Taehyung POV
"Yes! I'm coming!" I ran to the car that had been started earlier. With just one move I managed to jump into the car and plop myself into the far left passenger seat. Jimin is already sitting next to me and Hobi sit in the back alone. After closing the door, the car started to move.
"The others already went.." Jimin said while laying his back
"You know namjoon hates when we are late.." hobi chimed in. I nodded quickly while sighing
"Yeah, I know... sorry, there was... an obstacle.." I said while rubbing my forehead slowly.
Ish, that girl's head is quite hard.
"So, what are we going to talk about then?" I asked again while glancing at Jimin who was closing his eyes.
"Hmm new songs, maybe .." he said sleepily. I turned to hobi behind me waiting for the answer
"Umm what we'll have for dinner?" he said randomly. The three of us chuckled in amusement and finally concluded to end the conversation.
I leaned my head on Jimin's shoulder who seemed to be asleep, taking a warm shower after the briefing seemed like a good idea-I thought.
I closed my eyes slowly for a few minutes enjoying the lulling vibration of the car. Suddenly the girl's face appeared with her big round eyes and pink plum lips. SHe looked surprised to see me and I was sure I had never seen her face before.
Um, she’s......
quite pretty
And she smells like vanilla.
Hey, what am I thinking?
"Let's go .." hobi patted my shoulder gently forcing me to open my eyes. It turned out that we had arrived at the apartment. I opened my eyes and rubbed my face slowly
"Hey, jiminsii.... wake up.." I said poking jimin's cheek who finally woke up and wrinkled his forehead.
The three of us got out of the car and entered the apartment lobby straight to the private elevator.
"Aah...i really need my bed..." hobi growled while stretching his arms.
I chuckled softly, it seemed like the three of us were all sleepy after lunch.
"Want to see the video of our practice earlier?" I asked Hobi, which was then greeted with a nod of Jimin's head. Hobi nodded slowly while leaning his body against the elevator wall.
"Yeah... i wanna see how it looks when our scary hobi coaches us.." jimin smirked at me. I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and pressed the button. Suddenly a picture of a man with tattooed hands appears holding a mic. Hey what the hack?
"Uwoo, taehyung-ah...i never knew you like linkin park-eu..." hobi suddenly commented from behind my neck with wide eyes.
I shook my head hard "no, I don't."
He raised his eyebrows in surprise
I pressed my phone again and the photo appeared again. Jimin laughed and rubbed his neck
"Cmone tae, I want to see the video before we got to our room..." he said. I sighed realizing my finger print ID was not recognized. This is so weird. Then I entered the passcode and it was rejected.
"What?" I jumped in surprise then started researching my black iphone pro max in my hand. Well, there's no initial on the back? Can it be ....
"Cmone..." jimin sulks looking at the elevator lights that are getting closer to the destination floor
"Ah shooh! I can't believe it. This is not my phone.." I muttered while ruffling my hair in annoyance.
"Whoa what? What do you mean? You didn't bring your phone?" Jimin asked in surprise.
"It's not like that... aisssh, my cell phone was swapped .." I said shaking my head. Can't believe something ridiculous like this could happen to me.
"Ha? Swapped? How??..." hobi is laughing followed by jimin who also chuckled.
I looked at them in annoyance. So this is the girl's phone? Does that mean she has my phone? Or even worst, my phone are lost somewhere? Aaarrghh...
"Ok ok, calm down... you still have your other phones, right?" Jimin grins
Well, I do have three cellphones, the old model which I first bought with my own money from my performance 5 years ago. The content is definitely not as updated as this, but I can still use it to call my friends.
"Yeah...i'll try to call it with my other phone.." I muttered still feeling annoyed.
"Or I can just call your number right now.." Jimin offered to take out his cellphone. Before I could answer, the elevator door was already open leading the three of us to the door of the apartment we lived in together. This luxury residence was purchased by our management in early 2017 when our careers were all starting to rise.
"We'll call her after briefing..." I said briefly then swiped the ID card and opened the door
"Her?" jimin raised his eyebrows at me. I just glanced at him in response.
When the door opened, I saw my four friends sitting in the spacious living room. Namjoon looked at me intently then asked the three of us to sit down.
I really wanted to run to my room and grab my old cellphone first, but I didn't want to make my hyungs (brothers) even more upset because the three of us were already late.
Fifteen minutes passed, it turned out that the hyungs suggested doing Vlive in turns in these few weeks. Some ideas just flowed about the content to be displayed and all seemed enthusiastic about these ideas. Unfortunately, my concentration is not fully here because every time I see the girl's cell phone, my mind immediately worries about the existence of my cellphone.
Finally, after about 30 minutes, the discussion was over and everyone had decided on their respective content, including myself, who would be holding a live autograph session for the Map of the Soul:7 album.
Namjoon, jin and jk after that went to the kitchen to bring snacks and drinks while yoongi and hobi looked sleepy on the chairs hugging pillows. I quickly stepped into the room followed by jimin behind me.
"Hey, how do you know that this phone belongs to a girl?" Jimin asked while walking beside me. I quickly opened my bedroom door
"Umm....cause i bumped into her in the hallway and we fell down. i guess our phones also fell. But then..she bump her head into mine so i feel a bit dizzy and took the wrong phone.." I explained while looking for my old cell phone among my computer equipment. Oh there it is!
Jimin chuckled at my explanation
"too much drama.." he mumbled grinning
I typed in my cell phone number and immediately pressed the call button while throwing my body on the mattress covered with black sheets.
Dial tone sounds in my ears
"So..how does she look like?" Jimin stretched out in the big bean bag beside the bed
Um, She is beautiful - My mind spontaneously answered
"she looked,,,, surprise .." I answered briefly
"Aish....what kind of answer is that.." jimin chuckled
The ringing tone is still heard. Why doesn't she pick up the phone??
Suddenly I hear a clicking sound
"Hello?" I greeted quickly. There’s Silence for a moment
"Um..Yes..?" Finally she answered.
"Who is this?" I asked quickly
"Well, who do you want to call?" she sounds confused
I chuckled
"Did you lose your phone today?" I asked grinning.
"Yeah.. how do you know?" Ask her again
I'm laughing again
"Cause I have your phone with me.. and I believe you have mine with you.." I said ujar
She was silent for a moment
"Aaah yah, I think they were switched up.
So...umm....is this Kim Taehyung?" sHe asked a little doubtfully.
"uh.. um. And your name?" ask me
"I'm Lily byeol. Nice to meet you..so how can I return it to you?" she Ask politely
"Lily Byeol..." I mumbled softly
Jimin spontaneously widened his eyes at me
"Lily?" He whispered to me. I just ignore it
"Um Is there any chance that you'll come to the office tomorrow?" i asked
"Yes. Sure.. I'm starting to work there tomorrow.." she answered confidently
"Oh...?" I was surprised because I didn't expect a girl as young as her to become a bigHit staff.
"Lily, whatcha doin?" Jimin suddenly shouted near my ear making me flinch
"Yaaah, jiminshii...!" I whispered annoyed as I patted his arm. He laughs mischievously
"Ouw is that jimin? Hi jimin......just chillin here.." she sounded happy.
"Um ok, so see you tomorrow morning at the office?" I said cutting off the conversation
"Okay.." she answered shortly
"Oh um...Btw, Lily, you didn't open anything on my phone, did you?" I asked frowning
"What? No, of course not. Your phone is locked" she said. She sounded like holding back laughter
"Oh ok, great.." I muttered in relief
"Hey lily, I'll tell you his passcode. Tae has a lot of half naked pics there!" Jimin suddenly called back near my ear
"Aiiish!" I got out of bed to scold jimin who ran away. What a brat!
"Ugh, He lied.." I quickly denied
Lily chuckled "yeah sure..."
"See you tomorrow..." I said before hanging up the phone.
Jimin came closer to me with a big smile.
"Lily with big brown eyes and brown hair..." he said.
"You knew her?" I asked surprised.
"We all have met her today. except you i guess?.. Lee hyung introduced her to us as our new staff.." he explained as he opened my reading book which was lying on the floor.
I nodded slowly then put my cell phone and Lily's on the computer table.
"I'm gonna take a shower..." I muttered briefly stretching my body.
"Aah Great idea. See you.." jimin got up from the bean bag and stepped out of my room.
I took my towel in the closet and intended to go to the bathroom but my steps were stopped suddenly because of the sound of the cellphone ringing loudly. The girl's cell phone?
I slowly approached,
'Kenji chen', a caller ID with a photo of a man with straight black hair appeared. He looks like a model with his fashionable style. Maybe that guy is her boyfriend-I thought grinning.
I let the ringing ring over and over again until it turned off by itself. Then suddenly the sound of a series of short message notifications came from the cellphone again.
Yaaah! Now what?
I furrowed my brows while glancing at the screen. That Kenji guy is sending messages over and over again.
'Why don't you answer?'
'You're avoiding me again?'
'When will you accept my feelings?
those words just popped up on her phone screen, made me raise my eyebrows..
hmm he's definitely not her boyfriend-yet. I chuckled to myself.
Aish, why am I reading something that is none of my business? I mumbled while ruffling my own hair.
Finally I put the girl's cell phone in my bag and I rushed into the bathroom.
* * *