Sleep now Xiaobai. When you wake up, we will be home.
Feng Jiu woke up. Her breath is labored it's as if she ran miles and again... The pain in her chest... Her heart exactly. Why does this dream of her's always end up, in her waking and her heart aching? She really wants to see his face soooo bad. Everytime he calls her Xiaobai, her heart feels like exploding and she feels happy. But when she wakes up, why does it feel aching?
Then a knock. Feng Jiu slowly got out of her bed and walked towards her door, when she opened it, her father and mother is standing in the door way.
"Good morning Xiaojiu. " It was Feng Jiu's mother who greeted her. She widely opened her door and hugged her mother. While still hugging her mother, Feng Jiu looked at her father and she saw his father smiling at her and she smiled back.
"Welcome home our little Jiu. Ready yourself. We will be having breakfast with the whole family downstairs."
Her father said. Feng Jiu's eyes widened and scrambled back inside her room. She went to shower and then after, wore a simple clothes since its just the family around.
When she went downstairs, she was horrified and embarrassed when aside from family there is still another guest with them on the dining table. She looked down on herself and realized, she didn't wore the appropriate clothing. Then she brought her attention back to their guest.
The guest has godlike features. The most handsome man Feng Jiu has ever seen. She just stared at him while his attention is still with her grandfather talking.
Her grandfather then, sensed her presence and grandfather said,
"Xiaojiu. Good morning. Welcome back."
My staring stopped and changed my focus to my grandfather who is now standing and waiting for me to come to his side. I didn't disappoint my grandfather and went. Grandfather hugged me tight and I smiled at him. Grandfather then introduced our guest,
"Oh by the way Xiaojiu I want you to meet the grandson of my dearest friend, you know the Dijun's right? "
My focus is still on my grandfather and I nodded. I know the Dijun's since they are the only family who is at par with us wealthy wise in the business world. But sadly, both the friend of my grandfather and the son both died in a plane crash years ago. All the wealth of the Dijun's has been inherited by the last and only sole heir of the family, Dong hua Dijun.
Many know his name but not many has ever saw him. Dong hua is a very quite and mysterious guy that not even paparazzis had caught a single picture of him.
The sole heir never attends gala's or any other social gatherings that usually business men attended. But in the past few years after the death of both his father and grandfather, Dong Hua Dijun, made the Dijun empire more rich and more popular than the Bai Conglomerate.
Feng Jiu deduced that maybe, Dong hua Dijun is here for business and indeed her grandfather treat the older Dijun a part of the family so it is not a surprise that the younger Dijun is here with the whole Bai Clan for breakfast.
"Dong hua this is my granddaughter, Bai Feng Jiu. She's Bai Yi's daughter and like you, the sole heir of Qingqiu corp. " my grandfather said full of smiles and then when I turned my attention back to the guest, my breath hitched and my heart stopped. I fluttered my eyelashes as if to dispel his goodlooks but he just stood there. Staring back at me with his unerving gaze, he offered his right hand to do a hand shake gesture.
I just stupidly stared at his hand then back to his serious and unsmiling face. When he thought I am not going to shake his hand, he slowly withdrawed it but at the last minute, I grabbed and shake his hand.
I smiled at him and he looked at me... Surprise written all over his very handsome face. I felt a current ran through our hands as we hand shake and I realized he felt it too when he pulled his hands and looked at me bewildered.
"Nice meeting you Bai Feng Jiu. Since this is the first time we meet, I'll formally introduce myself. I am Dong hua Dijun, the CEO of Dijun empire. " He said and He slightly smiled.
My heart beats fast with his smile and I found myself smiling too. What a handsome fellow. It's a sin having a face like that. I thought to myself. Like there is no ugly or bad angle to him and everything he do will be perfect. I dreamily sighed.
I shook my head when I realized what I am doing. Bai Feng Jiu get a grip of yourself. You're acting like a school girl around this guy. Act like your age for christsake. I told myself again.
After the introductions, the family proceeded to eat breakfast and talk about business again. I felt left out since I didn't pursue a business management course but instead, I pursued fashion.
I sat beside my aunt Bai Qian and she whispered while drinking her tea,
"How are you Xiaojiu? Are you so busy that you've forgotten about me so easily? " A hint of resentment in aunt's voice.
I stopped stuffing myself of food and I grabbed aunt's arm and said,
"Aiya Aunt... I apologize for being a bad niece. I was very pre-occupied with work and the projects are endless. Although I am the boss, I can't just let my people do all the work. "
A scrunched up face of aunt who finally looked at me and smiled.
"Wherever you are Xiaojiu, never ever forget filial piety. We don't require much from you isn't it? "
I wanted to reply to aunt about pursuing my dream of being a designer more than handling the family business but... I am still torn on what to do. Instead, I smiled at aunt and nodded. Agreeing that the family never requires me to do anything much but, to follow the Bai clan and ways.
On the other side of the dining table, Dong Hua Dijun can't keep his eyes off the gorgeous looking grand daughter of the Bai Clan. He heard a great deal about her from his executive secretary Zhong Lin and Siming.
The two constantly gossip in the office about how troublesome the youngest Bai could get. She is always in the pages of tabloids or news. And it is surprising that out of all of the Bai's, she steer cleared away herself from business matters and chose to take a fashion course. It created a buzz in the country but, the world never ever heard a word or comment from the Bai's.
When the youngest Bai came down, it's as if time slowed for him and the woman who walked towards them is like a goddess who graced down the earth to walk among the mortals. He can only stare.
When they were introduced, he held his hand for a hand shake and nearly embarrassed himself when the woman just looked at his hand then to his face. When he withdrew his hand, to his surprise the woman grabbed his hand, smiled at him and shook it.
He was breathless when she smiled. A heart stopping smile. Dong Hua don't easily appreciate women's beauty for he is one of those few men who preferred brains over physical appearances but here he is, feeling like a schoolboy crushing over a woman who is five years his junior. He shook his head.
It also disturbed Dong Hua when they shook each others hand and a current ran through them. He definitely knew she felt the current too when her doe like eyes widened a bit and surprisingly, she looked at him.
Feng Jiu. It feels like an ancient name but it suits her beautiful and ethereal beauty.
When the Bai's started eating, he saw how Feng Jiu never limits herself to food. So, she's a glutton. He mentally noted and smiled to himself. A rare gem among the women nowadays who are always conscious of their figure and constantly whine about fatty foods and constantly count carbs.
To Dong Hua, all of those that has been written and gossiped about Feng Jiu are false. Seeing how quite and surprisingly warm she is to her family and to the little interaction he had with her.
He shook his head again. He came to the Bai estate to talk business and not to ogle on Bai Zhi's beautiful grand daughter. But... Dong remembered now, an quoted quote he read about Feng Jiu when Zhong Lin showed him one,
"Once you've met and interacted with the youngest Bai, Bai Feng Jiu, you will definitely be entranced and captivated until you'll realize that what she will do or say, you will be interestingly following her every move. "
Dong Hua realized that the article is indeed true. What she does at the very moment interests him. Like a fly, I willingly fell into the spiders trap. He thought. And maybe... Deep in Dong Hua's heart, he started to entertain the thought of love at first sight.