Summary: Just a one-shot. Sam gets shot, instead of both Sam and Luna. Will he be okay?
It was a dark night, as Sam Merlotte left his girlfriend, Luna’s house, who had a little girl named Emma about six years old. Luna and Sam were shapeshifters and Emma’s dad, before being shot, had been a werewolf. They didn’t know what Emma was. She hadn’t phased just yet. They only knew that when she did, she would phase shifter or wolf.
“Hey, shifter!” one of the masked human men in a truck called to Sam.
Sam looked at them and knew what was going to happen. He started running back towards Luna and Emma’s house, as they fired their guns.
Half way there, he fell onto his side and rolled onto his back in pain.
Luna could only watch Sam from the window inside in fear. She wanted to run towards and help Sam, but she was no use to Sam if she got hurt, too.
The gunshots had woken Emma up. Emma left her room and went to the living room, wanting to know what was happening.
“Mommy?” Emma said, her brown teddy bear in her arms. Emma wore her pink pj’s.
Luna turned around and knelt down at eye level with her daughter, who stood in front of her now.
“Emma, I need you to go back to bed. Please,” she told her gently.
Emma obeyed her mother.
After the shooting ceased and the men drove off, she left the house, running towards him.
“Sam!” she yelled, as she ran.
A few moments later, she knelt beside him and looked down at him, seeing the damage. He had been shot in the left leg, right side, abdomen, and left shoulder.
“Luna,” he said in pain.
Half an hour later, he was being rushed down the halls of the Bon Temps hospital.
Sookie Stackhouse was at home sitting at the kitchen table, finishing up her mug of coffee, when the house phone rang. She got up and answered it, standing in front of the sink.
“Sookie, it’s Luna. Something happened to Sam. You better get to the hospital,” Luna told her.
“What happened?”
“Some men wearing masks shot him.”
“I’m on my way.”
Sookie hung up, grabbed her jacket, and headed out of the house towards her truck.
Sookie walked up to the front desk at the Bon Temps hospital.
“Hi, I was wondering if I could see Sam Merlotte.”
The gal told her where he was.
“Thank you.”
A few minutes later, Sookie walked into his room, closing the door softly behind her and going to stand by his bed.
“Sam?” she called gently.
He looked at her.
“Hey, Sookie. What are you doing here?” he greeted her.
“Coming to see you. Luna called me.”
He slowly sat up in bed and winced when he did.
“What’s exactly going on?” she asked him.
“I think some people are after shifters. They killed three of them before tonight. And they tried to kill me. You have to find out who. I can’t do anything while I’m in here. And please keep Luna and Emma safe. Don’t let whoever they are hurt them. The only think I know is that they’re human.”
“I will,” she promised him.
He watched as she left the room.