so I've been 15 for three days now. It doesn't feel any different though. I'm going to dye my hair two days from now bitchessss. It's gonna be purple. My bestie bee is going to be dying it before we go to see Dear Evan Hansen. Prayyyyyyy That I can go because I want my hair dyed and I wanna see dear Evan Hansen so very badly. I also wanna spend the night with bee. I just gotta ask meh mom today. ALSOOOOOO, I wanna get my hair cut so fucking bad it's not even a joke anymore like not even kidding. I can't decide if I want it cut like violets from No strangers to hell or like this Its slanted as it goes forward and I'm thinking bangs idk why but my friend chars. Says I'd look hot with bangs so I trust her. but ya know can't be serious. My hair is probably still gonna be the same length when I dye it but what the fuck ever My hair is healthy i think.....