Summary: S4E where Jason nearly dies because of a werepanther.
It was a dark night, as Jason Stackhouse finally staggered through the woods and onto the side of the road, sweaty and cut with bloody werepanther scratches. But then he was too weak to go any further and collapsed onto the side of the road. He was so weak, he finally closed his eyes and fell unconscious.
It was a beautiful day, as Sookie Stackhouse walked outside her house and got into her truck, all dressed up for work. She started the engine and drove onto the road. She was heading to Merlotte’s where she worked. She had the afternoon shift today.
Half an hour later, she pulled over to the side of the road, seeing someone lying on the side of the road. When she stopped, she saw that it was her brother.
“Oh my God, Jason!” she exclaimed.
She jumped out of the truck and closed the door. Then she ran towards and knelt down beside her older brother. She rested a gentle hand on the side of his face.
“Jason? Jason, can you hear me?” she called to him.
She softly slapped his cheek.
“Come on, Jason. Wake up,” she said.
Jason slowly opened his eyes with blurry vision, to see his sister.
“Sookie?” he whispered.
She took his hand.
“We need to get out of here,” she told him.
And with that, she helped him to his feet, arm around him, and lead him to the truck.
Once he was inside the truck and she was too, she drove in the opposite direction of work. Instead, she drove to the hospital where they could actually help him. At least, she thought they could. Most people knew about vampires and whatnot and how to help people if they were attacked.
“Jason, what happened?” she asked.
“Werepanther,” he said.
“Were what?” she questioned, unable to wrap her head around what that type of thing was.
“It’s like a werewolf, but a big cat.”
“Alright. I’m taking you to the hospital. They can help you,” she said.
He leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
“Thanks, Sook,” he said softly.
God, she prayed he wouldn’t die on her. He was her brother. Her only family. If anything happened to him, she didn’t know what she would do. No wonder he hadn’t been able to answer any calls in the last few days. He had been in trouble with a werepanther. Maybe more than one werepanther. If werepanthers were like werewolves and ran in packs, maybe he had had to deal with a whole pack of werepanthers.
She looked over.
“Hang in there, Jase,” she pleaded.
A few hours later, she was waiting in the waiting room for news on how his condition was.
A nurse came up to her.
“How is he?” she asked.
“He’ll be okay, Sookie. You found him in time. Werepanthers don’t turn. A werepanther can’t turn a human into a werepanther. It never works.”
“Thanks,” Sookie said. “Can I see him?”
“Yes. In fact, he’ll be out of here shortly. He’s a fighter,” the nurse said.
Sookie smiled.
“Yeah. He is.”
The nurse led her to his room and then left them to be alone.
“Hey, Sook,” he said.
“Hey Jase,” she greeted back to him. “How are you feeling?”
“Great. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. We should go home. The nurse said you’re free to go.”
“Great. You know me. Not much of a thriller for hospitals.”
“I know it,” she commented.
So he got dressed and they left together like the happiest brother and sister siblings, as if they were both just normal humans. But Sookie wasn’t some normal human. She didn’t know what she was. She had this sudden urge when she was in trouble to do whatever it was she did and light came out of her hands. To top it off, she was a telepath, excluding when it came to vampires. Vampires she couldn’t read minds. But she could read everybody else’s minds.