Ch.4: Tigerstar and Sasha’s Trilogy: The Beginning
I walk alone in the forest. I was exiled long ago. I hate it. I’ve always been a clan cat. It’s that kittypet’s fault. I was so close to being leader of Thunderclan. Everything was working out as I planned. But no, the kittypet had to step in and destroy everything; everything I’ve worked for. I should’ve killed him when he first arrived. He doesn’t deserve to be leader. It should be me; once a kittypet, always a kittypet.
Suddenly, I’m attacked by a tabby she-cat. I’m stronger, though. I pin her down, not wanting to hurt her. She throws me off, though and we face each other.
“Who are you? What are you doing in my territory?” she asks me.
I tell her, “I’m a loner like you. I didn’t know this territory belonged to you. My apologies.”
“Apology accepted.”
“So, who are you?” I ask her.
“Sasha. What brought you into this life? You seem like you were once a clan cat.”
“I was. It’s a long story.”
“Well, I have time.”
We sit by some under growth and I tell her my whole story.
A few moons later, we fall in love and mate. We name our kits Hawkkit and Mothkit.
Afterward, I’m able to rule a little bit of the forest.
I become leader of Shadowclan, Sasha and the kits join me, and I unite both my clan and Riverclan.
Soon after, I bring Scourge and his cats into Lionclan. We then name ourselves Bloodclan.
It’s a full moon night, when we come to fourtrees. I want to fight, but Scourge disagrees. I insist and that’s when it happens. I fell one quick second of pain and then I’m alone in the Dark forest.
I suddenly realize that I’m dead. I’m in No Stars. And that’s the end of my life. All nine lives taken away from me from one gigantic paw with five claws. One quick second and I’m dead; gone.
I look down into the dark river, and I see my bleeding body. I also see Firestar. The kittypet looks grief stricken and shocked, as he looks at me.