Summary: Set in S4 when Jason got severely wounded by a werepanther. Will someone find him and help him in time?
Previously on True Blood
Tara was on the floor wounded in Sookie’s house unconscious and dying, Sookie at her side, Lafayette standing by her.
“We have to get Pam. We can’t let her die,” she said to him.
Pam in Sookie’s house.
Sookie almost begging Pam to save her.
Pam in a hole in the ground with an out cold Tara, dirt being shoveled onto them.
Tara going to bite Sookie, hungry after waking up as a vampire.
Pam using the Sire bond, as she tells her not to harm them, making her obey.
Jason tied to a bed.
Jason running for his life.
Jason fighting off a werepanther with a big stick.
Jason running off, badly injured, as a werepanther fights the werepanther that injured him.
It was a dark night, as Jason staggered onto a road and down it, heading the route to where Sookie, his sister, lived. He hoped she was home. He needed help.
An hour later, he staggered and fell to the ground, not yet there. He had lost a lot of blood and was severely hurt. He was in such bad condition that everything went black almost the moment he hit the ground on his back.
Bill was going for an occasional walk as usual, when he smelled human blood and Jason’s scent. So he followed it.
As soon as he saw Jason, he was instantly at his side. He vamped out and bit his wrist, putting it to his lips, making his blood go down his throat to heal him.
When he woke up the next day, he was healed and in his room at Sookie’s. He guessed that either Bill or Eric had healed him.