Jordan Clare's POV
I stare at the text message Nova sent all of ten minutes ago. When I first saw it, I dropped my phone. I've been facing back and forth in my room since I saw it taking momentary breaks to see if the message is still there. Luca still hasn't messaged me back.
I decide to take matters into my own hands, but I can't get past staring at the message.
Nova: Hey! so what do you think about going to see a movie with me?
That's as far I got before I get a call. Thank God its Luca. I answer it but quickly have to pull away from the phone because he's yelling at me from the other side. Well probably not so much at me, but still its loud and it scares me.
Me: Why would she say that, I thought she was nice.
He goes quiet. I can hear him breathing heavily and I can feel the heat begin to rise on my cheeks for no reason.
Luca: I just, it's nothing, never mind. It doesn't matter. If you want to go out with her, go ahead.
He's quiet again but this time he sounds calm, I hear him sniffle a little bit and I wonder if he's crying. The thought of him crying makes me laugh a little but because he's so tall and rough it just doesn't seem to suit him in my mind.
Me: Are you... are you, um, crying?
Immediately he answers,
Luca: Hell no, I don't got a reason to. What kind of question is that?
I almost believe him, but his breath goes ragged and he sniffles again and he may not be crying, but he's at least upset about something.
Me: You know, if your into her and don't want me to go out with her, I won't. I want you to be happy, you know. Your my best friend.
I cringe at the last part before trying to explain what I meant.
Me: Well, I mean, your like my only friend so you know, that kind of upgrades you to being my bestfriend.
I hear him chuckle on the other side.
Luca: Your such a dork, you know that.
I smile and laugh a little, hoping he's smiling on the other side.
Me: You didn't tell me which it was, if you like her or not.
He sighs.
Luca: It's not that. She used to be my best friend, that's all. If she makes you happy, then go out with her. I only want you to be happy that's all.
He hangs up the phone and I am left confused.
I stare at Nova's message for a moment more. Finally, I decided to answer with
Me: How's tomorrow night?
She immediately responds with,
Nova: Sounds great! Should I meet you there, or will you pick me up? 😊
Me: I'll pick you up. Wear something nice, we can go to dinner before the movie.
Nova: Okay, you see you there, cutie.😉
I read the message and then toss my phone on my bed. I toss myself onto the bed blushing momentarily before realizing I have absolutely nothing to wear to dinner. I hop quickly back up to my feet and dash over to my closet, sifting throw everything, tossing clothes onto my bed and my floor, trying to find my nicest pair of jeans. Which are still not as nice, fraying at one of the ankles and faded from the amount of times its been through the wash.
I leave my room and head to the opposite side of the hall. My sisters and I room are the exact same just decorated different, both on opposite sides of the hall. I knock on the door before walking in, and see Tristan laying on her back, hanging off of her bed, phone in hand.
"Hey tristan, " I say plopping onto her bed beside her and tapping her phone so it falls on the floor.
She sits up, annoyed. "What do want?"
"Up for a shopping trip?" she gives me a suspicious look.
"For you or for me," she points to me and then to her then reaches for her phone.
"Me, I have a date tomorrow night and have nothing to wear, but I'll buy you a couple things as long as you help me find something to wear."
She bounces up and down on the bed before hopping up and throwing on a pair of shoes. "What are you waiting for Jordan, grab your shoes, let's go!"
I grab my shoes and my jacket and we head out the front door hollering goodbyes to our parents before getting into the car and head to the mall. "I think your more excited about this than I am." I say with a laugh and she laughs along with me.
Before I know it, we are at the mall and she's listing off different stores we can go to and try clothes on.
"You know what Tristan, why don't you just pick the outfits out and I try them on?" she nods and heads towards the closest store. I trudge along smiling at her.