Things went from zero to one hundred in a matter of seconds. Davis, who was standing back, watched in horror as Adan tripped and grabbed something to stop his fall. That something were tables full of experiments. Adan was on the floor as some black goo his father was working on slipped out of it’s broken jar and landed on his skin. It sounded like it burned because Adan screamed and laughed (Throughout his whole life, Davis still didn’t understand why Adan laughed) in pain, holding the arm in which the goo seemed to turn into a dark stain on his skin. Davis looked over at Julian and knew, even if this accident didn’t occur, that he shouldn’t have messed with the scorpion. The jar cracked open and jumped onto Julian’s wrist, stinging him, then it stayed on. Julian yelped in pain and tried to swat at the scorpion. No luck. Meanwhile, Cassedy did not look ok. Davis got goosebumps just from looking at her. There was a box of needles that tipped over and fell where Cassedy was standing. There were all kinds of needles stabbing her. They weren’t ordinary needles, unfortunately.
Frederick Berithman was collecting some bird DNA for another one of his experiments. He was also collecting metals in liquids. Those were what were in the needles. The scorpion and goo were also experiments. All for different purposes. So, whatever was happening, it wasn’t good.
Davis desperately started searching for the other little girls. Luckily, they were both fine, staring in shock and horror. Brielle began to cry, while Giselle ran towards the fallen fools.
“Are you ok?” she asked the boys when they got up. Cassedy was still on the floor, trying to move. Davis went to help her pull out the needles.
“Yeah,” the boys answered together, still in pain, but it was hardly noticable now.
As Davis pulled out the needles, he thought about his father. He would be mad. Really mad. So mad, you wouldn’t tell the difference between angry and crazy. Davis was scared. How was he going to explain to his dad what happened?
“Brielle! Giselle! Pick up the tables and put everything back on while Adan and Julian recover a bit more! I’ll be here with Cassedy!” Yes. At least his father wouldn’t come into a mess. He would still be mad, but less mad and more angry. The girls nodded and started fixing things.
“We have to go to the hospital,” said Cassedy as soon as they finished.
“NO!” yelled Davis. Everyone turned to him in silence. “We can’t go because these aren’t ordinary injuries! They’re experiments! The doctors won’t know what to do. If you go, there’s a chance they could find out that these are experiments and use it themselves. These experiments are untested. There’s another chance that this may be illegal, and they’d arrest my father and leave me an orphan. I don’t want that.”
“So what you’re saying is these experiments are failures, we could die?” Adan asked.
“But, if it’s a success, we could become superheroes?” he asked excitedly.
“It depends, but that could be a possibility.”
“Dang” was all Adan said with a thoughtful look on his face.
“There’s a chance we could die--” Cassedy started.
She was interrupted by Julian, who was still trying to kill the scorpion. “Shut up. Death comes to the weak. And we aren’t weak.” Then, Julian put a hand over his mouth and pointed at Giselle and Brielle. “Let’s be honest. They would’ve already been dead if they were in our places,” he whispered. They frowned and looked away.
Davis started wondering why his father wasn’t running down here by now. Maybe he’s still asleep. “Well, what we do now is leave quietly and close the door. I’m going to your house for now.”
They left the basement and, on their way out the front door, they found a note from Frederick Berithman saying he had to work with a friend so he would be gone for a day or two. He also warned them not to go to the basement. They left the house, unaware of being watched by angry eyes.