OKAY, so this just fucking happened!! So I used to like this boy in band with me let's call him N. anyways He walks into my fifth-period geometry class, and he's with the mascot and I didn't notice at first, It was just like oh the mascots visiting us for homecoming. I didn't mind at all until N stepped then I made eye contact with him. I panicked I'm still panicking currently my heart skipped a beat and not in that oh my god I love you type way but that OH MY FUCKING GOD WHY THE HELL ARE YOU HERE GO THE FUCK AWAY YOU JUST RUINED MY CONFIDENCE type way. I'm still panicking like goddamn I'm dressed like a fucking bus boy and I'm supposed to be making him think that he's missing something.... AHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKKKK. Thats it i'm killing myself