Will woke me up by placing a warm hand on my belly. I sat up, stretching my arms high above my head. I stood and flattened my wrinkled dress as best I could. He was already dressed in a nice black tunic and trousers, his boots looking like he had just cleaned them. His hair was damp and tied in a low ponytail. He looked like he had been up for a while.
When he saw I was awake, he withdrew his hand and straightened up, smiling gently at me. I noticed a huge round fruit in his hand.
"Are you hungry?" He asked, biting into the fruit.
I shook my head. "I should probably get back before anyone notices I'm gone."
He pecked me on the lips and smiled encouragingly at me. "Don't worry; we'll see each other soon."
I nodded and smiled slightly back at him until I was back in my room. My room was dark. I went to my window and opened my curtains. As the dim light of Hell entered my room, I noticed my three trunks were out and filled with my clothes. A forest green, velvet gown and heels had been placed on my bed, waiting for me to slip them on.
I glanced outside to judge the time. There were quite a few demons out and about, making me believe it to be late morning.
"My Lady." Amnon's guttural voice startled me. I whirled around defensively.
For being large and in heavy armor, he moved deceptively silently. He bowed his head in submission when he saw lightning crackling at my fingertips. "Forgive me, I did not mean to startle you."
The lightning dissipated and I relaxed. "No, no, it's alright. I'm sorry for almost attacking you."
He said nothing though I could tell he was thinking something along the lines of my attacks would not hurt him much. Instead, he said, "You were gone all night."
I grab the dress off my bed and head to the bathroom, my back stiff. Of course he would have noticed my disappearance. "Did you speak to anyone of it?"
"No, My Lady."
"Keep it that way." I slammed the bathroom door shut. Leaning against the door, I took a large breath before exhaling slowly. I slipped out of my wrinkled dress from the day before and slid the velvet green dress onto my body.
When I exited the bathroom Amnon was standing in the corner of my room beside the door. One of the servant girls hoisted the last trunk up and left the room. I looked around my room slowly, memorizing every little detail. The tiny scorch mark from when I was eighty and I sneezed lightning. The bookshelf crammed into a corner filled with books I had read a thousand times over. A lump was beginning to form in my throat.
"You do not seem happy, milady." Amnon observed from his corner.
I sniffed and smiled shakily at him. "No, I suppose I do not. But I will go through with it because it is expected of me."
He shook his head and uncrossed his arms. "You will because you want to live. Higher-born always try to lie to themselves by saying they do it because it is their duty. Not true."
I wiped at my eyes to catch any stray tears. "...You're correct. I'm doing this because I want to live. If I had a choice I would run the opposite direction from that lonely castle."
"You don't need to convince me. I am your shadow, milady." He said and then spoke no more.
I had to admit I had my misgivings about having a bodyguard, especially one who still made me feel somewhat wary, but there was something comforting about the way Amnon seemed to know how I felt.
And disconcerting.
"Melanie, get down here!" Father's voice sliced through the air from downstairs.
"Coming!" Panic made me call back louder than necessary and I grabbed my skirt as I jogged out of my room and down the hall.
Zane wasn't there when I got downstairs. Mikayla was standing beside Father, her eyes red rimmed. When she saw me her bottom lip trembled until she sank her teeth into its tender flesh. Ezra was on Father's other side, his eyes flashing with dislike when Amnon stopped behind me. Father's face was a blank slate.
"My Lady, you are even more radiant than the day previous!" Ezra simpered, bowing low at the waist.
I curtsied. "Thank you, Ezra."
Father approached me and placed his large hands on my shoulders. I forced myself not to stiffen under his hold. He stared down at me with flat topaz eyes before one hand slid up to gently cup my cheek.
"I know we have not always agreed with one another but know that I am proud of you for accepting the engagement with Lin." He murmured, a quick flash of emotion in his eyes.
I blinked up at him, mildly startled. He smiled briefly before stepping back from me. "I will see you at the palace, Melanie."
Mikayla threw her arms around my neck, ducking her body in order to do so. I stumbled lightly from the surprise attack, no doubt looking even more startled than just moments before. I felt wet tears against my cheek as she pulled me into her soft, warm body. My arms slowly lifted on their own volition and found my sister's waist.
"I'm going to miss you. Zane is going to drive me insane a-and who shall I spar with or dress up?" She hiccupped, pulling far enough back to stare at me with watery eyes.
I smiled awkwardly at her. "I'm sure you'll survive, Kay. Where is Zane anyway?"
"Royal Guard training." She wrinkled her nose. "Honestly, you'd think he would sacrifice a little time to see off his favorite sister!"
Ezra cleared his throat to gain our attention. "Milady, I do hate to interrupt your goodbyes but I fear we are running a bit behind schedule."
Sniffling, Mikayla withdrew from me and dabbed delicately at her running makeup. "Bye, Melly-Bean."
"Bye, Kay." The lump from earlier returned with a vengeance and I blinked quickly.
Amnon approached me and lightly placed his hand on my shoulder, giving me a small, gentle shove toward the door. My feet moved mechanically in response until I was seated in a grand carriage and my shadow was sitting by the window like the day before. When I asked about Hound, I was told he would be brought to the palace in a few short days once a kennel had been readied for him.
Ezra prattled on about how eager Lin was to receive me back at the palace and that I would have the rest of the day to myself. Tomorrow morning would be where my training would begin.
"What exactly does this training entail?" I asked finally.
"How to be a proper hostess and socialite, brushing up on etiquette skills—though I doubt you will have any problems with that, My Lady—and above all else, how to be a good wife to the King."
My stomach turned unpleasantly. "How do you mean?"
I felt Amnon's eyes on me and I gripped my skirt between my hands until my knuckles turned white with anxiety. Ezra smiled, oblivious. "Your most important duty will be to produce a male heir to rule the palace after our beloved King Lin, long may he reign. You will also be the King's confidant in all matters, from the mundane to the more...exciting aspects of ruling Hell."
The carriage hit a bump, jostling us. Amnon barely moved but I left the seat for a moment. His head turned toward me and the second time the carriage hit a bump, he placed his large arm in front of me, preventing me from leaving the seat. Ezra looked irritated. "Can't get a decent carriage driver these days."
Lin was waiting outside with four of his guards standing on either side of him. He looked as excited as a child getting a new puppy and I bitterly thought to myself I was like a shiny new toy for him. The carriage stopped before him and he opened the door, taking me into his arms with a delighted cry, "Melanie, my dear! It is so wonderful to see you!"
I blinked, bewildered, as he placed a kiss on my lips. He beamed down at me before frowning at Amnon, who had clambered awkwardly out of the carriage after Ezra. "You, dog, bring my betrothed's trunk up to her room."
Amnon's aura darkened and for one terrible moment I feared he would attack Lin. However, he ducked his head and stiffly said, "Yes, Your Highness."
He grabbed two of my trunks and rested them on both of his broad shoulders and stalked into the castle. I stared at Lin with disapproval pulling the corners of my lips down. "My shadow is not a dog, My King, and I would appreciate it if you spoke to him a little more respectfully."
Lin's eyes darkened and I swallowed nervously. Bowing my head to him, I added softly, "What I mean to say, Lin, is he is responsible for my life. You would not wish for something to happen to me because of his ire, would you, my darling?"
He didn't say anything for a few heartbeats before sighing. "You are correct. Very well, I will be more respectful toward your shadow, despite him being a Human-Turned-Demon. Come. I will show you your room."
Amnon's strange accent certainly made sense to me then. I allowed Lin to pull me into the palace—my new home—and lead me up the grand staircase. My heels clicked loudly on the stone floor as we walked through dim hallways. Rows upon rows of armored mannequins lined the walls of several corridors. A massive glass-stained window portraying the battle between Lucifer and the Archangel Michael covered the wall from ceiling to floor. My great grandfather had been a general in the battle, the First Great War, where Michael was slain by his younger brother. To this day Lucifer wore a necklace made of the bones of Michael around his neck.
"This is the Royal Wing," Lin said, his cool hand holding mine, "my room is several doors down from yours should you need anything."
He paused in front of a double door and opened it with his free hand.
The floor was made from polished granite, the dark stone glimmering in the dim light. The walls were paint a red so dark I suspected it to be merely dried bloodstains. The furniture was fine and the canopy bed lay nestled against a wall beside a bay window. The silk sheets on the bed were deep violet and the feather pillows looked as soft as clouds. The two trunks Amnon had brought up were being unpacked by a group of maids who curtsied when we entered.
"This will be your room for the next month." Lin stated unnecessarily. "One of your maids will escort you to supper when it is time. In the meantime, I'm afraid there are duties I must attend to. Feel free to explore your new home, Melanie. I will see you at supper."
He pressed his lips to my knuckles and whisked out of the room. One of the maids approached me, curtsying once more. "Your Highness, shall one of us escort you around the palace?"
Perturbed by the change in title, I opened my mouth to decline when Amnon came in, carefully placing my last trunk on the floor. He said, "I will show the Duchess around."
The maid refrained from looking at Amnon's helm as she skittered away. He moved out of the way for me, bowing slightly at the waist.
I turned to the left, hoping to exit the Royal Wing and locate the library. Amnon walked noiselessly behind me, his eyes boring holes into the back of my skull. At first I tried to ignore it but it became too much and I stopped to turn and face him. He stopped a good two meters in front of me.
"Amnon, would you walk beside me? Should you stare any longer at me with such intensity I fear I may combust." I said, some of my apprehension creeping into my voice.
"Forgive me, My Lady, for disturbing you. I am your shadow and I thought it best to-"
"Walk beside me." I ordered, cutting him off sharply.
He quietly approached me and stood beside me. With a nod, I resumed walking, turning down corridors every so often. I came across the Guest Wing, where dozens of rooms lay waiting for when the King would throw balls and other gallant social events. I found the Servants' Quarters, the kitchen, the indoor courtyard, even a secret passageway. But, no library.
Sensing my growing frustration, Amnon carefully asked, "Are you looking for something in particular?"
Huffing, I said, "The library. I am beginning to think Lin doesn't have one."
He stopped me with a hand on my shoulder and indicated a glass door. "It's right there."
Face flushing with embarrassment, I quietly thanked him and went over to the door, grabbing the brass handle and pulled it open.
This library smelled different from the one back home. Mother's lavender scent filled the room even after her death two centuries ago. Her scent was the reason why Father did not enter the library. Lin's library smelled of old parchment and ink. The smell of dust tickled my nose as I ventured further into this magnificent room.
I brushed my fingers across the spines of ancient books until I plucked one from its place on the shelf and run to the large, comfortable looking chair in a corner by a set of windows. I curl my legs up and rest the now opened book on the tops of my thighs near my knees and begin to read.
The book promised adventure in a far-off land where the peasant girl—the protagonist—went off to save the prince in a distant country. I was so immersed in the story, I did not feel the shakes of the maid who came to call me for dinner.