Dear Myself,
Half term couldn't have been more fun, I managed to wake up at the same time every morning and not making noise to disturb anyone and just write, write, write and write. Michelle has no idea what's going on but I have some pretty exciting projects planned. After uploading some new posts to my blog, I started writing a short story about an eagle who saves a kid from drowning, quite a random plotline idea but it was all thanks to a dream I had. I still need to edit that story but one I can definitely share which I wrote on the Wednesday over half term is about a rain shower and the delights of getting soaked (you see the sarcasm there right?). Hope you like it!
Splish, Splosh
The TV was projecting a great scene, July was excited about the prospect of venturing outside in her new cotton summer dress she had purchased from a vintage clothes sale. The pattern of white polka dots across red fabric made her smile and remember the days of walking along the promenade past sunbathers and ice-cream vans. Days which were long ago but never forgotten. From what she could see, even the weatherman was clearly excited with the prospect of near 25*C heat and blue skies across the horizon. July was super pleased that her mother at the time of her birth chose to name her after the month of the year she loved the most.
Brushing her blonde hair quickly and tying it back out of her eyes, she made a beeline for the front door and smiled as the heat touched her legs to signal summer conditions. With an excited skip, she followed the path up towards the local park where her favourite tree proudly sat to overlook the skyline of the city below. On arrival, birdsong pleasantly filled her ears and welcomed her to what was looking to be like her favourite day so far of the year. One jump later, she was sat on a wooden ledge built into the side of the tree with a excited sigh. / To her knowledge, the shopping streets in the city below would be packed with tourists and restaurants full even with the seating outside.
July quickly found her old Polaroid camera and snapped a few quick shots to print and display on her bedroom wall. Decorated already with favourite moments and memories from her life, some from as long as her infant years. Most of the friends she grew close with, all had their young families and handsome man to keep them company but alone in this world she remained. Her lost love, into the flames of peer pressure and desire sought after another behind July’s back, trust broken by the person she kept closest the most in the world. That was back then, on the rainy February day as the raindrops blended into her physical tears. Power slowly returned to her fractured soul thanks to the self-love and care she paid attention too.
Out from her bag came a new paperback copy of After You by JoJo Moyes, the first book and film she had seen all those years ago made her reach for the tissues box. It was nice to reflect but not to dwell her Uncle once told her. On flicking through the pages, she was lost in the world of the story, the characters jumping out at her from the pages and the surroundings a mere blur. Engrossed in the action, July failed to notice the first drop, the second drop, the ones that started to fall after that. It was raining! With a bemused scream, she quickly jumped off and zoomed back towards the street finding shelter and peace. Why has the weatherman got it completely wrong?
Just as she was about to reach the front gate, her pump slid from underneath her foot and she flew onto the ground in a heap. Side of her leg burning and arm throbbing, moving was proving to be difficult. Until she found herself in the arms of another, a man whose face she seemed to recognise.
“Do I know you?” she winced as her ponytail was found to be loose.
“Funnily enough, I was just thinking that too.” he replied in a slight husky tone to his voice.
Letting herself be carried into the living room of her home, July cringed mostly at the sight of some underwear still drying off on the bannister. He could see them sitting pretty there but focused mainly on the task at hand.
“Just want to make sure that you’re OK, can walk right and use your arms.” he quickly added.
July felt the invisible light bulb flash above her head, “You’re Jeremy Dickens aren't you!”
An awkward silence followed for a few moments until a slight smile crossed his face, “Yes, hello July.”
She was right! A nerd but also rather handsome boy she used to spend some time with in the middle years of school, reading comics and swapping packets of sweets in the corridors.
“How are you?” she asked with delight, “I kind of always wondered what had happened to you.”
Jeremy blushed, “Well, I was having a rubbish day until I witnessed a woman slip over and needed some help getting dry.”
July chuckled, “And I just so happened to be that woman.”
Two hot mugs of tea sat on the dinner mat along with an old packet of custard creams that she had managed to dig out of the back cupboard. Rainy weather always seemed to make herself feel rather hungry but for once, it was pleasant to spend some time with a long term friend.
“You work?” she asked in-between sips.
“Of course,” he nodded, “I work in a boring office in the middle of the city. At least the banter is good.”
July giggled, “Well, I've just...taken some time away from life’s stresses you know?”
Jeremy took her hand, “I guess then a dinner date would be too stressful for you?”
Her heart pounded with a mixture of confusion and excitement, “Well, one meal will be fine. Just don't expect me to cook a three course dinner!”
On saying their goodbyes and quickly swapping numbers, July noticed at once after washing up the tea mugs the rain had faded away. Typical British weather!
‘It's weird and beautiful what can happen to you when it rains.’ she thought quietly to herself. She now had to put aside all of the anxiety she used to hide the inner happiness away to one side and focus on Jeremy.
It could be the start of something very special…
I think writing with adult characters did feel a bit strange at first, I'm only eighteen yet because of July and Jeremy’s storylines, they were like in their mid-twenties! Time will go on and I'll work more on my writing ability, be more observant shall we say? It's Halloween next week and all of the bedrooms in the house have a different spooky theme going on! More soon.