This guy sucks.. He was ashamed of his own father! And that basement. Something smelt fishy about that room. Quite literally. Even from Davis's room, which was on the second floor, I could smell whatever corpses he would hide.. For a scientist's son, his room was pretty plain. It was a white room. Whiter than... paper, I guess. No decoration like posters or anything. The room was filled with drawers, cabinets, a TV, a Switch, and 5 different backpacks. How many schools does this guy go to? Everybody was talking except Cassedy who was watching Davis for an uncomfortably long time. I was standing there, bored outta my mind.
"Hey, Dave. What you got 5 bags for?" I asked.
"Clothes" he said.
Seeing all his drawers, I was amazed. "How much clothes do you have?"
"Not much. Just enough to fill the bags."
"Then what are the drawers for?"
"Just some random 'nerd' stuff you wouldn't be interested in." It seemed like little Davey boy finally noticed he was being watched, so he turned to Cassedy. "Eyeyey! Watch the children, not me!" Dang, this guy gets uncomfortable pretty easy. I wouldn't blame him. If I were stalked like that, I'd probably be in prison for beating the stalker. Maybe they'd go to prison for stalking. Then I'd beat them in prison. Maybe I'd make a big friend to break me out. Welp, I'm getting off topic. Anyways... as I was saying. I wouldn't blame him. I mean many people would get uncomfortable.
"Eyo, Cass, what are you? Obsessed with this guy?" I asked.
She turned towards me so violently, I was surprised her neck wasn't broken. "NO!" she yelled. Davis turned uncomfortably, probably regretting his life decisions.
Adan and the twins turned. "Hey, is there gonna be a fight? I bet the money I don't have, that Julian wins!" Adan said.
Davis got up. "There is no fight." He pointed at me. "Don't be dumb."
Honestly, I felt offended. "The only dumb one will be you after I bash your brains against the wall, frickin Dave!"
He shook his head and grabbed his Switch. "Who wants to play Smash?" Everyone joined him, even Cassedy. I was tired and grabbed a backpack and used it as a pillow. Then I fell asleep.
I stood in emptiness, unaware of what was happening as a square formed. It disappeared. It was then replaced by flashing images of hooded people. Who were they? There was a cyborg guy. I couldn't see much, cuz dreams love messing with you. He turned towards me and glared with the only eye I saw he had. A full out robotic creature came out from behind the cyborg.
"Don't" was all that came out from his hidden mouth. I was about to ask why, until everything warped into the basement door. The odor hit stronger, but it didn't smell fishy anymore. It smelt more than fishy. The smell was unrecognizable. It was almost as if the stalker I was imagining earlier didn't take a bath for his whole life and decided he was gonna eat some rotting fish in the dumpster. All that times 10. I heard "Don't" once again but I needed to know why we couldn't go in. I reached for the door, preparing myself for what might be on the other side. A twist. "Don't." A pull. "Don't."
I swung the door open and looked through. I was looking down at the albino's house. It was as if the basement was located in the sky or something. The house was then enveloped in darkness.
I fell.
"Dang! That was dark," I said as I got up. I looked at everyone. They were talking about Davis's father, except Davis, who was just nodding once in a while, and changed the subject.
"Anyone want lunch?" Everyone nodded.
"Eyeyey! Let's go in the basement!" I called.
"No." Davis was upset. "How many times do I have to tell you?"
"Not enough."
"Why? You got a dead body in there or something?" I asked.
"No!" He looked confused. "My dad will get mad!"
"Where is he?"
"He's asleep."
Cassedy decided she should have a turn to talk now. "Julian, we should respect the rules, ok?"
The twins looked up. "I wanna see what's inside!" they said excitedly.
Adan was just chillin', starin' at everyone. "What if, since the doc's off duty, we go in? We could just look around and not touch a thing, then get back out."
Davis sighed. "Fine. No touching anything."
"Well..." I started.
He looked at me, clearly mad. "Don't" he said.