I stared at the white-haired boy. Squinting my eyes, I made sure he knew of my presence. Just how the hell did you meet my brother?
The twins asked questions that had nothing to do with his persona. "What's your favorite food? What's your favorite show? What's not your favorite show? What's not your favorite food?" They would go on.
"Pizza, Spongebob, Family Guy, and asparagus," he answered.
"Hey, Albino," Julian called. "Where did the 'hey, it's nice to meet you' go? And did you just forget your introductions at home?"
"No, and I'm sorry. My name is Davis. I kind of assumed Adan told you."
"Bro. Assumptions aren't nice, bro," said Adan.
"Bro. You're not nice, bro," Davis said back.
"Bro. Shut up or I'll beat you till you can't 'bro', bro," Julian yelled at them.
"Ok, fine." Davis looked uncomfortable.
I sighed and finally decided to speak up. "So... how'd you meet Adan?" I glared and turned my lips up to a smile. I like to think of it as my murder smile, but I'm not even too sure if it's effective.
"We were in elementary together, when Adan was sitting on a wall, then had a great fall. There weren't any men nor horses. Just a boy, me, that helped him, and yeah..."
"Mhm, and how old are you?"
"I'm 16."
I continued staring at Davis, Should I trust him.
"How come I've never heard of this Adan?"
Adan shrugged. "Cuz you've never asked. Or I forgot. Doesn't matter."
I began with the questions again. "An-"
"No more questions ."
"No more questions." Davis clenched his jaw and looked me dead on the eye.
Psh. As if I'd let him win that easy. "Why?" I stared back into his soul with the same intensity.
Julian interrupted the silence with a sparky remark. "What is he? A mafia lord or something?"
"What? NO." Davis scowled slightly.
I turn towards my little brother. "Wellll, Adan, what do you know?"
"Hey!" Davis began to protest.
"Well, we're probably gonna see his dad. So you'll see anyways. " Adan shrugged.
Davis relaxed a smidge and muttered. "Good point."
We finally arrived.
Julian smiled and stepped forward, placing his fist against his palm. "Well let's invade this place. "
The twins happily chattered about the size of the house, as the rest of us walked in silence. I shivered as I felt a lingering glare. I was probably getting a death stare from Davis for asking my questions. But I won't give him the satisfaction of a reaction. Once Davis opened the door, we were welcomed by the sight of a grumpy man washing dishes.
The man grunted and turned around getting a good look at the "intruders." One look at the man's face and I instantly recognized him. "What's up with him?"
Davis sighed. "That is my dad."
I knit my brows and looked at Davis. This is the kid of the greatest scientist of our day. Wtf!
Suddenly i heard Julian's voice call out from down the hall. "Hey!!"
How the hell did I not hear him leave?
Julian pointed at a set of stairs that led to a basement. "Let's go in there. "
Davis rushed to the door and shut it closed. "No. We can't. It's private. If we go on there I'll be dead."
As much as I disliked the guy, I apologized for Julian's noseyness. "Sorry."
The twins stepped forward.
"What's in there?" Giselle tilted her head.
"Why can't we come in?" Brielle shouted right after the other.
Davis sighed as if done with life. "Cuz, rules. Now let's go."
As we began to walk off, Adan spoke up. "I haven't said anything in a while." He stood in front of the basement door as if engrossed.
"Come on." I sighed and grabbed his wrist.