Jordan Clare's POV
I've spent the last two days, thinking about Luca. I haven't been able to get him off my mind. His eyes, his hair, the way he smelled, he smelled so good, his smile, and his accent.
I still have 2 weeks before school starts, so I continue to unpack my boxes and move things around the room. Nothing is really being put on the walls or on shelves, I mostly just take it out of a box, get distracted and set it into another box before picking something else up. This time, I pick up a stack of books, and my younger sister comes running into my room, almost tripping on the many trinkets and boxes all over the ground before landing on her back on my mattress that is currently on the floor. I obviously need to get my room together, at this rate, it's going to take me months.
"Mom says it time for dinner. She said we are having pasta." she says rolling her eyes at the end. "My favorite," she says sarcastically, rolling over and climbing to her feet. We've had pasta at least three times in the past week. Different types of pasta, but pasta is still pasta and its beginning to annoy the both of us. But, that is the only thing Carl is good at cooking, and he insists that he cooks for us almost every night since they got back from their honeymoon almost two weeks ago.
"Come on, let's head downstairs before Carl hollers up for us to hurry up." I let her walk in front of my giving her a friendly push and she try's to push me back barely succeeding. We break out in a quick laugh before head straight downstairs and into the dining room.
Mom and Carl are already sitting next to each at the table, hand in hand talking quietly, they stop abruptly when Tristian and I walk into the dining room.
After dinner, I collect all out dishes and take them to the sink to wash them. My sister following behind me with the leftovers from our dinner. I never really noticed how red my sisters hair was until now, its long and curly strands of her hair are loose framing her face and breaking free from the braid holding them back.
Mom walks into the kitchen a few minutes later, Carl must have already gone upstairs to go take a shower or something. I could care less what the guy does. I turn around placing the last of the dishes on the rack to dry to see my mother whisper something to Tristian, who groans but does what she was told and leaves.
"Jordan," she says. She looks at me like she is expecting me to say something, but I'm not sure what to say. I open my to say What? but she begins again. "Jordan, how are you? I know moving here wasn't exactly what you were wanting, but it's what was best for us. You'll get a better education in this small town than any public school from the city, plus Carl has gotten a raise because we moved here. I just want you to realize that it was all done in our best interest. In your best interest."
I roll my eyes, it makes sense, but that still doesn't mean I like it. "Yea, Mom, I understand. It was just new for me that's all. Give me a couple days, I promise it'll be all good. I'll make some new friends, I'll finish my summer school work, and then off the the real thing, eh." I say giving a fake smile, which apparently looked real enough she walked to over to me, gave me a suspecting look, gave me a hug and began to walk away.
Right before she rounds the corner, I say, "I met someone. They said they would show me around town." The first part was true. I did meet someone and he was really nice. Annoying, but nice. The second part, not so much true. Would he show me around town if I asked him too, I wonder. From the look on my moms face, I begin to think maybe I said that out loud.
She takes to long to answer, and I knowingly hold my breath. A moment later I hear, "That's great, honey, I'm glad your making friends already. Now you'll know someone in your grade this year." She's smiling and I smile back and she walks out the kitchen.
I'm pretty sure he's not in my grade, he's definitely got to be a senior, or maybe even freshman graduate on vacation.