The general told me that he had to test us. If Noah or I escaped, then we were not ready yet and would have to continue with his programs. The fact that Noah did not want to escape and I ended up coming back showed him that we no longer were the rebels we once were. He was proud of us and promised us both that things would be much better from now on. He also promised us that he would tell us what would happen to us.
As soon as the general went, Noah told me that the door was still unlocked. The general knew that we had no place to go. I felt less like a prisoner and smiled. Noah was very emotional and gave me a hug saying that he was happy that I came back. It would have been hard for him to deal with the general's master plan if he was alone. Noah felt like he could deal with anything as long as I was there.
I felt the same. I remember when I was alone. The punishments were so hard and nearly unbearable. Things were much better now that Noah was there. We were in the same sinking boat together, and we knew how to support each other. Noah was more than my best friend. He was like a brother.
The general visited us the next day. He showed us newspaper articles. I read it and could see that Mom had an interview with a newspaper. She told the newspaper that I was a wild child and no one could control me. She explained that I was sent to RAD and the camp tried to teach me how to be good. They did not have time as I escaped. Despite that Mom never found my dead body, she told the newspaper that there was every indication that I died somewhere in the wilderness. She did not blame the camp as she thought they did as much as they could. When the journalist asked mom if she missed me she replied that life goes on. She still has a stepdaughter to take care of. She admitted that she loved this girl so much.
Noah read something similar about his mother. The general left when we read the newspaper and Noah and I just sat in silence. It was hard to read that mom did not even admit that she missed me. She loved her new stepdaughter more than the daughter she gave birth to. Did anyone care about me? If the journalist did his investigative duty, he would find out that there was no dead body found. He would also have to ask himself why several children went missing from the camp.
Maybe the Society did not care. Most people would think that we were sent to this camp because we were bad children and a threat against society. If we did not die, then people would think we would spend all our life in some prison. It was obvious that people did not care.
Noah broke the silence and said that the program we were on was finished and it was obvious that our families thought we were dead and did not care about us. Noah sighed and said that this means we will be finding out soon what was going to happen to us. We would probably be sent to some mine, and have to hammer rocks for the rest of our lives.
Then Noah broke down to tears and said that it was hard thinking that no one wanted him or even loved him. He felt so alone and was wondering what did he ever do to deserve not being wanted. I gave him a hug and said that we would be together. I did not see him as a bad boy and loved him as a brother. This made him cry more, but Noah said that he was crying out of happiness. The fact that I wanted him showed him that there was hope.
The nurse came in later that day to change me, As she was changing me, she took a huge needle and injected something in me. She explained that this injection would finish my regression as it would change the way that my body worked. She did not tell me what this meant but promised me that this was the last step for my regression to being like a baby.
I asked her why she wanted me to be a baby, and she said that she would explain that another day.
The injections had a huge effect on me. What I noticed was that after a day, I was beginning to lisp. This was annoying especially when Noah said that I sounded like a little toddler now. The worse thing is that my muscles got weaker. This meant that it was getting harder and harder just to stand up. Noah suggested that I crawl, and to be honest this was much easier.
Noah was a normal boy and did things that normal boys would do. As for me, the general had slowly been regressing me to be like a toddler baby. Now I used diapers, and pacifiers and the baby bottle. I even slept in a crib. My hair was even like toddlers. It was always in pigtails. The only thing the general could not change was my body. I would bet he would make my body shrink in size if he could. Now I lisped when I spoke and I could hardly stand up. I was a baby and the strange thing is that deep down, I accepted it and even liked it.
The nurse spoke with me one day after she changed my diaper. She told me that I was now basically a baby. She told me that I was the only child that had to experience this. Why would someone try and make a normal 12-year-old act and think like a baby? The nurse smiled and said that does not matter. It was also the wrong question that I should ask myself. I should ask if I was happier as a baby?
When she went, Noah said she was screwing with my mind. What 12-year old would be happy at being a baby again? I said nothing but thought the nurse could be right. I was happier now. As a baby, I did not have to worry about how I should look or what was cool and what was not. It was annoying that I wore diapers, but in a way, I liked when people took care of me. I liked playing with the toys and even missed when the pacifier was not in my mouth. I also liked that Noah was like a big brother and protected and took care of me.
The nurse was right. I allowed them to change me so I was now a baby.
The general visited and told Noah and me that he was proud of us. “You two were never bad children. It is true that I thought you were both brats when first came to the camp. Then I noticed your parents really did not want you to go home. They had no clue how to be parents. You had parents that could not accept that you were nearly teens. They sent you to camp hoping that you would come back to them submissive like zombies. This makes them bad and it was them that needed help. I could see that you two were good and you needed something better with your life. So I tried to bring you two together and break down some of the stubbornness you had. Do not listen to people when they say you were bad or unwanted.”
This was a strange speech. If the general thought I was a saint, then why did he torture me so much. I would never forget the hell he put me through at the camp. I would never forget when he yelled at me, starved me, locked me up and so many other things. The truth is that he should be in jail for what he has done! He was a psycho. One day he was evil and then he was nice. He constantly was trying to mess with our minds. Noah was right, how could we trust him?
Maybe he was right about one thing. It did not seem like my mother loved me or wanted me. I remember I told her that I hated her when she sent me to camp. I was mad at her and still could get mad at her when I remembered she sent me here. I tried being good when she sent me home, but she just sent me back. She now had a new family and did not even worry about what happened to me. It seemed to me that mom just erased me from her life.
I had a tough decision to make, but mom made it easier. If she did not love me any more or want me anymore, then I would no longer consider her my mother. She decided that she no longer wanted me as a daughter, so I decided that I no longer wanted her as a mother. As far as I was concerned, I was an orphan.
The general came back later and told us that it was the time that we found out what would happen to us.
“This camp makes money on parents sending us their brats.” he said, “but through the years, I always had financial difficulties. My wife likes to spend money. So I have had a side business. It is not totally legal, but the police and press are friends and I never get in trouble.”
I did not know what to say, My mind was still confused at the fact that this man was married.
“Many couples across the world cannot have children,” the general continued, “So I help some of these adopt children. This may sound mean, but these children are not wanted by their parents or loved. I help teach the children discipline and then find them happy homes. The public does not know this. Once in a while, a child goes missing from the camp and they are never found again. The public doesn't care, as these children were bad apples anyhow and no one wanted them. The public thinks these children are dead or are on the streets in the big cities, but thanks to my work, these children are happy with new families.”
Noah asked does this mean that he sold children?
“Selling is such a harsh word. I provide a service. Now it is your turn to find happiness at last. You both have been through hard times, and it must be very hard for you to hear that your families no longer want you. However, I have a family that wants you both. You will be brother and sister. This family had a daughter that died. Because their daughter was so sick, she was basically treated like a baby. They requested a girl that acted and thought like a baby. This is why you have regressed, Heidi. I am sure they will love and cherish you and at some stage, train you so you can be a big girl again. The big thing is that you will be wanted!”
This was a lot to understand and accept. I was being sold to some parents.
“As for you Noah,” the general continued, “The new parents also wanted a son who would be a good big brother that protects and loves his little sister. Your new parents are coming soon and then you will not see me anymore. I know that you will be happy as brother and sister!”
The general let me go out to a small garden and weed. I always found peace in a garden with dirt and plants, but this was hard. My muscles were so weak that I could not even stand. I ended up sitting in the middle of the garden as the general's words sank in.
The general sold children to childless parents and hoped everyone would be happy. This was against the law and no one ever did anything to stop it. I bet that the police and even the media knew about it and never lifted a finger. The general could be right. Society thought we were future convicts and did not care about us.
The general had this planned for a long time. The problem is I was never asked. I was never asked if I wanted to be regressed to a baby again. I was never asked if I wanted to be sold to the highest bidder!
It is like I was not even a human. I felt more like a commodity in a shop and someone would buy me. I was not even sure if the new parents would love me or want me. Maybe they just wanted me to replace their daughter that was sick.
Noah came and sat down next to me. He was happy that we were allowed outside. He told me that the plan was not bad. We could meet a nice couple that loved us. We would escape the general and never see him again. The best thing is that we would be brother and sister. Noah could see nothing wrong with the general's plan.
It was not like we had a choice. A few days later, the general appeared with a man and woman. He told us it was time to go.
He said this man and woman were our new parents.
To be continued
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