Makenna and Jessica finally reached McKevlin’s Surf Shop. They had to cross the road to get into the parking lot. McKevlin’s Surf Shop was a long, yellow building that stood on wooden beams, and it had a brown roof. Under it were boards that had paintings of pirates and surfers on them. McKevlin’s Surf Shop was Makenna and Jessica’s favorite place to go to look at surfing supplies. They just loved it. Folly Beach had lots of shops they liked.
Makenna pointed at the shop and said, “There it is, Jessica!”
“Awesome!” Jessica announced, “Hey, Makenna, check it out! McKevlin’s got a new accessory!” Her eyes had landed on the boards with the pirate and surfing paintings on them. “Get my picture!” Jessica begged, “Please get my picture!”
“Sure,” spoke Makenna, and she reached into the pocket of her beach dress. From it, she drew her iPhone 6. Makenna turned it on and scrolled to the camera function. Once the camera function was up, she gestured for where she wanted Jessica to stand, “Stand there, Jessica. Stand next to the two surfer dudes heading out to the ocean. There you go.” Makenna had Jessica right where she wanted. She stood in front of a painting of two surfer dudes, holding surfboards, who were running out towards sea. “Now do a pose.” Makenna told her friend, “Pretend you too are running out to sea to join them.”
“Awesome,” said Jessica. She immediately did what Makenna wanted her to do. She clenched her fists and acted out a running pose that was parallel with the surfer dudes, “How’s this, Makenna?”
“Perfect. Now hold it.” Makenna held her phone close to her eyes, and she double checked to make sure Jessica was right where she wanted her. She was. “All right,” added the Metamorphic Fairy, “Here we go. One, two, and...”
However, just before she could take the picture, suddenly, a large, furry face appeared in front of her phone’s lens, “Hi.” The face belonged to a bat, a Megabat!
“AHHH!!” Makenna screamed. She dropped her phone, turned on her heel, and sprinted away. She dove behind a jeep parked in the parking lot, and she pressed her back up against it and breathed heavily.
“Makenna, what’s wrong?” Jessica asked from where she stood, “Did you get the picture yet?” However, then her own eyes caught the Megabat hovering over Makenna’s phone, and she too screamed,
“AHHH!! BAT!” Jessica quickly let go of her pose, and she dove behind the boards.
From where he hovered, the bewildered bat shrugged and glanced in each direction the girls hid in, “Was it something I said?”
This talking bat’s name was Raeven. He was Makenna’s best avian friend that she met the year before. He also helped her earn her Crystal Metamorphic Fairy transformation. Raeven was a young bat, so he was very energetic and loud. He also didn’t have the best relationship with Merlin the Great. However, for the past year, he had helped him out by giving messages to Makenna Delling about Tracey and how he was doing. Tracey had been involved in a really serious accident the year before that costed him his wings, and when fairies became wingless, it usually took them a long time to fully recover. Raeven basically just visited Makenna every once in a while to give an update about Tracey’s condition. However, he did not expect her to scream and dive behind a jeep when he appeared in front of her camera.
The young bat focused his attention forward on Makenna’s hiding place and shook his head saying,
“Oh, what a strange, little machine.” He soared to the jeep and landed on its hood, putting his hands together, “Makenna? Makenna, are you there? Don’t you recognize a bat when you see one? It’s me! Raeven the notorious, phenomenal, handsome Megabat! Not to mention, I did just get my fur groomed at Bat Central, so I’m even more handsome than the last time you saw me!”
Where Jessica hid, she peered up from behind the boards, and her blue eyes landed on the jeep and Raeven sitting on its hood. “That dawg gone Raeven!” she groaned, and she let her arm dangle in front of the boards’ paintings, “I’m gonna have to put him in a bubble!”
Makenna, who still hid behind the jeep, soon recognized Raeven’s voice, and she asked, “Raeven?”
“Correct, Miss Delling.” Raeven spoke, and he blew her a kiss, “Mwah.” As strange as it may sound, but he, a bat, had a crush on Makenna Delling.
She stood up and rested her arms on the jeep’s hood, “Raeven!” but the hood was hot, and she quickly took her arms off. Her eyes landed on the Megabat, “What’s wrong with you?! You nearly gave me a heart attack! Don’t do that!”
“My apologies, Miss Delling, but you should at least give me some credit for the fact that I flew all the way out here from Merlin’s Island to seek you out.” Jessica had now tiptoed out from her hiding place, and she slowly started to approach the jeep. Momentarily, she stopped over Makenna’s phone and picked it up.
Jessica brushed it off, and she saw that the phone’s screen had cracked. “Uh oh,” she whispered.
Where Raeven and Makenna hung out, Makenna immediately jumped into questions about Tracey, “Well, Raeven, how is he? How’s Tracey?”
“Much better,” he answered, and he seemed to smile, “Although there are still times when his back tingles, and he’s still receiving therapy, but other than that, he’s doing much better. Just the other day, he rode Gina up to Merlindial Falls’s ledge, and he meditated under the water.” Gina was the name of Tracey’s best avian friend. She was a tern. Tracey rescued her from a broken wing four years ago, and she currently acted as his “wings” since he couldn’t fly anymore. “Makenna Delling!” Raeven added with, “I think we have our Tracey back! But wait!” He suddenly did a face palm and started to pace, “He’s still under the Octopus Man’s spell! Oh this is horrible, horrible, horrible! Just when we think we have Merlin’s apprentice back, he’s going to be stripped of magic all over again! Yikes! What if we aren’t able to save him this time?! This is a big problem! A very big problem! A big, big, big…”
Before he finished, Makenna closed his muzzle and forced him to shut up. “Enough, Raeven,” she spoke, and she tightened her grip on his muzzle, “Don’t think that. We’ll find a way to break the spell. I promise.” She released Raeven, and he rubbed his muzzle, “Currently though, that invitational to Australia is the first bulleted point on my list. I must win today in the meet! When I do, then I’ll consider helping Tracey. He’s well enough now that I can finally see him again right?”
Raeven nodded, “I believe so, Miss Delling, but keep in mind that he may not recognize you. After all, you did only know him six days, and then you haven’t seen him since last April. It’s been about a year and two months since you last saw him.”
Makenna’s jaw fell to the ground, “Aw darn it all,” and she propped up her chin, “This is going to be tough.”
“We’ll figure something out though,” spoke Raeven, “I promise. After all, this is Raeven the Megabat you’re talking to! Remember, we’re mega, mega awesome, and we do everything in our willpower to help out our mega, mega awesome friends!”
“Makenna?” suddenly asked the voice of Jessica. She had just made it to the jeep. At the sound of her voice, Raeven yelped and leaped ten feet in the air. He ended up falling over the jeep’s hood, but he caught himself on the tire.
“Raeven!” Makenna gasped. She glanced at Jessica, “What was that for, Jessica?!”
“Sorry,” Jessica apologized, “but um, you see…your phone…well…” She shrugged and held Makenna’s phone out to her. That was all she could say.
Makenna stared, and then, she slowly nodded and admitted, “That’s okay, Jessica. I’ll just ask my grandma to buy me a new one.” Makenna was clearly upset, but she tried her best to hide it. Reaching out, she took her phone back and peered down on it. Then, she added with, “That’s as if she ever comes back to life.” Jessica took a deep breath. She and Makenna together turned their heads towards Raeven, and Makenna slipped her phone into her beach dress’s pocket. “Raeven!” she said after a bit, and she and Jessica approached him.
“I live!” he announced, “Hallelujah! But, OMG, how much longer is this going to last?” Here, Raeven wrapped his wings around his body.
“Hm,” spoke Makenna who pointed at him, “something tells me Tracey isn’t the only reason why you’ve come to me today, Raeven.”
Before Raeven could speak though, a new voice suddenly chimed in behind him, Makenna and Jessica, “Ah, well if it isn’t Makenna Delling and Jessica Hughes!” The voice belonged to the owner of McKevlin’s Surf Shop himself, George McKevlin. He was an older man, maybe in his mid-fifties, whose hair was starting to gray in a few places, but he still ran McKelvin’s, and he still loved it. Makenna and Jessica heard him, and they quickly whirled around.
Makenna gasped, “Mr. McKevlin!” and as an attempt to hide Raeven, she jumped in front of the jeep’s tire.
Mr. McKevlin stopped in front of her and shouted out, “Ah, my favorite customers! You made it! I knew you would!” He originally was from Sydney, Australia, so he had an Australian accent. Mr. McKevlin continued, “Good news, surfies (surfboard riders), I’ve got a bundle of new surfing supplies for yaw to look at! Flash sheilas (good-looking girls) like yaw ought to come check them out!”
“Awesome, sir!” Makenna announced. She couldn’t help but to smile. She loved the Australian accent, and besides, Mr. McKevlin was just so cool! Right, bro? Makenna added with, “Why else do you think we came? Of course we want to check out what’s new in stock! Right, Jessica?”
“Hm?” Jessica asked, “Oh yes.” She too smiled, “Lead the way, Mr. McKevlin! We’re right behind you!”
Mr. McKevlin cheered and announced, “Good on ya! Follow me, loves!” And with that, he marched towards his shop and started to climb the stairs. Behind, Makenna and Jessica took deep breaths, and they together turned their heads to look at Raeven.
He now sat on top of the tire, and he met Makenna’s eyes. “Now, Raeven,” she spoke, and she picked him up, “You have to promise me you won’t make a peep! Last thing I want is to get chased by the police because I have a talking bat in my possession! Do you think I can slip you in Jessica’s bag and you can be quiet? Can I trust you?”
“Oh absolutely, Miss Delling!” Raeven chimed, “I’m willing to do anything to help a fairy such as yourself!”
“Shh!” Makenna snapped, and she brought her finger to her lips.
Soon, from the top of McKevlin’s Surf Shop’s staircase, Mr. McKevlin peered down to the two girls and asked, “Yaw coming, mates (pals/friends)?”
“Yes, sir!” Makenna quickly shouted back, and as quick as a flash, she stuffed Raeven into Jessica’s beach bag that she wore over her shoulder. Surely he would be comfortable in there – right, bro? “You have to promise you’ll stay as unnoticeable as possible!” Makenna snappily ordered Raeven, and the bat said,
“Fine. If that is what you desire. I shall make your dream come true.” And just like that, he slipped his head and body into Jessica’s bag, and she zipped it up – not all the way of course because Raeven needed air. After she did, she and Makenna met eyes, and they together crossed their fingers.
“Come on, Jessica.” Makenna said after a bit, “We have to make this fast, so we don’t keep Mom, Dad, and Caleb waiting any longer.” She took Jessica’s shoulder and led her over to McKevlin’s staircase where they soon faced Mr. McKevlin himself. While they stood at the base of the staircase, he stood at the top. Makenna smiled and said, “We’re here, Mr. McKevlin.” She nudged Jessica’s bag because Raeven was squirming a bit inside it.
“Wonderful, loves!” announced Mr. McKevlin who clapped his hands together, “All right, now follow me!” And just like that, he opened the door to his store and slipped inside. Makenna and Jessica followed from behind, but Makenna fell back behind Jessica because she thought she saw something in the sky.
She thought she saw a little sparkle. Hm, could it be? Makenna had to figure this out! “Jessica,” she whispered, and she stopped her by taking her shoulder again.
“Yes, Makenna?” asked her friend, and she peered over her shoulder to look at her.
Makenna continued, “I’ll meet you and Mr. McKevlin inside in just a sec. I have to quickly take care of something. Can you make sure Raeven stays quiet?”
Jessica nodded, “Sure, Makenna. Don’t take too long now though, okay?”
“I won’t, Jessica.” Makenna promised, “I promise.” She and Jessica shared a quick hug. After the hug, Jessica waved and sauntered up the final few steps. She too disappeared inside McKevlin’s Surf Shop, and Raeven was with her. Makenna sure hoped he wouldn’t cause a ruckus, but she didn’t know. Raeven was best known for causing a ruckus. When Makenna made sure the coast was clear, she scurried down the staircase and leaped into the parking lot again. Her beautiful, blue eyes peered into the sky, and they landed on the little sparkle she saw. She wasn’t crazy! She did see something! “Tracey?” Makenna asked after a bit, “Tracey, is that you?” She followed the light but stopped when it suddenly started to flitter back and forth! Hm, interesting. Right, bro? What was this light? Before Makenna knew it, the light flickered again, and it floated down towards her! “Uh?” asked the Metamorphic Fairy, a little nervous, “Tracey?” She took a step back and watched as the light drew closer and closer. While it did so, she next heard a voice! A voice, and it came from the light.
It sounded old but wise, and Makenna immediately recognized it. “Makenna Delling,” spoke the mysterious, female voice, “It is time.”
“Selene?!” gasped young Makenna Delling, “Selene! Oh man, it’s been so long!” Sure enough, the voice in the sparkle belonged to Selene, the wisest, oldest fairy in the world. She helped Makenna a year ago to earn her Crystal Metamorphic Fairy transformation, and she also took care of Tracey when he was critically ill. Selene wasn’t exactly with Makenna right now; she was just communicating with her through telepathy and the little sparkle. The sparkle acted like a phone. Just like a phone, Makenna didn’t see the caller, but she did hear her. She smiled and held her hands out to the sparkle.
It flittered over to her palms and hovered over them. Selene’s voice added with, “It is time for you to return to Merlin’s Island and hook back up with Tracey.”
“Tracey?” Makenna asked, and she felt herself blushing, “Is he really that much better? Has he asked about me? I mean, has he mentioned me at all? Ah man, those mean the same thing.” Makenna blushed harder.
Selene chuckled on the other line. “Sorry, Makenna,” she said after a bit, “but he hasn’t mentioned you at all.”
Makenna turned to stone. “Uh?” was all she could say. Oh no, her first attempt at love flushed down the toilet! Disappointed, Makenna lowered her head and added with, “That’s okay, Selene.”
“Hey, don’t worry.” Selene comfortably told her, “I’m sure he’ll remember you the second he sees you again. Keep in mind, my dear, he’s had a very rough fight. The Octopus Man is growing stronger, and you have to hurry and break the spell casted upon Tracey before he strips him of magic all over again.”
Makenna nodded understandingly, “I understand, Selene, but I can’t go to Tracey right now. I have to win this invitational to Australia first. Besides, bear in mind that I can’t fly until sunset.”
Selene sighed, “I am well aware. After all, I am just the messenger. However, please promise me, Miss Delling that you’ll fly to Merlin’s Island as soon as possible. Tracey needs you.”
Makenna chuckled. Her braces shone in the sunshine, and she said, “Don’t worry, Selene. You can trust me. I’m not the girl I was before. I promise you I will never abandon Tracey like that ever again. He didn’t deserve to be treated like that.”
“That is the attitude of a Crystal Metamorphic Fairy,” said Selene, and the little sparkle started to twirl a little bit, “Thank you, Makenna. I shall inform Merlin on Coutarine Island.”
“Coutarine Island?” Makenna asked, “Why is Merlin on Coutarine Island, Selene?” Coutarine Island was the name of another enchanted island which is located not far from Merlin’s Island. The island was inhabited by fairy sprites (small fairies), and it was also the location of the Coutarine Fairy Hospital, the hospital Tracey went to for his accident. Why did Merlin go there though? Was Tracey okay? Did Raeven tell Makenna the truth? “Is Tracey okay?” was her next question for Selene, “Please, Selene! Don’t tell me he’s in the hospital again!”
Selene quickly calmed her down, “Oh, don’t worry, my dear! Tracey is fine! He’s wonderful! Merlin the Great went to Coutarine Island for a very urgent mission.”
“Urgent?” Makenna asked, “Uh oh.” She gulped, “Is it the Octopus Man again?” Right after she asked that, Selene’s sparkle started to expand, and before Makenna knew it, it took on a holographic form of the elderly fairy! Now Makenna could see her. Selene was small, for she had performed the Shrinking Spell, and she had a very fairy godmother-like appearance to her. Her hair was held up in a bun, and she wore a long, green cloak, a dark green cape that was pinned by a purple heart, and green shoes. In her hand, she held a purple wand that could change from a wand into a cane and back into a wand. Her wings were colored purple, and they were fairly small, but they were a good size for her.
She curtsied to Makenna and told her, “Let’s just say the mission is very important. However, if you don’t mind, Makenna, could you do Merlin and I a favor?”
“Sure,” said Makenna, “What do you want, Selene?”
“I have here an extremely important parcel.” Selene answered. She waved her hand, and suddenly, in front of Makenna’s face appeared a box-shaped, medium-sized parcel that was wrapped with brown wrapping paper and strings.
Makenna’s mouth gaped open with astonishment. “What is this?” she asked Selene, and she accepted the parcel.
Selene explained, “This extremely important parcel contains urgent supplies for Merlin to use for his mission. It is critical that you deliver this to Coutarine Island as soon as possible. The supplies in it are very fragile. Whatever you do, don’t you dare tip over this box.”
Makenna shook her head, “I don’t understand. You want me to go to Coutarine Island?”
“Yes, Makenna Delling. Take Tracey with you.”
“Tracey?” asked Makenna. Her mind bubbled with questions, “Wait a minute! Merlin didn’t take Tracey to Coutarine Island with him?!”
“I’m afraid not, Miss Delling,” elucidated Selene, “You see, Merlin wanted to bring Tracey along – he really did – but then he concluded that he isn’t strong enough yet to act in an urgent mission unless somebody is with him. Somebody like yourself. You see, Makenna, Tracey is in deep danger. He’s now very vulnerable which that makes him a much easier target for the Octopus Man. The broken wings were only the beginning. So please, Makenna, I’m begging you. Take Tracey and this extremely important parcel to Coutarine Island. There, you shall learn from a friend of mine, a young wizard, a little bit about your next quest – your journey to the Bermuda Triangle.”
“Whoa, what?!” Makenna yelped. Her eyes widened, “What are you talking about, Selene?! The Bermuda Triangle?! I’m not going to the Bermuda Triangle! Sure, I’ll deliver Tracey and this extremely important parcel to Merlin, but I’m not going any further than that! The Bermuda Triangle is also called ‘Devil’s Triangle!’ It has ‘Death’ written all over it! Remember what happened last year with Joaquin?!”
“If that is what you desire.” Selene sighed in her wise voice, “I won’t force you, but let me inform you that the Bermuda Triangle may be your last chance to save Tracey once and for all. Choose wisely, Makenna, and make sure that parcel gets to Merlin.” Makenna nervously lowered her head, and taking one hand off the parcel, she reached for her horse head-shaped necklace pendant. She said nothing more to Selene. Her words, “The Bermuda Triangle may be your last chance to save Tracey once and for all,” struck her like a bullet severing her flesh. She didn’t say anything yes, but Selene did, “I hope to see you again, my dear at my sailboat before your water self takes over,” and just like that, her image faded, and the mysterious sparkle vanished in a blast of light.
Makenna was left behind with troubled thoughts, but she attempted to calm herself down.
She told herself, “Calm down, Makenna. Selene’s just trying to scare you. The invitational to Australia will lift your spirits. Hm, I wonder what’s in this.” Makenna gripped either side of the extremely important parcel and looked it up and down. She remembered Selene told her to not tip it over, and she wondered why. Makenna turned back to McKevlin’s Surf Shop and tried to think of a place where she could hide the parcel. She couldn’t just waltz inside and announce, “Hey, sorry I took so long! I was just talking with the wisest, oldest fairy in the world, and she gave me an extremely important parcel to deliver to Merlin the Great!” It didn’t work that way. Makenna just decided to slip the parcel under McKevlin’s staircase for now. It would be safe there – hopefully. Once young Makenna did that, she jogged up the staircase and opened the door to McKevlin’s. She smiled the second she stepped inside. McKelvin’s Surf Shop was a cheerful, little place. It was cluttered but in a nice way. Surfboards and surfing supplies surrounded the young fairy, and surfing music played from the radio. Makenna saw Jessica and Mr. McKevlin.
They were standing by a surfboard, and Mr. McKevlin smiled at Jessica.
He then noticed Makenna and gasped, “G’Day (Good day), love! We were getting worried!” He approached Makenna and took her shoulder, “Can I interest you in a chili dog or perhaps a new pair of sunnies (sunglasses)?”
“No!” Makenna quickly spoke, and she released herself, “Sorry I took so long, Mr. McKevlin, but I received a call from my friend Tracey.” Jessica gave her a funny look.
“Tracey?” asked Mr. McKevlin, “Is this Tracey another surfie?”
Makenna didn’t mean to, but she almost gave away Tracey’s identification. She shook her head and answered, “No, he’s a fair…” However, she quickly realized what she was about to say and changed her words, “I mean…yeah! Yeah! Tracey is another surfie! He and I are in the same surfing class!” She took a deep breath. That was way too close.
“Ta (Thank you)!” shouted Mr. McKevlin, and he lifted his arms high over his head, “Awesome! Mates, why don’t we work together to discover the mysteries behind what’s new in stock today?! Who knows, we may even find something for your other surfie friend, Makenna.”
Makenna smiled nervously, “I sure hope so. All right, Mr. McKevlin, lead the way.” Mr. McKevlin smiled and started the tour.