Luca Marcello's POV
I decided that today I would try and go to the café. I haven't been there since I met Jordan and I haven't felt like it was safe to leave mom home alone with my dad. He left late last night and hasn't returned yet and it's almost 2 in afternoon. Usually when he leaves, he won't come back the next day, it takes him a two or three days to come back. Most of the time it is because mom says that if he goes out to drink to not come home until its all out of his system. But he drinks so much that it is almost impossible for that to happen. At least he does something considerate and not come home drunk the next day when he leaves.
I've been up all night and all morning thinking about whether or not I should try and see if Jordan would be at the café. Obviously, you can tell what I decided.
I'm on way to the café already. My mind is running through different scenarios of what will happen: he's there, he's not there. Maybe he's there but doesn't want to see me, maybe he's there and doesn't remember. Countless thoughts spiral out of control and I almost turn around to walk home. In fact, once I actually saw the coffee shop I did turn around. I take a moment to think whether I want to go in or not and probably look like an idiot turning in half circles not sure what to do.
Right after I decided that it was best I didn't go in, I hear a familiar voice, "Hey! I didn't know you were going to be here." I turn around to face the direction of the voice and it's him. He's smiling and it sets my thoughts at ease and I begin to walk toward him to greet him. "You know, you look kind of like an idiot when you turn around in circles. It was entertaining though. I never thought you as the type to be so unsure."
I frown and mentally face palm myself in the forehead so hard I actually have to take a step back to steady myself. "Well, you don't know anything about me." I change the subject. "Why are you so happy to see me? We've only met like once, you know." Now its his turn to frown at me.
"Well, I don't know. It's a new town for me remember, your the only person I know here." he cringes for a second and corrects himself, "well the only person I have met here. Anyways, want to grab a drink," he says pointing toward the door of the shop that we are now currently blocking from anyone entering or leaving.
I feel my lips tug upward just slightly, and I know he saw it because he's grinning from ear to ear. "Your underage," I say grabbing the door and giving him a friendly shove through the door. We both laugh.
"So are you," he says crossing his arms. He's standing to the left of the door and I hold the door open for a few people to pass through.
"Am I?" I question. I am. But he doesn't need to know that. He's already about to question it when I grab his sleeve and drag him over to the counter. "What do you want to drink? Same as last time?" He's looking like he is still trying to process what I just said, but he still nods his head slightly. Arms still crossed.
I feel the heat rise up my neck, and I immediately let go of my grin. I order for the both of us and Jordan goes to find a table for us.
After a few minutes, I pay and take the drinks over to the cushioned seats in the corner in front of the window that Jordan chose to sit at. "So," I say passing his drink to him and getting comfortable in my seat. I take a sip of my coffee before saying "What grade are you in?" he looks up at me, surprised by my question.
"Oh, um I'm a junior. Your probably a senior, aren't you? " He looks out the window, taking a sip of his drink. His blond hair catching the afternoon sun looking almost golden.
"Yea, I am." I could see his disappointment on his face though he was facing the window. "So are you in advanced?"
He looks confused but still nods his head yes.
You'll be in most of my classes, you know? Your a junior and I'm a senior." I make an understanding motion with my hands hoping he gets it. "Do you get what I am saying?" He looks at me and our eyes lock for a moment before he looks away his cheeks rosy. His blue eyes like the ocean, I could get lost in them. Dammit, shut up, I think.
"Really?" he says quietly, his hands are in his lap and he's looking anywhere around me but not at me.
"Yes, really." He beams and his eyes light up and seem to change color to the brightest shade of blue you could possible think of. "Don't get to excited."
"Sorry," he says throwing his hands up in defense. "I won't be sorry to see my only friend in school." he rolls his eyes sarcastically looks at me for a moment and bursts out in laughter.
After catching our breath, we're both quiet for a moment. Then he says, "So, that tattoo, when did you get it?"
I choke on my drink before standing up and heading to the bathroom. Why would he ask that? How did he even see it?