Scene 3 opens with Felicity waiting impatiently for Warrior in the library
Felicity: *taps her finger on the table, impatiently waiting for Warrior*
Warrior: *quickly walks into the library and spots Felicity, then walks over to her and sits next to her* Hey! Sorry I’m late. Got caught up with a teacher in class. Nothing bad though.
Felicity: Oh, it’s-it’s totally fine. I’m just… glad that you made it. *smiles playfully*
Warrior: So… what was it you wanted to talk about?
Felicity: Oh, right. Um… it was about the school dance that’s coming up.
Warrior: Okay, what about it?
Felicity: Well, I don’t have anyone to go there with.
Warrior: So…
Felicity: Boy, I’m not being very subtle. I want you to go as my date!
Warrior: Are you serious? *smiles*
Felicity: I mean, if you don’t wanna go, then that’s… that’s totally fine too.
Warrior: Oh, no, I’d be more than happy to go.
Felicity: Really?! *cheers quietly*
Warrior: *chuckles briefly*
Felicity: *stops cheering and smiles*
Warrior: Wait, when is this dance?
Felicity: Oh… *inhales sharply* It’s… this Friday.
Warrior: What?! It’s in 3 days?!
Felicity: *hesitantly* Yes, it is.
Warrior: Crap, oh crap, oh crap.
Felicity: What? What is it?
Warrior: I might have a family dinner to go to that night.
Felicity: Shit.
Warrior: I’ll talk to my parents about it.
Felicity: Are you sure they’ll be fine with you going to the dance with me?
Warrior: Why wouldn’t they be?
Felicity: First of all, your parents are She-Vile and SVF, they’re like celebrities. And second, they’re Christians and I’m an atheist.
Warrior: They won’t care that you’re an atheist. They’re not the kind to judge others.
Felicity: *sighs with relief* That’s good to hear.
Warrior: Yeah.
Felicity: *sighs awkwardly*
Warrior: So… now what?
Felicity: Well, we could just, like, I don’t know, maybe… hang out, or something?
Warrior: We could. Thankfully, I’m not busy today.
Felicity: Really?! Holy shit I’m hearing so much good news today!
Warrior: *chuckles briefly and grins*
Felicity: Where would I be without you, man?
Warrior: I don’t think we wanna find out.
Both: *scoff and giggle lightly*
Felicity: *gazes at Warrior softly*
Warrior: *looks off to side awkwardly*
Felicity: *looks down, still smiling slightly*
Warrior: *looks back at Felicity and grins*
Felicity: *looks at Warrior through her lashes*
Warrior: *extends his hand to Felicity*
Felicity: *looks all the way up and takes his hand*
Warrior: *stands her up* Wanna go for pizza or something?
Felicity: *smiles real big* Shit! This day just keeps getting better and better. *looks down momentarily and blushes* I’d like that a lot.
Warrior: Great! Let’s go. *keeps holding her hand as they walk out of the library*
Scene 3 ends