Back to Lily's POV
8.30 a.m.
I took a deep breath before finally knocking on Brother Lee's door. Last night my eyes were a bit difficult to compromise, I wanted to rest early, but I stayed up until midnight. maybe because of the endless excitement that greeted the arrival of this day.
My sister reminded me when I called yesterday that although the atmosphere at bigHit is warm and the people are friendly, they are very strict about time management. Try to always come on time—the sentence still rings clear in my ears, as clear as her crisp laugh when I told her about the telephone exchange incident yesterday.
She thought it was very silly and careless although in the end she was happy to hear that I received a warm welcome from Bantan boys.
Ah, my dear I'd go through my day without you! Suddenly the shadow of my black cell phone appeared with concern on my mind.
"Come in..!" Brother Lee's voice called from inside. I sighed softly and opened the brown door.
Brother Lee was sitting with a girl with long black hair styled like a small bun. She turned as I approached and smiled kindly.
"This is Leony. Today she will give a short tour of the rooms and give a little bit information about your jobdesk” saidLee.
I nodded then bowed my body towards the girl wearing a gray cardigan
"I'm Lily, thanks for your help, eonni .." I said and smiled at her.
"Hi Lily, nice to meet you. Then, let's start. I’ll see you later then..." Leony stood up and bowed to brother Lee.
Brother lee agreed and then we both rushed out of the room.
Leony stepped beside me with a map in her hand. She looked feminine with her cardigan, 3/4 pleated skirt and ballerina flats, in contrast to me, who was now wearing an oversized sweater that exposed one of my shoulder and a navy blue tight jeans plus a pair of white Oakment FILA shoes.
"Well, your jobdesk is actually simple. Every day, Brother Lee will give you a schedule of activities for Bangtan and you must be ready in the department concerned. In each department there will be people who in-charge, they will give direct orders for that day. The task can be simple or the other way around. When you finished with one job, you can continue to other departments according to the schedule. So, basically you should be standby for any assists that they need .. " Leony explained as she stepped. I nodded at her..
"So make sure that you always have your phone with you.. cause they will contact you directly if you're not around them.." she reminded. I smiled widely when I heard the word 'phone’ mentioned.
Ooh Trust me, after what happened the other day-i will never let my phone slipped away from my hands ever again!
"Ok, this also what you do everyday?" I asked her
"Yes, more or less the same. But I don't handle BangTan. They will be yours. I handle a younger group called TXT. They are practically like Bangtan’s little brothers in this management..." she said with a big smile
My eyes lit up at the name. Ah yes, who doesn't know TXT? A group of talented young boys with fun personalities. Most of them are much younger than me.
"Well, this is the wardrobe room.. this is where we put all of clothes, shoes, accessories and properties that we need for any occasions .." Leony said as she opened the first door on the left that we met.
A large room with a chest of drawers on most of its walls stretched before me, leaving me stunned for a moment.
The two of us took another step forward until we came to a dark gray door.
"This is the make-up and styling room. If Talents is having a shooting or an outdoor event, this room is usually empty because all the make-up-er goes with them..." Leony continued with a big smile.
I pulled a knot imagining the excitement of participating in Bangtan’s activities outside the office.
After that Leony showed me the practice room-which I already know, then the kitchen/pantry then the canteen and then continued to the comfortable gym/exercise room.
"They rarely work out here, tho..because they already have a private gym in their apartment.." Leony talks about Bangtan’s habit.
Well, yeah... of course. If they hit the gym here, other staffs might not even focus on doing sports.
Then leony took me to a room that was oval in shape and decorated in warm colors and felt comfortable. Lots of soft sofas here and there, including bean bags and a ‘coffee & snack’ counter on one side.
"This is a chill out room, a relaxing room for staff. You can rest here whenever you need to. I also usually drink coffee in the morning and talk with other staff here.." she said.
Wow, this room looks like it's going to be my favorite.
"And last but not least.... is the staff room.." she said as she opened the last door on the right side of the corridor. The two of us entered the room while greeting the people in it. Spacious rectangular room filled with asymmetrical tables. Various paintings and art displays are plastered on the white walls.
"This is your can put your stuffs here.." Leony patted the dark silver table beside the large window. I widened my eyes for a moment, I never thought I would get a spot in this room.
"I thought I wont get a table, since I'll be running around here and there..." I said, grinning.
Leony chuckled then nodded
"Well, you have a point. At least you have a safe place to put your things while you're working.." she winked. I just laughed a little.
After that Leony handed me a piece of paper containing Bangtan’s schedule for today. The earliest is choreo practice at 09.30 am and resumed after lunch. I pulled out a silver chair and sat behind my desk. This is nice.
"Btw, how is Reyna? How's the pregnancy?" Leony suddenly asked.
"Ouw, She is healthy, now it's her 3rd trimester. she looks cute with her big belly.." I said grinning widely. Leonie chuckles
"Hm..We are actually pretty close. We usually hangout in the chill room and talk about random stuffs. She helped me out when I had hardship on my first day of work, 2 years ago.." she recalled with a smile. I could see the warm twinkle in her eyes.
"And're the one who help me out, eonni.." I said, making her chuckle crisply.
"It's my pleasure, Lily. I didn't know that Reyna's sister was this beautiful. If I knew earlier I will definitely suggested to her that you become a trainee.."
I spontaneously raised my eyebrows and laughed shyly. Oh so this is what SeokJin said about yesterday's trainee? So Jin thinks I'm pretty?? Uwu..
"Ah, thank you. I actually want to learn about things that happened behind the stage.." I said honestly. Even though I love music and can sing, I think to be a real performer I feel far from competent because that requires skill at different levels. Especially in this country where the music industry is very competitive.
"Well, I hope you can learn as much as you can here, Lily..." she said as she hugged her folder. I nodded quickly
"Ah, I have to go. I'll leave you here with your schedule. Practice is coming soon, right? Just go to the choreo room, okay, meet Mr. Son Sungdeuk, he's the choreographer.." she said again while glancing at her tiny watch.
"Okay, thanks for everything.." I said getting up from my seat and bowing to her. Leony smiled broadly and rushed out of the room whispering quickly "have a great day.." which grew a big smile on my face.
I sat back in my chair and quickly grabbed my phone from my bag, I pressed the home button and Taehyung's photo appeared again.
Aish, what a habit... I still look at the clock on the phone screen even though I’m already wearing a watch! Really ridiculous.
It’s 9:15 am in the morning.
Hmm... Slowly I looked at Taehyung's photo.
His facial expression looks adorable, as cute as that fluffy dog in his arms.
Duality to it's fittest. Taehyung who is better known by the name V on stage is really different from what I see in this photo. His aura on stage always manages to make all the girls gone crazy because of his seductive body language and sharp gaze, while in this photo? He's smiling so cutely-makes me want to pinch his cheeks! Eh..
Um... I'm also curious of what kind of things that an idol like Kim Taehyung will have on his phone. Are there really a lot of half naked photos like jimin said?
Or maybe a lot of intimate chats with other idol girls?
Yay lily! That’s none of your business.
But why do we both have to have the exact same cell phone? With a similar casing too? I guess if I was a fan of a cute color such as pink then it would be a different story. Unfortunately, I prefer black and other colors whose tones are not lighter than blood red.
Hey, what is his passcode might be?
Curiosity was tickling and appeared again.
Just Guessing for once is okay, right? I thought casually.
I bit my lip nervously while thinking.
Then decided to type Taehyung's date of birth as a passcode.. I go
Suddenly the phone rang loudly in my hand, making me flinch for a moment.
Damn. He's calling!
"H...hello.." I said surprised
"Hey, Lily...I've arrived at the office.." Taehyung's voice sounded fresh
"Aaah yeah... me too. Um, Where are you now?"
"Great. I'm heading to the studio. So..i'll see you there?" he asked briefly.
"Yeah, okay..." I said firmly. Then the phone was hung up. My heart was still beating fast, more so because I felt caught that I almost invade his privacy.
I quickly grabbed my bag and stepped out of the room and headed for the choreo practice room.
* * *