Darkness filled the skies with the dance of branch and leaf. Hooting owls and scurrying creatures of the night, small and quick creatures on the move. Stalking slow, large bulk and power, large predators in hunt of their next meal. Cliffs rose and valleys dropped, trees thinning out along those areas to small shrubs and grass. It was at this edge of reality, where forest meets the open, that operatives of the Tribe stood in shadows.
To the open there was area not so open. A large old warehouse stood attached to a large wooden building. Stacks towered high into the sky to the level of the trees on the cliff side nearly, outfitted now as watch towers at the top with ladders down the sides. Standing in each make-shift tower, spotlights on and turning casting their light across the ground. Figures stood in each with guns attached to them via strap and in their own hands.
Along the warehouse there were more spotlights surveying the grounds, armed guards littering the rooftop. Sentry posts with rapid fire guns stood anchored along the edges. Beneath on compound ground both stood and walked more guards, many of which were the undead themselves- zombies.
Fences boarded up the outsides of the land, separating the open area from the compound grounds themselves. Certain sections did remain open, roads leading from the warehouse to trucks backed up to doors, to the greater roads through the valley. Again, figures stood in observation of all.
Elise’s emerald gaze moved gradually from tower to tower, kneeling upon the grounds as she did so in a minor attempt to stay low. Beside her approached Vulper hanging tall, motioning for her rise. Then there came Wesley, approaching as if he owned the land itself, stutting confidently… proudly.
“Alright. The area is confirmed to be secure only within the compound gates, which themselves are in taters. Lots of zombies and Zaherian guards. Security beyond the premise is weak though and damn near non-existent.”
“I would assume it is because they are overconfident,” Alice chimed in as she also walked forth.
“Maybe it’s because they want to keep a low profile to avoid discovery?” Vulper questioned, inquisitively.
“Who knows. It isn’t the most voidance of attention. The trucks are in and out of here on the regular judging by the road’s condition. They’re likely shipping zombies and weapons out of there,” Elise concluded.
“Irrelevant. The Canadians and Americans are ready to storm the place on our word,” another individual commented, moving on forward behind the group with a tablet in hand, “We’ve got the air ducts calculated and snipers are getting ready to get your teams in there. After careful analysis- we’ve confirmed a two minute window between ground sweeps.”
“Thank you Jarrajod. We have warriors on standby from the different factions of the region. Vulfax is ready to lead the charge. I put Belama on standby,” Vulper commented.
“Just try to not march us into a death trap,” Rusty growled from behind.
“Lets get this done then,” Britt finished while moving passed Rusty.
“Right. All of you get into position down under. When we give the signal, snipers will take out the guards and you’ll make your way over. Tony will cut the cage to the vents and you’ll all head in. Use the Echo-Translator to map out the vents and go from there. Try not to fuck this up.”
“Rest assured boss, we’ve got this under control,” Elise replied, eyes at a glance to her right with the slightest of head turns, narrowed as she looked upon Wesley.
Wesley returned a glance, a bit of rage in his own, fire burning within his pupils, “Move.”
Quickly several individuals shot around the group, all of Domino Squadron and much of Vulfax Squadron short of the brothers and Elise. Two other groups also went on their way, dressed in black with guns attached to their backs with clips and holders. Elise herself began to approach the ledge as everyone slid down, then hopped down herself after some casual motions. Both Britt and Rusty followed right after leaving Wesley, Vulper, Alice, and Jarrajod behind watching.
“Snipers ready up,” Wesley muttered into his mouth piece, “Pick your targets.”
“Yes sir.”
Movement on the branches up above, people crouched down with long rifles in hand, scopes attached. Quickly they were risen up and aimed out.
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At the bottom Elise slid down the slope, meeting up behind the brush with around a dozen and a half others. The brothers slid down right behind, all taking up positions as Elise stood at the head with Tony and the other squad leaders.
“Think we can pull this off?” one squad leader asked.
“Easily,” Tony replied, “So long as we all keep it together.”
“Two of you are going to be taking the perimeter. Tony and I are heading in with our teams. Remember, secure whatever the hell they shoot so there isn’t much suspicion.”
“We’ve got that one Lieutenant. I won’t let any of my guys get shot,” the last leader replied.
“Alright, I’m signaling,” Tony murmured, pressing a hand to his ear piece, “We’re green.”422Please respect copyright.PENANA5LsaXukRmi
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“Copy that. Alright, the rest of you, take your targets and set ready. Start with the fucker up top smoking, then his friend. Then that one at the light by the ladder.”
“Locked and loaded. On your command.”
In their scopes, several stood on roof tops in random garb. All looked rugged, unkempt hair on the smoker- long and fluffed into a rats nest, a stone like face. Another stood near with an assault rifle, short hair though very clearly greased.
“You are a go.”
Above Wes, three shots, pops really. The smoker flew back, one shot to the head. The individual beside him flopped over to the side with one right in their throat. The third by the light then took one to the head as well, head thrown back as they flew back and landed on the roof.
“We are clear. They’ve got a minute and a half until the next rotation.”
“Alright. Infiltration Team, you are all clear!”422Please respect copyright.PENANAG9gvADkN16
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“Copy that,” Tony replied, “Squads, move!”
Immediately the twenty-one individuals from the brush shot ahead, scooting across the ground in a mad dash. More barely audible pops, to them at the very least, went. More lights jerked and went off course. Staring up it was clear, seeing those in the smoke stacks go down and flop back.
“Squads two and four, take your positions!” Tony hissed.
Immediately fourteen broke from the group, an exact half. Across the lot they went as some went for ladders and others for crates. Both Vulfax and Domino shot for the cage which held the accesses to the ventilation systems. It took no time at all to close up on.
Tony quickly shot to the head of the group, fire erupting in his palms. Forward they were thrust, flames slamming one of the locks.
“Hurry now Tony, we don’t have all day,” Jimmy muttered.
“I know, I’m on it-”
“Krrrz- hurry up down there, the patrol is on its way early!” came a call over the radio.
“Shit- move over a bit,” Elise growled.
Tony shifted himself and Elise immediately stepped up, both hands out with sparks of white light buzzing out and straight into the locks with the flames. In no time at all the clank of breaking locks could be heard, followed by them clapping onto the ground. Scott and Drake quickly grabbed and pulled the cage right open as both Elise and Tony stepped back.
“Move in.”
The lot rushed in, both brothers closing the gate behind them. Ahead Jimmy grabbed hold of the heads of the vents and yanked. The sound of metal being pulled from metal was quite loud, a sudden jerk though and it was done.
“Everyone into the pool,” he chuckled.
Immediately everyone flew in, Tony at the head with a few of his own, followed by Elise and a mix of the rest. Last was Jimmy who hopped in, slamming the head back on.422Please respect copyright.PENANANcqAZTn0wj
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“They’re in.”
“Good, very good. They dodged the early patrol and should be in the home free so long as they avoid any unnecessary attention. I calculate a seventy-four percent chance at success,” Jarrajod commented.
“Lets hope that your calculations are right. Snipers keep ready. We have two teams out there right now in the danger zone if they are spotted. Captain I want more people on standby to run in in case we have to gun down more of the enemy. We’ll need more place holders to replace the enemy.”
“Copy that.”
“Hmph… best of luck to them on the inside then I guess.”