Summary: Set in S5 after Bill went bad. Russell goes after Sookie again. Can Sam and Alcide save her?
It was a beautiful day in Bon Temps, Louisiana. Arlene and Sookie were serving people at Merlotte's as usual. Arlene was Terry's wife, while Sookie was Bill Compton's girlfriend. Bill Compton was a vampire that drank True Blood, instead of the real thing. Sookie Stackhouse was human but also a fairy. She could hear people's thoughts if she put her shield down, and even shoot blue light out from her hands. Because of hearing people's thoughts, she had been called a freak from many people over the years. Some people still called her that, but others like Sam Merlotte her boss and friend, Arlene her coworker and best friend, Jason her brother, Andy one of the local police officers, the faeries, the vampires, the werewolves, the shifters, and Lafayette, her friend and the cook whom was gay, and her and Jason's grams didn't care if she had powers or not. She was still, and would always be, the Sookie Stackhouse they loved and cared about.
Sookie Stackhouse walked up to the booth Andy was sitting at, pen and tablet in her hand, ready to take his order.
“Hi, Andy. What can I get you today?” she greeted with a smile and cheerful voice.
“Just the usual, Sookie.”
She knew what he met. His usual meal at Merlotte's was a cheeseburger and fries.
“I'll tell Lafayette,” she replies, before she headed for the kitchen window-like thing. It was a window, but without glass.
She stopped in front of the kitchen window and hung up Andy's order, while Lafayette was cooking some meat for a burger on the stove. She then walked away to go clean the bar, since others had already been served or had their order.
When she was done, Arlene went over and sat at the bar.
When their shifts were over at eight that night, they went to the back and got changed and grabbed their stuff, before they left Merlotte's to get in their vehicles and go home.
As Sookie drove her white pickup, all she could do was be silent as she thought of what she could do to save Bill from Lilith and himself. He had Lilith's blood in him, which made him a monster; the total opposite of the kind, generous Bill she had met and still loved. As her grams always said, she had to follow her heart and listen to what her gut was telling her.
When she arrived home, she got out of the pickup and headed for the porch so she could go inside.
Suddenly, in her way was a very well-known vampire; Russell Eddington.
“Hello, Sookie,” he greeted with a smile.
“Russell,” she said.
He wasn't a good vampire like the others she knew. He was very bad and wanted to have a taste of her.
“Get out of my way.”
“Don't be stubborn, Sookie. I want what I want.”
She shot blue light from her hands, making him get thrown a distance. And while he was down, she ran for the door, but he was faster. He arrived behind her and put arms around her.
“Just one little taste.”
She knew he was lying.
“Let me go,” she said.
He was stranger, since he was a vampire.
He vamped out and leaned in to sink his fangs into the side of her neck.
Sam, shifted into a dog, saw the scene. He ran into the yard and pulled on Russell's pants leg with a growl. It didn't do much good though, because Russell kicked him hard enough that he was thrown close to the porch. He landed with a yelp on his right side, before he gave out a howl in case someone else was close by that could assist.
A moment later, a werewolf ran into the yard with a growl, teeth bared. And as the werewolf, Alcide, ran towards them, Russell through her and the werewolf and vampire fought.
Sookie got to her feet and Sam got to his paws, as the two fought. The shifter looked at her, glad she was okay, before he limped off for home.
Soon, Russell was dead on the ground and Sookie watched the werewolf, knowing that the black werewolf that had saved her had been Alcide, while Sam had gotten hurt by Russell.
“Thanks,” she said.
The werewolf nodded once, as he looked at her, before he walked away and she went inside. So everybody lived happily ever after with Sam healing.