Luca Marcello's POV
I'm looking out the window, I can feel him staring at me. Like a trail of fire starting from my eyes down my neck to my arms and chest and continuing downwards. I don't know why it bothers me that he might be interested in her. Not that I care. We're friends, I want him to be happy.
Looking away from the window, I catch a glimpse of him. He's looking down at his phone... blushing. I can't stand to look at him like that any longer and get up to leave again.
"I think you should go now." It wasn't a question. I wanted him to stay so bad but I can't stand to look at him after this.
He's looking at me, head slightly tilted in question. "What... why? What happened? Did I... Did I do something?" He's stuttering. I can see the tears beginning to form in his eyes.
For a second I relax wanting to comfort him and tell him everything is fine and he didn't do anything wrong. But another part of my whispers, weak, your so weak in my ears. I straighten my shoulders and stand up taller, straightening my shirt and looking away from him.
"I think you should go." I say again, hoping my voice sounds stronger and unwavering to him because it didn't sound that way to me. "I'm leaving."
Still I don't make eye contact with him and head for the door and don't let myself look back before I am out the door. I continue walking down the street to a park that just down the block. I don't stop until I am there. I don't let myself think about what just happened until I am there.
I take a seat on the furthest swing from the street at the back of the park and slowly swing myself back and forth.
Tears had formed at the corners of my eyes, but they never fell. I go to wipe them away when I see a familiar face walking straight towards me. Immediately angered by who I see, the tears go away and I feel my neck strain as I withdraw my anger and settle down.
She continues walking toward me with a nasty smile on her face. I stand up before she reaches me and take a few steps toward her. "What do you want, Nova? Haven't you had enough?" I ask her. Her smile faulters but she still stands strong.
"Look," she says reaching a hand out to touch my arm. I pull back and she drops her arm. "Okay, well look Luca, if I had known yall were together already, I wouldn't have gone up to him." She looks down at her hands, figiting with the golden rings she wears. Her red hair falling around her shoulders as she does. She looked almost sad now, but I was still angry with her.
"That's the issue with you, Nova, you still would have done it even if I was there. And that's exactly what you did as well." Suddenly I don't feel as angry anymore, just said. Nova and I had been best friends up until last year when she tried to kiss me at the annual bonfire. I didn't mean to upset her by it, but I just never felt that way about her. She's always been my best friend, and always will be.
"Look, Nova, I know you didn't mean to. I'm sorry I got so angry, I just, I know he's new hasn't been here very long, but I kind of, well, you know." I look down hoping she gets what I am trying to say. "He's just different, that's all. I like it." I begin to back away, but she grabs me by the arm and pulls me in for a hug.
She feels so warm in my arms, and I didn't realize how much I had missed her, but now, I really want my best friend back. "Luca," she say, "I need you here with me. I miss you..." I feel her body convulse against mine, heavy with tears and she chokes a couple more words, ... I miss you so, so much."
We stand there embracing each other. Her head resting on my shoulder. Once again, I notice something that I had forgotten, or maybe it was new, but her head reached my shoulder. I'm six foot one and she's able to lay her entire head on my shoulder meaning she has to be five foot nine, or maybe ten. She isn't wearing heals, she's wearing flats. The height is all her.
She steps away for a second, turning around as she does. "I'm sorry," she whispers, "I didn't mean for any of that to happen. I should go now. I'll leave Jordan alone from now on." then she walks away, head still down, still figiting with her rings.
I have no clue what just happened but for some reason, I like it. I feel lighter, plus I just got my best friend back. God I really missed her.
I feel a buzz in my front pocket and grab out my phone. It buzzes again in my hand.
Jordan: She texted me!
Jordan: I don't know what to do...
"Fuck," I whisper angrily to myself. I storm away from the swings and as I pass the play set, I land a hard blow to the side and leave a dent. The pain flies up my hand, but I don't care, and I punch it again and again and again. My knuckles split enough blood squeezes out of them and my fingers feel like they just got slammed in a door.