<The Next Day>
-Midnight’s P.O.V-
Well that was no help. I sigh tiredly as I rearrange my book-bag, “Okay so, notebooks here…textbooks over there…and…oh!” I wouldn’t call it ‘stealing’ I would say it’s impolitely borrowing my brother’s notes. Silly him, he left his own notes about hybrids in the open!
A light chortle surpassed my lips as I tucked the notes away into my file and shuffled that into my bag. I woke up late this morning since I was up until 11:30 to help Samuel stack his papers; I’ll just wear whatever decent I can find...Hmmm..–ah! This’ll work.
-Alfred’s P.O.V-
A drowsy yawn vibrated my Adam’s apple, what? Not my fault my flesh and blood woke me up at 12:00AM. Anyways, I look around for our sister; fiddling with the shoe strings of my merlot hoodie. A white undershirt covered the rest so I need not worry about the ugliness of me if I were to accidentally flash someone. To top that off I have ebony basketball shorts on.
“Sister!” The eldest of the household announced, he wore his signature black rimmed glasses, along with a black biker jacket around his grey singlet. I figure this is the first time I’m actually seeing him wear shorts of all things; which is interesting.
A moment of tranquility passed…”Brothers?” Midnight called out, I felt a shudder go down my spine. I don’t think she knows about other hybrids but I don’t know myself. Samuel and I exchanged looks. I guess we’ll have to find out.
<At School>
-Third Person P.O.V-
The siblings soon fell into their near-daily routine: get ready, get out of the house, head to school. That was about it; but today was different; the two Neko’s couldn’t focus on anything their teacher had explained regarding the school rules, they were too busy thinking about how their sister had found out about different hybrids and such.
Midnight, on the other hand, had excused herself to the library during her English Class to ‘study’. She snuck out her file along with headphones and phone. Settling herself down, she gently shuffled out the notes:
’Difference in Hybrids’
Her galaxy coloured eyes scanned them, each and every line and scribble; drawing and scrap. Apparently there were others like her, ergo; she wasn’t hallucinating! What a relief. There was still something that laid on her back though, why did her brothers try to hide this from her?
She obviously couldn’t ask them, no, Samuel was already so…agitated. It was weird, she had never seen her brother act like that before. There must be someone she could ask though...? She could ask Winter, but her best friend was also very secretive herself so that would be no help.
She could ask Mako? Or..Pyro..? She sighed and continued with the notes. There had to be a reason why she wasn’t allowed to know this in the first place. As she resumed studying, Pyro walked in, talking to Mako. They had made up already, ‘cause that’s how dogs roll.
“Hey, Py” Mako pointed to Midnight. “It’s her~” He wiggled his eyebrows, Pyro playfully punched him in the arm; it was his fault for letting his Alpha take control anyways. The petite girl paid no mind to them though, she hadn’t even noticed their enterance.
The pair thought she was studying and so didn’t want to bother her, but before they headed out of the silent, deserted library…a hand tugged on Pyro’s warm, lava coloured hoodie. “Pyro..?” The voice rang in both boys ears, forcing them to turn around.
Lunch has passed and there were still no sign of either Midnight, Mako or Pyro. The brothers were getting worried. They couldn’t even use their hybrids’ to sniff out their sister in fear of her questions. It was troublesome; but maybe they could try after school?
Mako tugged his strawberry red, patterned, sweater, neon red eyes glowing like glow sticks. “Mako, Pyro.” Midnight’s soft voice called out to them, she herself kneading her palms on her flowing, navy blue skirt. Both boys directed their attention to the petite Omega in front of them, “I–I know there are other hybrids like my brothers and me out there…” she admitted, a light blush dusting under her grape eyes.
”But…how???” Pyro spoke up, how did she find out about them?! As if answering his question, Midnight pointed at both of them, “I saw you guys the other day. I thought I was hallucinating but as I flip through Samuel’s notes, I realised.” Well, that was that. Pyro sighed, looking at Mako before nodding at him.
Pyro quietly wolf-whistled, Mako as well. One by one their accessories stuck onto them. Pyro’s fluffy beige tail swished impatiently as Mako’s black and white ears twitched. They weren’t uncomfortable, but it was weird to be showing their true selves to Midnight of all people.
The ravennette was ecstatic. She grinned happily; purring to let out her ears and tail as well. A long, black, strap appeared below her abdomen and a small pair of pointy–but soft–black ears fluffed up on her head. “Mine.” Pyro whispered, but only loud enough for Mako to hear as the trio of scents magnified in the room.
Mako laughed a little, making Pyro blush and Midnight wonder. Home-time soon arrived and the three friends went home. Samuel and Alfred decided to call it a day, they hadn’t found one person who knew about their sister’s whereabouts nor her idea of hybrids.