of the watery force hitting her back. Upon discovering how to body surf, she took great delight in riding the waves to the shore. Melody played until she began to tire. She then lolled about lazily in waist deep water, anchoring herself with her toes as they dug into the soft wet sand. After a while, Melody thought of her yogurt and decided it was time for a break.
Emerging from the water, Melody considered herself reborn, believing her Florida baptism had cleansed her of any remaining Michigan remnants. She sat down on her towel, then laid back, using her skateboard for a headrest. The back of her knees lay on her backpack as her toes played in the soft, sugary sand. Melody’s salty skin felt luxurious as the sun warmed her. At that exact moment, Melody finally found the inner peace that had eluded her for so long. This wonderful new place had accepted her. She fit in. She belonged. She was home. As Melody’s happiness spread outward from her heart, she felt an inner warmth. Finally ready to make peace with God, Melody prayed silently.
“Thank You, Lord. Thank You for bringing me here safely. Thank You for giving me this day. Please let Mama know that I’m happy and don’t let her worry. Please watch over Daddy at his new job. Please give my parents many happy years as they begin their lives together for the second time.”
After taking a deep, cleansing breath, Melody continued.
“Lord Jesus, I forgive. I forgive Susan Olsen for all the horrible things she said to Becky. I forgive her for leaving when Becky needed her most. I forgive Walter Olsen. I will never understand how he could do what he did, but I forgive him. I don’t want any more hatred in my heart. Let me never think of them again. I pray for Becky. Thank You for giving her the peace she never knew in life. I will love Becky for the rest of my days, but I can’t cry for her anymore. Allow her to see my heart, as You do, so she understands. Thank You for Aunt Holly. Despite my unworthiness, You sent her as a messenger to save me from myself. I ignored You because I feared You. The truth was in my heart, but I didn’t want to listen. It was only after I heard Your words through Aunt Holly that I could accept what You were telling me. Forgive me for doubting You. I promise never to turn my back on You again. Finally, I humbly ask that You protect and guide me as I discover my purpose. Amen.”
Melody slowly opened her eyes, sensing God was pleased with her. She sat up and reached for her backpack. After having a drink, she opened a cherry yogurt. As Melody ate, she looked out to the horizon while admiring the beauty of the ocean. Watching the rhythm of the waves, she became enchanted as they formed, broke, and rolled up onto the sand. Her attention then turned to a pod of pelicans as they divebombed the water in search of their own breakfast. The strange, yet amusing birds had little grace as they dove headfirst into the water, but were mostly successful as time and again they emerged with a fish in their pouchlike beaks.
Melody was oblivious to her surroundings as the sun sparkled on the water. Even in her dreams the ocean had never been so lovely. Melody was so focused on the scene in front of her, that she never heard the footsteps approaching from behind. Melody did not turn around and look up until she heard an unfamiliar voice.
“Hello there.”