Later, at Rita’s Seaside Grille, Makenna and Jessica together sat at one side of the table, which was outside, while Caleb and Makenna’s parents sat across from them. They stuck Raeven under it, and he was taking a little snooze while hanging upside down from the table’s bottom. The extremely important parcel rested under him. Everybody had just gotten their drinks, and they together asked the kind waitress, Brianna, to give them a few more minutes to look over the menu so they could discuss something. A warm zephyr gushed through each person’s hair, and Makenna explained to her parents about what happened to her at McKevlin’s Surf Shop. For once, Raeven was quiet. She was finally able to explain something without him annoying her. Don’t get her wrong, Makenna loved Raeven, but he just got so annoying at times. In a serious situation such as this one, Makenna didn’t want any interruptions.
Mr. Delling grasped his water glass with both hands, and he looked his daughter in the eyes, asking in a small voice, “So let me get this straight. You were attacked by a man who was half octopus, and he started to torment you?”
Makenna slowly nodded, “Yeah.” That was all she could say. Makenna didn’t really feel like herself right now. Something was up, something serious, and her family members and Jessica saw this.
“Are you feeling all right, dear?” asked Mrs. Delling, “You’re looking a little pale.” She, Jessica, and Caleb together glanced into Makenna’s eyes.
She slowly nodded, “Sure,” and forced a feeble smile, “Sorry, Mom. I’m a little worried about Tracey.” Her blue eyes landed on her full water glass. Makenna stared at it. She seemed to go into a trance. She then reached forward and picked the glass up with both hands.
While she brought it towards her lips, Mrs. Delling added with, “Don’t worry. Tracey’s a ninja. Not to mention, he’s also Merlin’s apprentice. He’ll be fine. You can fly to him the second you get your wings back.”
“That’s right.” Jessica spoke. She nodded and picked up her own glass, glancing at Makenna again, “Tracey proved himself to be tough, Makenna if he survived broken wings after dying three times. But please don’t worry about him right now. You’ve got to focus your attention on winning this surfing competition if you want to be invited to Australia.”
“Jessica speaks the truth,” said Mr. Delling, and he took a sip from his own glass of water, “I can picture it now, Makenn. You surfing with the Great Whites just outside of Sydney, and me conversing with the dingos and roos in the Outback. Ah, a dream come true. Um, Makenna?” Mrs. Delling nudged him, to tell that he was being rude, but then her eyes landed on her daughter as well. It was unbelievable! Makenna sucked down her entire glass of ice cold water in just one gulp! Caleb, Jessica, and her parents stared at her.
After Makenna finished her drink, she set it back down on the table and licked her lips, “Mm, delicious.” She noticed everybody staring, “What?”
Before everybody else could speak, Brianna, their waitress, returned to them. “Hey, partners!” she announced, “So, have we made a decision about what we want today yet?” She was a pretty, young woman who had long, brown hair, like Makenna, but light brown eyes instead of blue. She also had freckles on her face.
Mr. Delling took a deep breath and looked up to Brianna, saying, “I think we are, Ms. Brianna.” He glanced at Makenna who was poking around in her empty water glass, “Makenna, why don’t you start? As they say, ladies first.”
“Hm?” Makenna asked. She looked up and blinked, “Oh. Sure, Daddy.” Quickly, she picked up the menu and looked it over again, “Ms. Brianna, may I please have your off the top, delicious King Crab Legs?”
Jessica and her family members each gave her a funny look.
“Crab legs?” Caleb asked after a bit, “What are you talking about, Makenn? You don’t even like crab.”
Mrs. Delling nudged him next. Mind your manners, she mouthed, and Caleb slowly nodded. He, his parents, and Jessica ordered their food after Makenna, and Brianna wrote their orders down on her little pad.
She then picked up the menus and asked Makenna, “Do you want me to get you another glass of water, sweetie?”
“Yes!” Makenna quickly stated, and she vigorously nodded her head up and down.
Brianna chuckled and said, “All right.”
Soon after she left, Mr. Delling glanced at Makenna and asked, “What is going on with you today, Makenna? You’re acting strangely.”
“What?” Makenna asked, “I’m thirsty. What’s so dangerous about water? If you’ll excuse me.” She wrapped up her napkin and set it on the table, “I’m going to use the ladies room.” After saying that, young Makenna hopped out of her seat. She thought about grabbing Raeven, but then she decided that she didn’t want to look strange carrying a bat around. Besides, she didn’t really want Raeven bothering her right now. She wanted to be left alone. “Sorry, guys,” she told her family and friend, and turning on her heel, she left the table.
Soon after she did, Mrs. Delling glared at Mr. Delling and said, “Nice one, Andy.”
“What?” he asked, “It’s true. She’s acting weird.”
In a stern voice, Jessica reminded him, “You have to remember, Mr. Delling that she is going through a tough time.”
“It’s called puberty!” Mr. Delling stated, “She’s a teenager!”
Jessica shook her head, “No, it’s called one of her best friends nearly died last year, and she’s worried about him. The least you can do is to at least try to comfort her.” She too stood up, and Mr. Delling, Mrs. Delling, and Caleb watched as she chased after her friend.
Makenna didn’t go to the ladies’ room. She just used that as an excuse to leave the table. She instead took herself to the Folly Beach pier. She could think better out here. Out here, she took in the whiff of seawater and watched surfers catch waves from the pier’s side. A few people fished at the end of it but not many. This allowed Makenna to be alone and think. She rested her arms on the pier’s railing and tapped it with her thumb. It was strange, she didn’t feel like herself today. She felt like she was losing control or something. It was weird. The ocean called her name. It drew her towards it. Part of this was the work of the Octopus Man again, but another part of it contributed to Makenna’s growing powers. She took her arms off the railing and stumbled over to the end of the pier where the fishermen were. Her eyes landed on one man’s bait, sardines, and she licked her lips. Mmm, those fish looked pretty dang good. Makenna couldn’t help herself. Again, it was her growing powers. When the man left for a bathroom break, she shot forward and picked up a can of sardines. Makenna opened it and reached inside. She removed the sardines and stuffed them in her mouth! Nobody saw her do this. Makenna didn’t even know what she was doing. She swallowed each sardine in one to two bites, and right after she finished her first can, she stole another one and ate those sardines as well!
“I need fish,” she mumbled while she chewed, “I need water. I need strength to save Tracey.” Little did she know though that Jessica had just appeared on the pier, and her eyes landed on Makenna stuffing her face with canned sardines.
At the sight of her, she immediately turned on a grossed out face. “Ugh!” Jessica yelped, “Makenna! What are you doing?!”
Makenna heard her and turned her head. “Jessica, oh, Jessica,” she spoke in a trancelike voice, “come eat fish with me. Then we’ll go for a swim to the Bermuda Triangle.”
Jessica slowly and carefully approached her, and she asked, “What in the name of blazes are you doing, Makenna?!” She snatched the empty cans of sardines out of her hand and examined them, “Sardines?! Why are you eating sardines?! These are someone’s bait!”
“Oh, Jessica oh, Jessica, come swimming with me,” continued Makenna’s trancelike voice.
“What is wrong with you?” Jessica frightfully asked, “No! No! I’m not going to go swimming with you, Makenn! Why are you acting like a mermaid when you’re a fairy? I don’t understand!” She took Makenna’s arm and helped her onto the ground. Jessica then dragged her away from the sardines, and she added with, “Raeven will be here soon. He’ll know what’s wrong with you.”
Makenna smiled and patted her cheek, saying, “Nothing’s wrong, Jessie dear.” Jessica gave her a strange look. Makenna soon lost her smile, and she complained, “This is boring. I don’t want to be here. I want the ocean! I need sardines! Must have sardines! Jessica, come to the Bermuda Triangle with me.”
“Bermuda Triangle?” asked Jessica, “What are you talking about? The Bermuda Triangle is a deathbed! Oh, where is Raeven?”
Right after she asked that, suddenly she heard, “Hey, Jessica!” behind her. It was Raeven. When Jessica left to chase after Makenna, he woke up and slipped out of sight of her family in order to track Jessica down. He felt that she would need him, and he was right.
Jessica released Makenna’s arm and hurried to him, saying, “Raeven! Thank goodness you’re finally here!”
“Ah, Jessica,” Raeven spoke, “I didn’t expect to see you out here. I thought you would be back at Rita’s. What’s up?” He gave his wings a small flap and landed on Jessica’s shoulder.
“What’s up?” Jessica asked him, “I’ll tell you what’s up, Raeven! It’s Makenna! She’s acting like she’s possessed or something!”
“Possessed?” asked Raeven, “Huh, interesting. Very interesting.” With his claw, he scratched his chin. Behind him and Jessica, Makenna rotated her head, and her eyes landed on the fisherman that she stole the sardines from. He finally was returning from the bathroom, and it looked like he made a small stop in the fishing shop because he had a new bag of bait with him. Makenna could smell the bait a mile away. Her mouth watered. As quiet as a mouse, she stood up and slipped by Raeven and Jessica who were still conversing.
She approached the man with the bait and smiled, “Hi, sir.”
The man stopped and met her eyes. “Hi,” he said back, “Um, can I help you with something, miss?”
“Sure.” Makenna spoke, “By any chance, do you have sardines in that wonderful bag of yours?”
“I do,” replied the man, “Why, miss?”
Makenna shrugged, “No reason, sir. I just wanted to know. Sir, will you come to the Bermuda Triangle with me?”
“Bermuda…?” the man started, but he didn’t finish.
Makenna nodded, “Please, sir, it’s such a beautiful place. We could live down there forever.” She smiled and passed him. Makenna was on the lookout for food. Behind, the fisherman turned his head and watched her.
Raeven and Jessica were totally unaware of Makenna’s disappearance.
Instead, they faced each other, and Jessica gasped. “What?” she asked, “You mean, Raeven that Makenna is turning into a fish?”
Raeven shook his head, “No. You misunderstood me, Jessica. She’s turning into a merfairy. After all, her next transformation is her Merfairy one.”
“Merfairy?” asked Jessica, “What in the name of is a merfairy, Raeven?”
“Isn’t it obvious?” Raeven spoke, “Mer-fairy?” Jessica didn’t get it. She gave him a funny look. “Oh come on, Jessica,” Raeven added with, “It’s a water based power, and it’s very special. With it, Makenna will be able to explore both the sea and sky.”
“Water?” was Jessica’s next question, “Wait a minute, Raeven, do you mean ‘mer’ as in mermaid?” Raeven nodded. To help Jessica understand, he acted out a swim on her shoulder. “Really?!” Jessica asked amazed, “Makenna will also be part mermaid with this next transformation? That’s so freaking awesome!”
“It is,” Raeven explained, “but it’s also a very hard transformation to acquire. However, it’s the only way how Makenna can defeat the Octopus Man and break the curse amongst Tracey.” For once, Raeven actually sounded very serious here. Jessica listened intrigued. “It doesn’t mean though that she’s not going to start experiencing water-like powers now,” Raeven continued, “Water-like powers are just telling her that she is eligible for the Merfairy transformation, Jessica. The process is like how she received her first pair of wings. New powers build up inside the Metamorphic Fairy, during a process of metamorphosis, and are complete when they reach the next level. Selene told me to tell her this, but I haven’t been able to yet.”
“Well, we’ve got to!” Jessica announced, “This is so amazing, Raeven! Makenna is going to flip with joy when she hears she’ll be able to explore both the sea and sky! You don’t understand. She’s always wanted to be a mermaid or well, at least like a mermaid. Makenna! Makenna! We’ve got some news for you!” Expecting to still see Makenna on the edge of the pier, she turned, but her eyes widened. Finally, she noticed that she was missing.
“Where is she?” Raeven asked Jessica.
“She was here just a second ago!” Jessica yelped, “Where could she have…? Oh no!” She reached for her head and hurried to the pier’s railing. Jessica grabbed it and peered down on the ocean in which waves continued to slap the pier’s columns, “You don’t think she, right, Raeven?” Raeven twisted his head, and he gasped when he saw Makenna sauntering down the pier, and she was heading towards the railing. “Not yet!” he yelped, “Look!” Raeven pointed in the direction of the Metamorphic Fairy.
Jessica turned, and she too gasped when she saw Makenna. “Makenna, stop!” she shouted, “Raeven, if she jumps, then she’ll be splattered all over the rocks! We need some fish!”
“Fish?” asked Raeven, “Why fish?”
Fifteen-year-old Makenna Delling followed the scent of food. It led her towards the pier’s railing. She smiled the closer she came to it and sped up her pace.
“Come, Makenna,” spoke the ocean, “Come to the Bermuda Triangle. It’s an underwater wonderland.”
“I’m coming.” Makenna spoke in her trancelike voice, “I just want to be with the Octopus Man the rest of my life.”
“He waits for you in the Triangle,” the ocean said, “Come down to the beach. Come a little closer to the water.” Since Makenna was under the Octopus Man’s spell, she immediately followed the ocean’s orders. She turned her body away from the pier’s edge and started to jog towards the beginning of it instead.
Raven and Jessica saw this, and Jessica asked, “Now where is she going?”
“Well, there is only one way to find out.” Raeven told her, “Let’s move, Jessica. We’ve got to stop her from diving into the ocean.”
“Don’t worry, Raeven.” Jessica spoke. She held up to him another can of sardines that she swiped from the same fisherman, “When Makenna sees these sardines, she’ll immediately come running back. After we catch her, we’ll hide her somewhere where she can relax until the spell is lifted.”
Raeven shrugged and said, “There’s always the circus.” Jessica glared at him. That was not funny. Raeven shrugged again. He covered himself with his wings and said nothing more.
Makenna watched as the end of the pier came closer and closer. She continued to listen to the ocean’s request, and the closer she came to the water, she grinned a siren-like grin. However, just before she could leap onto the beach and let herself get pulled out to sea, Makenna suddenly went CRASH, and she crashed into somebody! Ouch. The force of the collision caused her to fall back, and her head almost hit the bait shop at the end of the pier. Makenna had crashed into a young man who looked to be about eighteen years old, Tracey’s age, and he too fell. Before everybody on the pier knew it, the two youths rested on the ground and groaned. Raeven and Jessica had seen the crash, and they together gasped. Jessica picked up speed, and she hurried towards her friend. Other heads turned in Makenna and the young man’s direction. Makenna soon sat up, as did he, and she rubbed her head.
In an angry voice, she retorted, “Watch where you’re going!” and opened her eyes. At the sight of the young man, she gasped and turned red. He was very, very handsome. He was maybe about as handsome as Tracey, and yep, he definitely looked to be around Tracey’s age. What was even more interesting was that he was dressed in a medieval-like attire. It wasn’t a costume though. The young man had long, dirty blonde hair – two sideburns hung in front of his ears – that reached over the top of his spine and beautiful, bright, blue eyes. Hang on, that sounded a little familiar. An eighteen-year-old boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, and sideburns. Who was this young man? Why was he at the pier? Where did he come from? If he wasn’t important, then he wouldn’t be here. The young man was definitely medieval style. He even wore a shield on his back. Weapons on his back. That also sounded familiar.
Leaping to his feet, he quickly approached young Makenna Delling and took her arm.
It was here that he spoke, a voice that was not too deep but not too high either, and it was here that Makenna learned he had a very distinct, Scottish accent, so distinct that it was a bit hard to understand him, “I’m so sorry, lassie.” The young man pulled bewildered Makenna to her feet, “I didn’t watch where I was going. Here, let me clean your dress for ya.” Makenna recognized his accent, and her eyes widened. The young man was Scottish! For some reason – she didn’t know why – he winded up in the U.S. from Scotland. Makenna’s always wanted to go there and search for Nessie, the Loch Ness Monster, but she didn’t know how soon that would be. With his gloved hand, the boy rapidly rubbed her now wrinkled dress down. She watched as he did this.
Jessica soon stopped behind Makenna, and her eyes widened at the sight of the young man. “Dude,” she snapped, “what are you doing to my best friend?”
“Oh,” stuttered the young man, and he quickly pulled his hand away from Makenna, “I was just, – ya know, – we crashed into each other, and I wanted to make sure she was okay. I was just brushing the sand off her dress.”
Jessica waved her hand and sternly announced, “Get away from her.”
“Yes, ma’am.” The young man stepped away from Makenna and prepared to leave. However, before he did, he held his hand out to her and introduced himself, “My name is Ash. Nice to meet ya. Do you have a name?” Suddenly, he chuckled, “Oh, who am I kidding? Of course ya have a name. I mean – I mean – um, can ya tell me please?”
“Ash,” Makenna said after him, “do you want to come to the Bermuda Triangle with me? You have a very distinct accent. I love it. An accent like that would definitely make the Bermuda Triangle happy. So what do you say? Will you come to the Bermuda Triangle with me?”
Ash gave her a funny look and asked, “The Bermuda Triangle? Well, miss, that depends. What do ya want to go there for?” With him surrounding her, Makenna slowly started to drift out of her trance. She couldn’t help but to feel like a magical aura surrounded this Ash character. There was something special about him, and Makenna was desperate to find out.
She took Ash’s hand and vigorously shook it, “Oh, it’s wonderful to meet you, Mr. Ash! Tell me, where do you come from? Scotland? I mean, you have a Scottish accent. I haven’t seen you around. And what’s with this getup of yours? Please tell me.” She let Ash’s hand go and studied his attire up and down. Ash frowned an embarrassed frown, but then, he slowly smiled and nodded.
He seemed to be a little nervous around girls, but he warmed up quickly to Makenna. “I’m from far away, miss,” he explained, “Yes, I was born in Scotland, but currently I don’t live there. Instead, I live on an island across the ocean.”
“Across the…?” Makenna started, “Cool.” She blushed harder and harder, “Coincidence, sir, but one of my best friends does too. Except he’s not here right now. If you’re from across the ocean, then how did you get here?”
Before Ash could open his mouth and speak though, Raeven suddenly interrupted his and Makenna’s conversation, “Oh! If it isn’t Ash! Long time no see, kid!”
“Huh?” Jessica and Makenna asked at the same time. They together glanced at Raeven. He opened his wings and hopped off Jessica’s shoulder. Flapping them, he soared towards Ash and seemed to crack a smile. Jessica joined Makenna, with the new can of sardines, and they together watched the scene.
Peering forward, Ash’s mesmerizing, blue eyes landed on Raeven, and he smiled again, “Raeven! It’s been a while! How ya doing?” He extended his arm, and Raeven landed on his gauntlet.
He lifted his claw and saluted at Ash, explaining, “I’m doing well. I haven’t seen you in forever it seems. You’ve grown into quite the young man.” Jessica and Makenna had no idea what was going on. Their eyes twitched, and they stared. This was really weird. How did Raeven know Ash, and how did Ash know Raeven? The bat sensed their confusion and turned to them so he could see their eyes. Raeven explained, “Jessica and Makenna,” and he pointed at Ash, “this is Ash. He’s, um, a friend who um – well, we met not so long ago.”
Not convinced, Makenna placed her hands on her hips and sarcastically said, “Right. And where did y’all meet? Scotland?” She didn’t let the two answer because her eyes landed on a dagger hanging from Ash’s belt, and she suspiciously asked him, “What are you doing carrying around a dagger, sir? Are you trying to kill somebody here?”
“Oh naw!” Ash quickly replied, and he pushed Raeven off his arm, “I would never kill somebody, miss! I carry this dagger around because I never know when I may need to use it, whether I’m fighting against a monster or something. I came here because I’m looking for somebody. Do ya know a girl named Makenna Delling?” Both Makenna and Jessica’s eyes widened. They exchanged glances and quickly shook their heads no.
“No.” Jessica quickly stated, “There’s no one named Makenna Delling here, sir. With that said, would you mind just going on your merry way?” However, here, Raeven opened his big mouth.
He pointed at Makenna and said, “But she’s Makenna Delling!”
“Raeven!” Jessica snapped. She quickly lunged forward and grabbed him. Jessica pulled him out of the sky and covered his muzzle. Ash pretended that he didn’t hear.
He slowly nodded and said, “I see.” His eyes landed on Makenna, “I’ll look elsewhere. Thank you, ladies. Nice to see ya again, Raeven.” Ash turned to walk away, but he ended up crashing right into another fisherman carrying a bunch of rods, bait, and buckets! Jessica, Makenna, and Raeven’s eyes widened. When Ash and the fisherman collided, the fisherman’s supplies went flying everywhere! He landed on his back while Ash landed on his front. Ash soon looked up, and he gulped when he saw that the fisherman had sat up, and he was steaming mad!
“Watch where you’re going, sonny!” he snapped.
“I’m so sorry!” Ash quickly stated, “Here, let me help ya up!” Makenna groaned and hid behind her hands. Ash leaped to his feet, and he reached for the fisherman but ended up hitting a woman with his arm instead.
She stumbled and screamed as she hit the pier’s railing and fell over it! Makenna peeked out of her hands, and she gasped when she saw the woman falling. However, she grabbed the bottom of the railing and held on for dear life. She dangled right over a cluster of rocks.
Beachcombers down on the beach noticed her and pointed.
“Help!” screamed the woman, “Help!” The fisherman Ash knocked down jumped to his feet and hurried towards the dangling woman. When he passed young Ash, he shoved his shoulder and knocked him to the ground again. A crowd gathered around the location where the woman dangled, and another woman asked somebody to call 911 or at least get the Folly Beach police. Makenna and Jessica glanced at clumsy Ash and glared. Ash realized the chaos he caused, and he quickly fixed the situation. This was where Makenna and Jessica learned that he was no ordinary teenager. Ash struggled to his feet again, and his blue eyes landed on the crowd telling the dangling, slipping woman to stay calm and that help was on the way. He nodded and reached behind his back. From behind it, Ash suddenly drew a staff! He pointed it at the young woman and turned on a serious face. He really was quite a handsome, young man. Jessica and Makenna gave him a funny look. Why was Ash carrying a staff around? And they thought a shield was weird! The staff Ash handled was blue, and it had claws at the end of it. Embedded in the claws, held tightly, was a red sphere. Young Ash held the staff over his head and suddenly, from beyond Makenna and Jessica’s wildest dreams, he pronounced a spell! The spell was a bit hard to understand because of Ash’s accent, but it went like this:
160Please respect copyright.PENANA8mkP0cwUy7
“From day to night!
From Earth to flight;
I give thee, my staff of light,
A rescue that will blow everyone’s sight!”
160Please respect copyright.PENANAagutvCP2So
Then, just like that, the orb in Ash’s staff glowed up an extremely bright color. The bright light blinded everyone around it, and people closed their eyes against it, including Jessica, Makenna, and Raeven. They couldn’t believe it! Ash just performed a spell! How could he though unless he was a magical being? He protected himself against the light with his shield. Right after the orb started glowing, he drew it from his back and equipped it to his gauntlet that had the dagger in it. Ash held it in front of his face. Thanks to his fast thinking, he was able to keep his eyes open without them getting seared by the bright light the orb gave off. A trail of red magic soon left it and the staff, and it rushed in the direction where the woman hung.
As if they had seen it, people quickly ducked under the magic, but they kept their eyes closed against the light. “What is going on?!” Makenna heard a woman yell, but she couldn’t look up and see who it was that had yelled because of the light. The magic slithered off the railing of the pier and circled the dangling woman. Seeing it, she gasped and rotated her head in every direction. The magic circled her from head to toe, and very slowly, her fingers slipped off the railing.
The woman gasped and again yelled, “Oh, sweet cheese cakes! Help!” She tightly closed her eyes and waited to fall but unusually, she didn’t! The magic from Ash’s staff caught her and broke her fall. The woman now hovered in midair, and she peered down on the rocks and magic in awe. She had no idea what was happening. Slowly, the magic brought her back up to the pier, and it set her down gently on the wood. Right when it did, the magic vanished, and everything became quiet again. Where Ash stood, with his serious face still glued on, he lowered his staff and placed both it and his shield on his back again. That’s right, nobody should mess around with a magical being. As soon as Ash put his weapons up, he lifted his head and peered into the sky. Suddenly, he had a bewildered expression on his face. What did he see? Hmm. People were finally able to open their eyes again, and they immediately hurried to the woman on the ground. She was fine; she was just a little shook up. She blinked and stared at Ash who still watched the sky. However, she was forced to close her eyes when suddenly, a man threw a blanket over her shoulders, and another man handed her a warm drink. The woman thanked the men for their hospitality and silently sipped her drink.
Where Jessica and Makenna stood, Jessica released Raeven, and he hovered next to her.
“What just happened?” Jessica asked. Her eyes landed on the woman, “That boy saved her. Amazing.”
“Yeah.” Makenna agreed, and she nodded, “How did he save her though? Ash, you have some explaining to do! Huh?” Makenna turned in the direction of Ash who continued to stare at the sky, “What are you doing?”
Hearing her, Ash asked, “Hm?” and he glanced at her and Jessica, “Oh, sorry, miss. I thought I just saw something.”
“Like what?” Makenna wanted to know. Ash didn’t have a chance to answer though.
This was because the angered fisherman he accidentally knocked down spoke up, “What’s up with this costume of yours, kid? It’s not Halloween you know. If you think that and knocking a woman off the pier is going to help you get the girls, then you’re wrong! You teenagers nowadays are sick! I demand an answer!” He was mostly upset because Ash had messed up his new pair of fishing clothes.
The young man, like Tracey, wasn’t from the human world, and because of this, he had trouble fully understanding what the fisherman was trying to tell him. “Sick?” he asked, and he turned towards him, “I’m sick, sir? Strange, I don’t remember feeling sick when I woke up this morning. Well,” He paused, “there was that one moment when Harmony said I looked a little green after I accidentally ate some of her food instead of mine, but no worry. I feel fine.”
“Harmony?” asked the fisherman.
Even Jessica and Makenna gave Ash a strange look. They too asked, “Harmony? Whose Harmony?”
“My horse.” Ash explained, “She’s a real diva, but I love her. Harmony and I make the greatest team, sir. We live happily together on a magical island across the Atlantic.” Makenna’s eyes widened. As did Jessica’s. Raeven just smiled. What Ash said next showed off the carefree part of his personality. He approached the fisherman with a huge smile and said, “But none of that matters right now because today is a beautiful day! Don’t ya think so, sir? I think so. Sardines?” Ash suddenly pulled from his back, four cans of sardines, and he offered them to the fisherman, “They make great bait.” He spoke in a very fast voice, “Oh, hey, do you like horses? I love horses. Oh, would you look at that? Harmony’s calling me. Gotta run! I mean, fly!” And just like that, Ash dumped the sardines in the fisherman’s hands and passed him. The fisherman just shook his head and tried to take in everything Ash had told him. He didn’t understand a word he said.
He glanced at Makenna and Jessica and prepared to ask them about his unusual behavior, but Makenna sensed he was about to ask this, and she answered before he even did, “Don’t ask, because I have no idea.” It was amazing! For some reason, she was out of her trance! Makenna was herself again! How though? Did Ash do that? That was the last she saw of him until a little later. He disappeared out of nowhere after his little rant to the fisherman. It was so strange. One minute he was there, and the next, he was gone! Poof! Vanished! Makenna and Jessica didn’t even see him vanish. They just noticed he was gone. “What in the name of?” Makenna asked when she no longer saw him, “Where did he go?”
“He’s not here anymore?” asked Jessica, and she too turned in the direction where Ash used to stand, “But how?! He was here just a second ago!”
“Weird.” Makenna admitted, “Well, it doesn’t matter. Um, we’re not going to mention this to anyone, right, Jessica?”
Jessica sighed and reached into the sardine can she held. She pulled one out and offered it to her friend, “Sardine? You need your strength to win this surfing competition, Makenn.”
Groaning, Makenna accepted the sardine and asked, “Who was that boy? Besides being Scottish, he obviously is a magical being of some sort, but what?” Then, just like that, she bit into the sardine and moved her eyes up to the fluffy, white clouds that zoomed across it. Makenna Delling groaned one last time and lowered her head.