Summary: There are people out there killing off all creatures they can. Sam and Luna were shot in the process and put in the hospital. Now Sam is well enough to do the job. But when Sookie and Hoyt go missing, will anyone know where to look? Will they be able to find them in time? Will Sookie and Hoyt be okay?
It was a dark night, as Bud and his wife watched Hoyt and Sookie in the barn. Both were out cold and in the pen where the pigs were. The pigs were starting to chow down on them.
Jason and Andy rushed in, guns raised.
Bud’s wife attacked, but Andy shot her down dead.
“It’s over, Bud,” Andy told him.
Bud attacked and Jason shot him.
Both cops put their weapons away, as Luna and Sam got Hoyt and Sookie out of the pen.
“Jason,” Luna said, knelt beside Sookie, who now lay there in front of the pen a distance from where Hoyt lay.
“Sook,” Jason said, going to his sister.
Jessica was knelt by Hoyt, scared for him.
Half an hour later, they all watched as an ambulance drove off with Hoyt. Sookie was alright now. Hoyt was the one in bad condition. But they had faith that he would be alright, too.