After Davis was convinced to let us in the basement, we started looking at what we could find. Brielle skipped in excitement, Adan almost giving me a quick punch, Julian almost giving Adan a quick punch, we finally entered.
When we walked inside there were all sorts of things in there, from giant robots to fly cameras and the stereotype stuff like that. “Wow! Look at all the stuff!” my twin had said as she poked a small glass tube which after a few seconds was slapped in the hand by Davis who said “Don’t.”
We would pass by a few robots, the kind that came from the movies. Big pieces of metal with colored patterns, though that was only part of the lab. There were also tiny animals in another part, they seemed to be in some sort of glass, from mice and birds, there was also a scorpion I stared at for a while. Brielle interrupted my time of staring with countless amounts of tapping, hard tapping after three seconds, I can tell she was getting inpatient but so was I so I turned over at her and said “WHAT?!” then she would respond with nothing, then say “Great. I forgot what I was gonna say....”
Afterwards I stopped staring at the lab stuff and started to walk toward Adan and tried to give him another quick punch but ended up punching his eyeball. “Adan I'm soo sorry I didn't mean to do that!!!”
“Eyo! What the frick, man? I care about my eyes and not going blind!” Adan rubbed his eyes.
Julian walked toward the scorpion I was observing earlier and laughed. “You a bug collector or something?”
Davis responded with a “No” and would continue being teased by the teen.
I watched in amusement before turning around to see a small container with some black mist or something, and being the idiot I am, I walked towards it, looked around, then said “No one's watching” and then opened the lid.
As I opened it, I heard Brielle ask “Is there any dog related things?”
She was soon met with disappointment when Davis said no. I looked back at the container, and a small black cat looked up, and we made eye contact. We stared at each other as I imagined multi colored brightness forming in my eyes. It was just so adorable.............
The cat dissolved in midair now leaving me an empty jar. The cat just disappeared! I looked around starting to sweat I looked for something to replace it, the best I could find was a cat model. I stuffed it into the jar and closed the lid. “Sooooo..... anything else you wanna show us?” I said as I slowly walked away.
I turned around and saw a necklace in the shape of a heart, the kind children would draw.
“Oooh! What a pretty necklace!” I said as I reached for the necklace. I stopped to see if Davis was watching.
“You know what I said. Don’t touch anything.” Davis was angrily staring at Julian, who was gonna grab a jar with a scorpion.
I took the necklace. He wouldn’t notice. I shoved it in my pocket to wear later. I turned around just in time to see Adan running towards Julian, yelling “Eyeyey! Don’t touch it!” Literally less than a second later, everything on the tables fell over.